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Messages - Bookstore Guy

Pages: 1 ... 61 62 [63] 64 65 ... 73
Brandon Sanderson / Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« on: September 10, 2008, 05:02:34 PM »
Having managed a book store, I have to disagree with you Ookla (I know, it rarely happens).  This is actually the BEST place for a thread of this SPECIFIC nature.

People like to know what authors will appeal to them after having read a certain author.  I DO think, however, that while posting on this thread, you need to make certain that you are posting "If you like Sanderson, you will like (insert author here) BECAUSE (insert reason here)." 

What I mean is, simply saying what you are reading doesn't actually fit in with the OP's question.  People want to know what they should read BECAUSE they enjoy Sanderson.  Does that distinction make sense?  If you are just posting what you like, they by all means, get the heck out.  However, if you are posting reasons why people may like, say, Rothfuss because you see similar themes or writing techniques, then that is fine. 

Please remember, a lot of book sales are done through recommendation.  But, it has to be done intelligently - not just a list of what you think is neat.

For example, I would never recommend Brooks, Eddings, or Paolini (read: rip-off of the prior mentioned authors and Star Wars) to people who read Sanderson if they are over the age of 14.  They dont have the depth, technique, or intelligence to match Sanderson's novels.

In my experience, many people who read Sanderson's novels tend to gravitate towards the following (note: there are exceptions to all of these):

Guy Gavriel Kay - Something about the settings, and politics seem to strike similarities.  In addition, he is an author that Brandon recommends.

Steven Erikson - He's not for everyone.  But the people who like the intelligence and depth of Brandon's work, and who want even more, really dig this guy.  He is my personal favorite.  I actually sold more of his novels than i did of Brandon's (which says a hell of a lot).  I think more Erikson readers will read Brandon's stuff after reading the 3rd MB novel.

George R R Martin - There will be an endless debate over this and the, uh, appropriateness of some of his writing.  However, it was hard for me to ignore that readers tend to like both.  I think more Martin readers will go for Brandon's stuff after reading the 3rd MB novel.

Patrick Rothfuss - They are friends.  They like each other's work. 

Scott Lynch - Locke Lamora is a great novel.  The similarities begin with the heist theme that is introduced in Brandon's MB1.  They diverge after that, but people like them both for the Heist theme.  Beware of language in this book.

Abercrombie - All that you've heard is true.  This guy is great.  Really, he is a 2nd tier "if you like Brandon" book.  The reason being that he is more of a variation on the grittiness and humor found in Martin and Lynch. 

Those are a few people I recommend "If you like Sanderson's novels."  There are more, but it all is very dependent on what you do and DON'T (very important - arguably more important than what you DO) like.

So, I, Not Bookstore Guy Anymore, approve of this thread.

As long as you do it my way.  Because that is the correct way.

The End.

i always wondered how i got that Fell point...

all i can think of is either my general awesomeness and ability to verbal slap people.

or it could have been the awesome prank Ookla and I played on you all...

...nah, general awesomeness.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn: The Retirement Years
« on: September 09, 2008, 08:49:14 PM »
I remember having a similar discussion about these things with Brandon a while back.  The evolution of the Mistborn world.  From the original trilogy to a modern-ish setting (and urban fantasy setting kinda).  Then from the modern-ish setting to SF.  we discussed all sorts of evolutions.  the SF ones were the most thrilling to chat about.  this was a LONG time ago.  maybe before MB1 was in stores...

« on: September 03, 2008, 08:37:34 PM »
If by free you mean you pay 27.95 at a bookstore where he is doing a signing, then sure.  Seriously, what the frak? 

Brandon has always gone above and beyond by helping people who live in other states get signed (and yeah, even numbered) copies of his books.  He has released books on his website for free.  Tor has released his books for free.  His paperback for MB1 was discounted so you could have a discount on that 27.95 MB3 hardback.  For frak's sake, I hand-sold over 1000 copies of his books, set up his 3 most successful signings, and was his quasi-TA for his class.  I still pay for copies of his books.  And I do it gladly.

The End.

Spriggan - lock this thread.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Have you guys read Mr. Sanderson's books?
« on: August 21, 2008, 05:09:54 PM »
He has a earlier free book he is working out called Warbreaker?

It isnt an earlier book.  It is a newer book.  It is being released next summer.  If you want to read his earliest published book, read Elantris. 

Warbreaker is good stuff.  Once it has gone through all the polishing and final edits, it will stand nicely with his other novels.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: MR. BRIAN SANDERSON (please read)
« on: August 21, 2008, 05:06:24 PM »
So yeah, what schneb said.  Read that through a time or two.

I'm not gonna bother with debating the coolness (or lack of) of the Kindle.  That's a personal preference. 

The thing that really has me going, "huh?" is the fact that you are deciding on whether or not to read the 2nd Mistborn book based off of some random person's opinion on Amazon.  I mean really, you read the first book right?  And you like it right?  So why the heck would you doubt your own tastes and NOT read the 2nd book.  I've read all 3.  The 2nd book is better than the 1st in my opinion.  The 3rd book is the best of the 3.  I'd say the $8 investment in the paperback of Mistborn 2 is more than worth it.  I used to manage a bookstore, and people tended to really like book 2.

Remember, Brandon was a finalist for the best new fantasy author (the Campbell Award)...TWICE.  He is a great author, and his books are great.

Please dont get me started on comparing Brandon to Dan Brown.  Brandon writes Fantasy (aka. Does what he wants in a world he made up), Dan Brown writes garbage.

You are right, Warbreaker isnt perfect.  It also isnt through the last rounds of editing, nor is it published (it hits the shelves next year).  His whole purpose for putting it up there for free download at its early stages was so that people can see how he works, and so he could get feedback in a different way.  Also, it never hurts to self promote, and give people a free taste of your work so they get excited about what you do. As far as putting it on the Kindle, I'm not sure he can at this point due to his contract.

From a different standpoint, I might add that no book is perfect.  You can always pick out things.  I'm glad there are no perfect books, because then there would be no incentive for authors to write if they couldnt be 'perfect.'

Brandon makes a good living as a writer.  He also is very smart with his money (or should I say, his wife is very smart with their money lol).  I'm not quite sure what your intention is for that question, but Brandon has put in a lot of hard work to establish himself so he doesnt have to work a "real job" like me.  lol.  He does fine.

Music / Re: Cool Concerts
« on: August 15, 2008, 04:33:29 PM »
Thus far I have managed Incubus (twice), Our Lady Peace, Hoobastank, No Doubt, Depeche Mode (twice), Stabbing Westward, and Creed.  They were all good.  But the main event types I saw were:

U2 - They were amazing live.  Won the $135 tickets off the radio.
311 - So freaking good.  The last vestiges of Bob Marley and the Wailers opened.  So good.


Jamiroquai - House of Blues in Vegas.  The best show ever.  Played updated arrangements of their old songs, and killer versions of their new stuff.  My wife and I are considering a trip to Europe to see them again.

Movies and TV / Re: Sword of Truth trailer
« on: August 04, 2008, 03:45:15 PM »

You know the creators of the George R R Martin series just heaved a collective sigh of relief and looked at each other saying,  "Hell, there's NO WAY we could possibly do worse that that!"

This is full of so much fail.  Epic fail.  It's fitting.


I started this series the other day.  It has a similar feel to Locke Lamora for me - which is a good thing.  The torturer is an amazing character.  Actually so far I am a little bored by Logan.

Most people I have talked to say that Book 2 is much better than 1.  Since I only import Steven Erikson, I wont get The Last Argument of Kings till September when its released stateside.  What I actually found most interesting is that Lou Anders over at Pyr picked this up rather than another publisher.  This really isnt the kind of thing he usually grabs...

Video Games / Re: TWG on WoW
« on: July 21, 2008, 09:20:09 PM »
If I were a sane person, I'd let you have my account.  But as it is, both me and my wife are having too much fun in BT.  Luckily, we only play 2 days a week for our 25 man raids.


my wife:

Movies and TV / Where's The Dark Knight review?
« on: July 21, 2008, 09:12:50 PM »
I kinda expected one already...

That said, the movie was awesome!  My only complaint was who died at the end.  Wasted opportunity.

Chris, it looks like those guys who's email I gave you are prolly gonna take you up on the offer.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's new paperback releases
« on: June 17, 2008, 03:29:57 PM »
Not sure if people are still having trouble finding copies of these books, but if you are in the Salt Lake City area, the Borders across from the Fashion Place Mall has on the the least I think it is one of the displays.  I gotta say, I expected a little more out of Borders than what I saw...actually, I didn't.  I should be happy they pulled their collective heads out of the sand to do something at all. 

Anyways, the Borders had quite a few paperback copies of both volumes.  The were morons and placed the display facing away from the door entrance, behind their customer service desk, and the Thriller section.  What can I say, intelligence was never that manager's strong point.  I was gonna take a picture, but I didn't consider it picture worthy.

Ookla - sent you a PM - gimme a shout.

Movies and TV / Re: BSG Season 4 -Spoilerific!
« on: June 13, 2008, 10:45:51 PM » we have to wait until 2009 for the 2nd half of the final season.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hollywood Speculation
« on: June 02, 2008, 06:53:27 PM »
<wicked laughter> I had far too much fun with this for it to be healthy.  Ookla, you were brilliant with your comments!  But yes, it's time to not be so delightfully wicked.  The comments about Centrifugal by Ookla and myself were just a joke - but a good one at that! </wicked laughter>

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