Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: March 05, 2009, 11:32:44 PM »
Sorry but i just have to mention this since in the first 10 pages of this post i didn't see anyone catch this idea... This pertains to the posts about goodkind "stealing, borrowing using etc..." Jordan's ideas. If anyone really stops to think about it almost every story in the fantasy world is borrowed, twisted, copied, or reused to fit the writers idea. What was the first famous fantasy story that was written? Beowulf. A story of a great hero who rises to the challenge of defending a terrified people from evil magic monsters. Almost every fantasy story out there involves Swords, sorcery, armies, love, treachery etc... One of the last truly original fantasy epics to ever emerge was Tolken's LotR. He was the first to truly introduce elves and dwarves, goblins, orcs and implacable evil, outside of folk lore, now look at all the stories about elves and goblins and potent evil. 90% + of the novels out there are all so called "rip-off's" of LotR. But no one says anything. That's the problem with the fantasy world, it has a specific mold, how many "Fantasy" books out there arnt set somewhere in Midevil times? How many don't involve swords and sorcery of some sort? When you break it down to the beginning of an idea for a story they all start out relatively the same. An unknown hero, destined to save the world from some evil force or being wishing distruction or domination. All the heros suffer physical and emotional damage through out the story to "temper" the hero they will become. All involve magic of one sort of another, from ancient power sources from a long dead civilization to the power of creation itself.
Brandon himself has used this mold albeit lightly, his world pre industrialization, swords and horses, armies, wars, love, pain, Magic=allomancy etc... Will you all now start saying that brandon plagiarized his ideas from one or many authors? No i doubt it because his world and storytelling are more unique than most.
Summary of the Rant.
All fantasy novels indeed all novels in a specific genera are going to have similarities and differences, ideas will blend and seem mirror images of each other. What truly makes these books different is the writers style and presentation. Because when you get right down to it they are all the same old story twisted and beaten into a newish idea to express the ultimate battle between good and evil. The story is in the telling, not the ideas that it is based on.
Brandon himself has used this mold albeit lightly, his world pre industrialization, swords and horses, armies, wars, love, pain, Magic=allomancy etc... Will you all now start saying that brandon plagiarized his ideas from one or many authors? No i doubt it because his world and storytelling are more unique than most.
Summary of the Rant.
All fantasy novels indeed all novels in a specific genera are going to have similarities and differences, ideas will blend and seem mirror images of each other. What truly makes these books different is the writers style and presentation. Because when you get right down to it they are all the same old story twisted and beaten into a newish idea to express the ultimate battle between good and evil. The story is in the telling, not the ideas that it is based on.