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Messages - CharlesMahan

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: December 22, 2008, 03:01:23 AM »
I think the reason there are no churches in RandLand has a lot to do with the fact that as has been said, the Creator is real and there are plenty of reminders laying around.  Just as importantly, the creator has not expressed an interest in being worshipped.  Only the Dark One has expressed an interest in being worshipped.  At least in this age, there has been only one divine intervention on the part of the Creator, and in that one moment of intervention, the Creator basically said that he would not intervene.  The Creator, the Dark One... they are not elements of faith, they are facts of life.

All that said, I think it's important to remember the Prophet and his rather large following.  They sound like religious fanatics to me.    They are certainly not an organized religion, but they are something of a disorganized religion.  As for organized religions, the Children of the Light and the Aes Sedai probably come the closest to being religious orders.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: December 21, 2008, 05:42:04 AM »
Curious that so many fantasy novels are set in medieval-like settings, yet lack a key part of that culture: churches. 

Wheel of Time isn't really set in medieval-like setting. The tech level and societal level is more or less at that stage that comes right before an industrial revolution.  Indeed I would expect an industrial revolution to occurr early in the fourth age, assuming there is a fourth age...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: December 10, 2008, 07:26:09 AM »
Congradulations on starting a wonderful read.  Keep at it. The first three books will feel very different from book four.  The story will eventually become absolutely vast.  The events of the Wheel of Time are roughly comparable in impact to WWII was for us.  Imagine if someone setout to tell the story of WWII from the viewpoint of virtually all the key players on all sides.  That'll give you a pretty good idea of the scope of the story.  It's an amazingly ambitious undertaking.

The Wheel of Time contains a concept of an Age Lace.  The basic idea is that every person's life is a thread.  Those threads are woven into a pattern as people interact with each other.  In most cases, these threads are allowed to wander about however they like within the pattern.  Every so often the wheel which weaves the pattern churns out a central thread.  A Ta'veren.  This person becomes a focal point in the pattern.  The Ta'veren influences those around him and bends their threads around him.  This bending ripples outward through the pattern and more and more threads are woven together around the Ta'veren.  The more powerfully one is Ta'veren, the more influence that person will have over the pattern.  This weaving of threads around a Ta'veren is called an Age Lace.  I suspect this is a very familiar concept to most writers.

I told you that story to tell you this story ;)  WOT  has always seemed to me to be an attempt to tell the story one Age Lace.  Perhaps the most important and largest Age Lace ever.  Rand al'Thor is probably the strongest ta'veren of all time.  The Age Lace which surrounds him encompasses the entire planet. WOT tells the story of this age lace from the point of view of the players key to every major and most of the minor events which are key to the massive social, political, and military upheavals which encompass the entire globe. 

So yes it is a BIG BIG story.   Jordan made a concious decision to tell the stories of many events which most authors would have occur offscreen and characters to which most authors would make only a passing reference.  It can be absolutely bewildering, especially in later books if it's been awhile since you've read previous books.  The cast of named characters numbers in the hundreds if not thousands.  Some minor characters which only make a brief appearance in early books sometimes reapear later in the story having been wrapped up in the Age Lace.  All that said it is immensely rewarding.  Stories on this magnitude are VERY few and far between and in my experience nobody has ever written in this scope as well as Jordan did before he passed. The story slows down in a few places, in particular shortly after one extremely major event where Jordan spends an entire book showing the ramifications and reactions of various groups to that major event.  As a stand alone book that book seems slow and as if nothing happens, but as a chapter in a much larger book it makes much more sense.

Anyway.  Stick with it, ignore the skepticism.  You won't regret it if you get all the way through.

Oh and a hint to all thikning about starting it up.  Check your local used book stores.  Sometimes you can pick up the entire series on hardback for a few doallars per book. 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Wheel v. Mist
« on: December 10, 2008, 06:56:30 AM »
I've seen mostly a focus on third age channelers.  Let's back it up to second age channelers for a moment to add some perspective.

Accomplishments from the Age of Legends for your consideration:
  • A utility grid consisting of standing flows of the One Power which specially created devices could tap much the way modern electronics plug into the electrical grids during our age.
  • Devices which made use of the standing flows of the One power to do all sorts of things including change the weather, create fabric etc.  Some of these devices did not even need the power grid as they had their own inate ability to do whatever it is they do
  • Some form of flying transport which could be used by non-channelers.
  • Weapons which used the power to allow non-channelers to function much like modern soldiers, complete with flying attack vehicles, and rifle like weapons.
  • Interstellar travel
  • An understanding of the multiverse, and quite probably an undersanding of string theory
  • The ability to instantly travel from one location to another on the planet, and quite probably anywhere
  • Medical care which was considerably more advanced than our own
  • Genetic engineering
  • The ability to create a substance which was quite literally unbreakable by any and all means native to our dimension
  • The ability to literally affect continental drift on an alarming and rapid scale.
  • The ability to raze a mountain range and create new ones
  • The ability to drill down through the crust of the earth and reach the magma beneath
  • The ability to travel to other unniverses and return with species which are not native to our own.
  • The ability, with the right Sa'angreal, for two channelers to destroy the world.
  • The ability to drill through to the Dark One's prison(probably a pocket universe of some variety or other outside the usual realm of the multiverse)

All of these things were possible in the age of legends, although some of them required channelers to link or make use of angreal and sa'angreal which allowed channelers to wield more of the one power than they could otherwise.  With the right Sa'angreal a powerful male channeler probably could pick up a mountain, but almost certainly wouldn't bother as a mountain is hardly the right weapon for the task at hand.

The list goes on and on.  It's not that Saidar and Saidin are "better" than Allomancy, Feruchemy and Hemalurgy.  They are just on a different scale.  Perhaps given a couple of thousand years of time to advance the sciences of Allomancy, Feruchemy and Hemalurgy, some of the accomplishments mentioned above could be replicated, but it is unlikely that this magic system could ever equal the flexibility of channeling.

Now as for someone writing a fanfic to explore the idea.  Good luck.  Getting it right would be very tricky, but as for how Channelers could encounter Allomancers, setting it in the Age of Legends during one of the offworld expeditions a small group of channelers could stumble upon the Final Empire.  A smaller number of channelers means that despite their advanced knowledge, skill and power, they'd still have to tread carefully in a strange world with odd people with the ability to do confusing weird things. 

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