Or it could be that Hoid was Adonalsium. Remember when Leras' body fell out of the sky and he was no longer Preservation? Maybe its a similar situation with Hoid, but Hoid survived the "fall". Maybe Hoid/Adonalsium could not hold all that power together and facets of it split off when Adonalsium "fell" and became Hoid.
I'm not sure. Brandon's answer to ANYONE wanting to read Liar of Partinel is "I don't like how it turned out and it spoils way too much."
EDIT: If you dig around enough you can find the first 6 or so chapters of the original version and 3 or so chapters of the rewrite.
Are there any other similar digital copies of Brandon's books out there on the net available to the public? I seem to remember reading about something called Dragonmount very late last night and how there was one copy on some type of internet library (not sure how that works).
I personally loved those first 6 chapters of the Liar of Partinel. The world building was insanely intriguing. What I really started to wonder is if there was a sun and sky, or if the entire world was completely white (much like the "load" rooms in the Matrix movies)? One has to imagine that the sky would be white since it would be reflecting the largest mass color (which is the skullmoss). I didn't like the rewrites very much though.
I understand that most of the concepts in the Liar were cannibalized, but I would give a lot to read more story set in skullmoss land.