Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« on: June 13, 2011, 05:49:58 PM »Expounding on the theory of Radiants powering their suits differently:
Would the Radiants be inhibited in the amount of stormlight they infuse themselves with like Szeth and Kaladin?
You'll recall that in the book the more they inhaled, they increasingly felt as though the storm would rip them apart.
Granted, the Radiants would be enhanced by the plate, but not infinitely. If they were using lashings they would be massively bound by time. It would be a balancing act of keeping the plate and self infused. The more spent on lashings, the less the plate has.
Personally, I think they use the crystals in the armor/plate as batteries. Instead of directly absorbing the stormlight themselves, they absorb it and then store it in the armor - providing the armor with its glow.
Then they use the stored stormlight to fuel their lashings (or other powers). It's a process that must have been lost - directly using stormlight without having to absorb it first.
Or perhaps there's some sort of hybrid effect when the suit and the user can both use stormlight. We'll see, but I think my battery idea might be fairly close.