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Messages - Bookstore Guy

Pages: 1 ... 64 65 [66] 67 68 ... 73
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 14, 2007, 02:55:55 AM »
if anyone lives in the Utah area, the Waldens in the Provo mall usually has tons of copies in stock.  A lot of times signed too. 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: What's wrong with everybody's forum name?
« on: December 13, 2007, 12:55:45 AM »
what the flip am I supposed to do?  Not Christmasbookstore Guy Anymore?

Maybe I should just become a symbol like Prince...

Is this where I say what I gave to people after they were done reading Sanderson's works?

Here is the thing, Brandon doesn't really write like other authors, so it's hard to say, "get this, it's like his stuff."  However, that being said, here are the books I recommend people read:

1) Steven Erikson - He is always my #1 (sorry Brandon), but he has the steepest learning curve of any author I have read (with the exception of R Scott Bakker - see below).  He has the complexity of a Martin world, but with an extreme amount of magic.  The first book is Gardens of the Moon

2) Jim Butcher - Dresden Files - Reading about the only Wizard in Chicago's phone book never disappoints.  Fun, fast reads that have managed to get better with each novel, as well as getting more complex with each novel.  The first book is Storm Front

3) George R R Martin - Already mentioned, but worth it again.  The one drawback is some fairly explicit material at times, and his tendency to kill off characters faster than he introduces them, and it takes him forever to publish the next volumes.  However, this is an amazingly well told story that he miraculously pulls off some how from 43985748937938763 view-points.

4) Robin Hobb - Great stuff told from First Person.  On of Brandon's favorite authors.  Cover quoted him for Mistborn 1.  The book to start with of her's is Assassin's Apprentice.

5) John Scalzi - SCALZIIIII!!!!!!!  Beat out Brandon's Elantris for the Campbell Award in '06.  Good stuff.  Fun SF.  First book is Old Man's War.

6) Scott Lynch - Along with Brandon, lost to Namoi Novikfor the '07 Campbell Award.  The main character in his stuff is a con-artist.  Awesomely put-together.  First book is The Lies of Locke Lamora.

7) R Scott Bakker - I love this guy, but I rarely recommend him.  He's really really deep, and pretty graphic.  His story, however, is amazing.  The first book is The Darkness that Comes Before.

8) David Farland - Way cool ideas.  Brandon took the writing class he currently teaches from Dave back in the day.  Dave is also one of the classiest guys I have met from signings.  First book to read is Runelords.

9)My last favorite is James Clemens.  The Wit'ch series is great dark fantasy.  His new series is getting great reviews also.  He also writes fun fiction under the name of James Rollins (Map of Bones).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: December 11, 2007, 03:52:54 PM »
I stalked him down after I read his book for free in the book store i managed.  Wait, does that sound bad?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 10, 2007, 10:30:19 PM »
Personally, i think they should be glad that Brandon isnt 100% up-to-date with WoT facts.  It's more important to have a good writer who can learn than someone who knows the character's waist sizes who is a crap writer.  If they want to see an example of how bad it can go with a bad writer who was close to the source, all they have to do look at the disgusting mess that became of Dune.  Thank goodness WoT 12 is being finished by Brandon.  He will do his best to make the late Robert Jordan proud.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 10, 2007, 10:18:19 PM »
So, from a marketing standpoint, I would think that Tor would use this official announcement to generate more sales.  Do we know if they are going to send out some sort of insert flyer to put in his books to generate additional movement?  If I worked in the store still, I would have had a sign made already stating the news, and made my own leaflets...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 10, 2007, 09:27:58 PM »
So, given the circumstances, here is a fun little story for all of ya.

As many of you know, I stalked Brandon down after Elantris came out.  I was really impressed with the book, and at the time I helped manage the Waldens in Provo.  After being brutally shot down by another author with my request for a book signing appearance, I had small hopes that Brandon would even respond.

The next day Brandon emailed me back (the shear turn-around is a shocker in hind-sight!) saying he would love to meet me.  We met, talked, and scheduled that quasi-famous Black-Friday booksigning where he sold nearly 70 hardbacks.

Fast-forward to the following summer.

I busted by...err...butt to get people excited for the release of Mistborn 1.  We talked Tor into a pre-release event.  When I called Tor and told them I needed 250 copies of the book for the signing, they nearly laughed at me...until I told them that was how many reservations our stor had for it.  I don't even think Brandon thought it would be as crazy as it was.  By the end of the signing and the 2 weeks following, we sold ALL of those copies.  I seem to remember Moshe bowing to me at Worldcon...neat-o!!

After the signing, in a state of shocked amazement at the shear awesomeness-success of the event, I talked with my manager (now the manager in Denver).  Oddly, here is the gist of what I told him:

*loose quote* "This event just proved that Brandon will be big.  A few years from now, when it's all rolling for him, won't it be neat to say that we set up his first big events?  I mean what if he turns into Robert Jordan-like popular?  How insane and cool will that be?...

...Think he'll give us free stuff?"  *end loose quote*

Kind of crazy isnt it?  And now Mr. Sanderson (I said that in the Agent Smith voice), is typing on Mr. Jordan's own computer, emersing himself in a world and tale that he will finish.  Simply awesome...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 10, 2007, 09:06:33 PM »
It's okay, NBGA, I'll still need your help. Us little guys can stick together when Brandon's too big to remember us.

*sniff* guess I better finish that book you emailed me...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 10, 2007, 08:55:28 PM »
yeah, im sitting here at work trying to explain to everyone why this is a big deal.  All i get are blank stares...these people need to read more i swear!

However, all the people who know who Jordan is have the same initial 2 comments.

1)  Holy @#$%
2)  Wow (not in the warcraft sense)

So Brandon, I guess you wont need as much help from guys like me and Ryan for setting up and pushing book signings huh?  I feel so...directionless now...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:44:54 PM »
dude.  whats the time frame they want this done in?  Im in freaking shock.  Im trying to figure out if this is a side effect from the memory loss from my sleeping pill last night...


grats dude!  Though I am not the biggest fan of this series, this is an immense honor for you!  We need to go out and celebrate!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I completely hate fantasy...
« on: December 07, 2007, 04:10:35 PM »
hehehe. There you have it, the perfect cover line for one of Brandon's new books:

"He's not an ass like some authors I know."
--Not Bookstore Guy Anymore

First acknowedgments, now coverquotes...tomorrow, THE WORLD!!!!!  MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I completely hate fantasy...
« on: December 06, 2007, 07:59:03 PM »
BS doesnt BS about that sort of thing.  He's not an ass like some authors I know.  One of the reasons Brandon has had success is because he is genuinely thrilled that people like his stories.  It isnt an easy thing to get published, much less actually sell the books after they DO get published.  So when people have fantastic experiences like the one above (great experience!), many authors love it - like Brandon.  I have had many candid discussions with him over the past few years, and the one thing that he has never EVER complained about is a surplus of great stories of people reading his stuff.  It motivates him.  We have talked often of how reading is in decline, and how awesome it is that his books (along with those of other authors) have motivated people into reading more - my father included.  If I could get anything published at all and have even a 10th of the readers Brandon has and have even one story like the one related above, I would be in paradise.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Denvention 3 - Aug. 6-10, 2008
« on: December 04, 2007, 10:12:46 PM »
sweet!!  now we walk around and have john scalzi appear everytime i mention his name!!

I think Rob (errent) said he was coming.

Brandon Sanderson / Denvention 3 - Aug. 6-10, 2008
« on: December 04, 2007, 09:36:19 PM »
Yeah, that's really what its called. 

The early pre-reg. pricing ends the 31st of this month. 

Who's going?

990 GIVE presents at christmas?  I thought only Sandy Claws did that! 

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