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Messages - Oseleon

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Rants and Stuff / Re: Guide bad guys should follow.
« on: May 13, 2005, 11:34:44 AM »
Thats just a knee-jerk reaction I have to all legendary relics of the past.  

You should have seen the ruckas I caused at the Liberty Bell

Rants and Stuff / Re: Guide bad guys should follow.
« on: May 13, 2005, 11:32:46 AM »
Ah the Evil Overlord list
That is a true piece of on-line history
older than the Internet itself

Legend has it, that it began on a use-net list... Much like the BOFH Tales..
Over time, the simple top 10 list was added to by other members of that usenet list.  In the deep places of the net, where the pure go not, there lie versions with over a thousand listings!  Though some of those repeat.

Over time, the list has passed from group to group to group
each exchange, helping to shape it more... It has had many masters, even G. Gordon Liddy has quoted it.  
And now, it has come to the TWG.

The list must be destroied!  But none of us posess the craft to destroy it!  Only in the flame-wars of Usenet, where it was forged, can it be unmade.  
One of us, must do this.....

Rants and Stuff / Re: Save the M-Machine
« on: May 13, 2005, 11:25:04 AM »
Quite the piece of 80s hardware

And the scary thing is, my thought was

"Wow that looks like a nice piece of state-of-the-art Hi-Fi

do they even HAVE Hi-Fi any more?

Everything Else / Re: How stupid?
« on: May 02, 2005, 03:21:16 PM »
Actualy, The baloon guy had a BB gun and he survived, but was jailed for the commotion it caused.  

Mythbusters Recreated the event for TV a few months ago.  

Suggestions Box / Re: Cessation of discussion
« on: May 02, 2005, 03:14:48 PM »
Semantics is the last refuge of a lost argument.  

SE, I welcome you to come at me full bore in any topic I post.  I doubt you or anyone here has what it takes to get "under my skin"
I do wonder HOW someone could let an internet post get under their skin at all...

Suggestions Box / Re: Cessation of discussion
« on: May 01, 2005, 01:50:44 PM »
My personal opinion is that the only requirement to solve the problem is...
Thicker Skin

Honestly, saying "quilting is stupid" is diffrent than saying "people who quilt are stupid"
Lots of smart people do dumb things.  

Taking such rich offense is just going overboard.  

Fact is, around here
I feel like I can only add a "me too" post to any topic, otherwise, I would inadvertantly offend someone for some ODD reason and cause some lockage.  

As it stands, I would never attempt to discuss
Terri Schivo
Secular Europe
US Foreign Policy
Papal polotics
Michael Moore
Anne Coultor
Star Wars Cannon (EU vs Movies)
and others..
On this board.  The chance of someone manufacturing a reason to be offended is too great.  My personal opinion is to not lock the threads when they get heated unless the content is OBVIOUSLY offensive, not just what ONE person CLAIMS is offensive... as it stands now we have threads locked out of fear of the Tyranny of the minority

Everything Else / Re: Blood and Marrow Donation
« on: April 29, 2005, 02:10:33 PM »
Please get tested for marrow donation as well,  
THATS the biggie...

Suggestions Box / Re: Cessation of discussion
« on: April 29, 2005, 01:43:40 AM »
I'm sorry, but I just went back through "Cookie Rehab" and "Urge to Kill"
I really dont see why they were locked
"Cookie Rehab" seemed to be people assuming personal attacks when none took place
and "Urge to kill"...
I have no clue why that was locked.  It was an intresting thread.

Everything Else / Re: Is Anybody Out There?
« on: April 28, 2005, 05:29:53 PM »
Meanwhile, they all laughed up their sleeves thinking about when the time comes to construct your living will, to file your probate, or when your wife leaves you.

Nice attempt to Straw-Man me

Close the schools temporarily and there would STILL be plenty of practicing lawyers to do all these things
The problem is not the existance of lawyers,
Its TOO MANY Lawyers.  

Reduce the herd..

Everything Else / Blood and Marrow Donation
« on: April 28, 2005, 05:27:15 PM »
 used to donate blood a couple times a year.  However, due to my medical history, I am no longer eligable to donate
At the same time, I have a better understanding of how important those donations are.
My Birthday is May 22.
As a gift, I am asking any who are able, to register with the NMDP for possible Bone marrow donation
Is a list of donation centres, but your doctor can test as well.

Just donate Blood, any local hospital has a schedule when you can come in and donate... And you get free cookies!  

So, Thats what I am asking for for my B-Day, Blood and Marrow <-- FAQ on Blood donation <-- FAQ on Marrow donation

Suggestions Box / Re: Cessation of discussion
« on: April 28, 2005, 05:23:47 PM »
I saw a fight brewing, and wanted to stop it before it started.

I mod another forum and that is just a foreign concept to me
People fight
People CAN have fights w/o it turning into uninteligable flame wars

Here, I feel reluctant to post a contrasting opinion because I might get modded.  
I have seen threads locked JUST as they grew intrestig.  I have OFTEN wanted to put my 2 cents in only to find the thread locked...
I have seen people take offense at commentsa I would never have thought twice about.  
Maybe I am from a rougher internet neighborhood, But I did think some of the mod-choices here were excessive

Everything Else / Re: Just what English Teachers have been waiting f
« on: April 26, 2005, 03:45:50 PM »
Despite what may be common myth "Fat Lazy Americans"
The USA has a massive work ethic that is surpassed only by a few (Japan)
We work more hours with fewer holidays than most Europian or other 1st world nations... and we never seem to be satisfied that we are doing enough.  

Overtime Culture is a big part of the White-Collar world, If you are not putting in 10-20+ Hours beyond the normal 40, in many companys you are seen as a "slacker" or a "clock watcher"

In Blue Collar, many families cant make bills without the 1.5x overtime pay suplement to their checks.  

I have been working 45+ hour weeks for my last 2 jobs, starting in 2001.  Recently, I have been billing 50+ hours a week, and that dosent include time on "homework" like Research and reading documentation.  

In the past 4 years, my only vacation was my 1 week honeymoon and MAYBE a long weekend here and there.  When I left my last job, I was shocked when I got my check for my vacation time that I had saved up! I had tons of time, I just felt guilty about taking it, so I never did.  

It wasnt guilt out of loyalty to my company either.  It was that we were always understaffed and swamoped, so I didnt want to drop a larger workload on my co-workers while I was on a beach somewhere.  

Its the "American Work Ethic" and I dont think I am an exception.  (I do take issue with the term "Protestant work ethic" as a Catholic ;p )

Remember that America was founded by the Europian Merchant and working classes, any Aristocracy in the US was self-made.  Add to that, the Depression and the desperation to work, followed by FDR's "Arsenal of Democracy" Productivity drive and you give birth to the Production obsessed culture in the USA that has evolved today

Everything Else / Re: Is Anybody Out There?
« on: April 25, 2005, 01:51:53 AM »
And dont feel bad.  
One of my best friends from Gradeschool on is in lawschool and I gave him the same speech while onboard an L train through Boston's Student District (The entire train was packed with Law Students)

I also loudly stated that all US Lawschools should be closed for 10-20 years to allow nature to "thin the herd" before new students were allowed to study law

Video Games / Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2
« on: April 23, 2005, 04:29:52 AM »
need bigger maps if you are going to have aircraft

Need to release the SDK to allow user created maps

Cut Back the throughput and bring the netcode down to a reasonable rate so that typical gamers can host a decent game on a T1
(Battlefront had a 50k per player rate, in comparison CS is 5k)

Everything Else / Re: Is Anybody Out There?
« on: April 23, 2005, 04:24:39 AM »
I am sure that as individuals, MOST Lawyers are moral, ethical and upstanding

That said
In this country there are FAR TOO MANY Lawyers
There HAVE been too many Lawyers for some time
Excessive Lawyers tend to make work for themselves by over litigation of EVERY aspect of Life
This nation's foundation becomes more about the Wording of the law and less about the spirit/feeling behind the wording

Too many Lawyers DO Hurt this country, regardless of the lawyers aim

Therefore, those who have chosen to add to this problem by becoming lawyers in the past decade or so.... have (Probabaly unknowingly) Assisted in the downfall of the USA.  

This is just my opinion.  

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