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Messages - squitz

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: June 04, 2008, 09:43:32 PM »
I don't have any earth shattering insights, having only just read the Mistborn books over this last week but i did want to point out a thought i had after reading through this thread.

When talking about the Inquisitor's spikes it was mentioned that Sazed found spikes of different metals, and that the Inquisitors probably had spikes of all the Allomantic metals. It was a huge post with a lot of detailed information (i think it's on page 9). After reading it the only hole i saw is there can't be an atium spike. Marsh was helping the crew at the end of MB1 (as opposed to the end of MB2 when he is against them) and it would only take a single spike made of atium in one of the several Inquisitors that die at the end of the book to avert the money crisis in book 2. The very start of MB2 specifically mentions that Vin holds the last their atium, and that all they had was what Kell left her and the parts of TLR's bracers that were atium; then it mentions that Elend sold those bracers.

That's all the insight i have. you guys are certainly providing some interesting ideas that are well thought out, and it will be fun to see how close (or far) you all are when the last book comes out.

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