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Messages - Bookstore Guy

Pages: 1 ... 62 63 [64] 65 66 ... 73
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hollywood Speculation
« on: May 30, 2008, 06:14:50 PM »
Good call Ookla - I got a bit ahead of myself.  We'll let Brandon reveal all the "cool" details on Centrifugal when he gets on here.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hollywood Speculation
« on: May 30, 2008, 05:13:06 PM »
I just got done having lunch with Brandon, and he was telling me about his studio tour yesterday and how great the Centrifugal storyboards looked. They've really done a lot to improve the story during the adaptation process!
Hmm. So does this mean that the movie deal is for the Centrifugal story then?? Wow, didn't see that one coming, despite Not Bookstore Guy's link. I mean, that blog didn't mention anything about a movie deal. Also, I wouldn't have guessed that the piece in question was a short story rather than a novel. Verrrry interesting.

I just started reading WARBREAKER 4.2 and I think I'll take a time out to read Centrifugal.  :D

Remember, short stories are much easier to translate into film.  It is much easier to distill down to 1 central idea.  Brandon was really excited to go down there (Hollywood) and see what kind of ideas they had for the adaptation of Centrifugal, but I'm glad he met with Ookla and that he was pleased with the initial ideas.

Ookla - did he say whether they had decided on live action for it or not?

I just try to blot out the 2 major "no-way-in-any-hell-ever-imagined" moments, and I find that for the most part I enjoyed the movie.  I was a little disappointed in in the musical score.  Kinda meh. 

Even with the no-way-in-hell moments, it was still way better than Temple of Doom.  It felt like there were too many characters taking up limited screen time.

I'd agree with 4/6 clocks.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hollywood Speculation
« on: May 29, 2008, 08:00:34 PM »
Brandon confirmed that it was the story Centrifugal.

Spriggan just didn't want to come out and say it, but we are all really excited to see his "first" story come to Hollywood. 

I thought everyone knew this...

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: May 05, 2008, 09:24:23 PM »
sooooo, i fear the latest Kara arc is gonna end up like all the others.  No one believes her, she goes emo, she gets proven right, she goes emo anyway.  Rinse and repeat. 

Other than that, and killing off marine-captain-lady-who-i-dont-buy-for-a-moment, nothing really happened. 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hate Mail????
« on: April 25, 2008, 04:46:35 PM »
Oddly, Mr. Scalzi himself blogged about a similar thing on his website yesterday.  It was a good read...


<Gives Ookla a 'high-five'>

You read my mind.

Books / Free Ebooks - Hugo Nominees
« on: April 21, 2008, 10:56:21 PM »
4 out of the 5 nominees for this round of Hugo awards got together and got permission to give out free ebooks of their nominated works.  This is a great opportunity to read these novels...with a catch.  You have to be a participating member of this year's WorldCon - Denvention 3.

Here is the link for info:

hopefully that works....

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 21, 2008, 03:38:15 PM »
once again, no Sci-Fi channel, saw the episode late.

I was actually kinda left feeling flat after this episode.  It felt like some of the middles episodes in S3.  The segment with Kara was dumb.  They put a half-dozen of the galactica's most important people on a ship with a person (Kara) who they aren't even really sure is a cylon or not.  Cally dieing was bound to happen.  In all, the whole episode felt disjointed/jarring - but not in a good way like the last episode of S3.

So yeah, pretty weak in my opinion.

Though, the civil war is cool so far.  Though that also felt...jumpy.

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 16, 2008, 09:33:32 PM »
yeah, i end up watching these episodes late because the Sci-Fi channel would cost us an extra $30 a month to get.  So, i just watched Ep2.  I find that this is becoming the Baltar Show..and im ok with that.  This last episode was more of a "new beginnings" episode.  Kara whines some more, then gets her way like usual.  its the same plot-line for her as before except now Adama is sending her "in secret" rather than the moron president.  Baltar seeing himself was freaking awesome. 

every interview i've read says that it gets really grim from now on.  from what i gather, people are gonna drop like flies.  I also wonder if there are any tells in that "Last Supper" poster they did. 

I think the Cylon Civil War is great.

As far as the civilization being doomed, who says they wont find more people on earth?  no one knows for certain what is in store for them on earth.  Since this "has all happened before," it stands to reason that this will just complete a cycle, and they will find earth and start anew.  Though, i have a feeling it will be a tad grimmer at the end.

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 10, 2008, 05:00:21 PM »
I totally misread 42's post.  I thought you said there seemed to be more female Cylons than male.  Teaches me not to wear my glasses.

That info about the prequel series sounds interesting.  I also read that it's gonna be more of a "soap-opera" drama.  no epic space battles...sigh.

Now, if you read into that info, the adamas apparently had a hand in the creation of the cylons.  interesting prospect.  My theory:  Starbuck is Zoe.  Loeban (spelling?) was the boyfriend.  Giddyup.  Explains the odd relationship those 2 have, makes flashbacks/pre-memories work.  Explains why starbuck is back from the grave - they didn't have genetic material to make a real cylon of her till they took the...whatever from her on caprica.  Yes, i realize there hole galore in my theory. 

the wilder side:  Joesph Adama is the last Cylon.  And all the adama's are hybrids.  Weeeeee!

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 09, 2008, 03:56:48 PM »
i think the reason for all the female cylons is obvious (at least in the beginning).  they are hawt.  'nuff said.  would anyone really care about the cylon 'models' (heh) if they were terribly ugly? 

actually, of the 11 models introduced, only 4 are female.  but they get a lot more screen time (see hawtness factor above). 

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: April 07, 2008, 09:48:20 PM »
Actually, Zarek is who I think it is as well.  I've ruled out Starbuck, because it's too obvious...and because even the cylons think she is bad mojo (from the Razor miniseries).  The Adamas and the president are out, cause they would have activated them long ago I think.  Baltar wants to be one so bad, that it cant be him.  So I'm left with Zarek, or someone that has already died, or someone new.   They left quite a bit open that intrigues me.  Lee's new position, Tygh hearing the music still, etc.  But what I really want to know is who is "flipping the switch" on these cylons?  The original 7 dont know who the "Five" are (except Xena, but she's..uhh..afk...for lack of a better term).  Is the last cylon flipping the switches?  Or is this mysterious "Cylon God" the one doing it?  I think we are gonna find out that Starbuck is a deity.  Craziness.  That was a great first episode.  Baltar's story was great.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn movie
« on: April 02, 2008, 03:11:47 PM »
The real April Fool's joke was convincing you all that this was a lie...can't wait 'til Lohan makes her Mist-thong debut...hawt.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: New Mistborn One Cover Art
« on: February 20, 2008, 05:18:10 PM »
This is pretty much what I expected being familiar with this guy's art before hand.  I like the hazy quality of it.  To be honest, I actually like the blueish tint that the back has over the picture more. 

As far as the 4.99 on the cover, bluntly, it doesn't matter.  Most of the people who go into a store to buy a book go in being price sensitive.  Especially with this supposed downturn in the economy.  Understand, in this case the 4.99 supersedes the cover art.  The whole purpose of selling this paperback with little to no profit (some even sold for a loss) is to entice the buyer into immediately purchasing the expensive, high-profit hardback of Mistborn 3 .  Or, the purpose is to use this book as the gateway drug into Brandon's other books and to Tor's other authors.  The price is temporary, and will probably be removed from the paperback after MB3 has been out for a bit, at which point the awesome cover art will work on its own.

Im actually very excited to see MB2's paperback cover.  It could be even more awesome than this one.

As far as the knives go - meh.  The 30 of us on the forums who know the difference can shrug and say 'oh well.'  The other 30,000+ who read it will have no clue. 

I'm really happy with this cover.  It's light-years beyond the previous version. 

Imagine the displays at the front of Borders where you have this new cover with an eye-catching price, Elantris, MB2's paperback...thats good stuff...and maybe an ad on it that says, "and, oh yeah, this guy is finishing the WoT series."  The sum will be much larger than the parts.

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