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Messages - mikehandy

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:20:10 AM »
Way of Kings hc page 416 line 31:
"The longer her worked"
"her" should be "he"

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« on: September 05, 2010, 10:42:03 PM »
Way of Kings page 207 line 33:

"shafts bristled form the chasmfiend's face."

"Form" should be "from."

Hero of Ages chapter 82, page 716 (paperback):
"Men had believed and worshipped for as long as they had existed"

"Worshiped" only has one p.

Hero of Ages paperback, page 622: I've found two possible typos.
At the end of the first full paragraph: "He was hoping to discover something new in the things men were telling him." This sounds like Sazed is listening to men in general. Should it be "the men" or "these men," or perhaps "the kandra" or "the First Generation"?
Two paragraphs down from that: "'They created the world,' Sazed said. 'Then left?'" That should all be one sentence, so it should probably read: "'They created the world,' Sazed said, 'then left?'"

Pages: [1]