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Messages - Bookstore Guy

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Still, it is good to see that themes such as these are more prevalent in other works by Mr. Sanderson. I feared for some time that this sanitation was somehow related to his personal beliefs, to some idea that it was sinful (what do I know?) to put such things on paper for others to read. I hope he knows that internal observations about various people's calves, bosoms and shoulders is an important part of Robert Jordan's narrative style.

oh they most definitely are.  Brandon's big thing is that he want everything to be helping the plot and story along. In Mistborn, I just dont think it would have added much. It doesnt have to do with his personal religion, its more of a "does this actually fit here?" kind of thing.  Just remember, more sexuality (in any form) doesn't make a story better or more realistic just because it is there. I still maintain there needs to be a plot-centric point to it all.

As for the YA feel, I 'm not sure I completely agree. I mean, YA isnt tame. In fact it is often way worse than adult stuff. It's all in the context.

As for WoT, of course he will be faithful to the Jordan-style observations. He has mentioned it before, and he actually mentioned it to be over dinner once (we have general discussions on the place of sex in novels periodically).  Have no fear.

The trilogy wasn't about romance, and sex, or anything like that. It was about the heist, and the seige, and the destruction of Ruin.

well, lets not get carried away. Book 2 has an amazing romantic tension to it. Sazed's sections in this regard were great, and that bit carried his entire plotline into book 3. But yes, the main themes are the heist, martyrdom, and "bad guy won." The romantic themes were pretty mellow.  I mean, who cares if if Elend thinks Vin has sexy legs every 3rd chapter when they have Inquisitors trying to hack them to bits. I just dont think this was the right story for much more romance.

Ookla isnt my boss, and i doubt he wants to torture himself by working where I's...awful... /cry

Oh i think some tangentially related material is ok, but we are to the point where we are arguing religion and sex - two subjects that people can never agree on - just like pizza toppings. The thing that bothers me is a perceived tone to some of your responses. They can seem condescending and rude. this just seems like endless bickering using reworded arguments. I participated, so im just as guilty as the rest, but there's no point to it anymore.

Shaggy - that's crazy they teach Latin there. Of course, I came from Sacramento where the education system doesnt really exist...

Marsh likes marshmallow pizza, and he thinks the aroma is sexy.  See.  I'm totally fine.

once again, what does all this have to do with the price of food in China? This thread has turned into a thread of constant bickering and "i'm more correct than you" with a good measure of word twisting thrown in.

This thread's title says "Sex and sexuality in the Mistborn Series...missing?" The only thing missing is the actual discussion on that topic. I purposely threw the pizza bull crap in there because it has as much relevance to Elend and Vin's fake world and culture as do the last 4 pages of conversation.

If people want to use the same repetitive arguments to endlessly tell others how wrong they are, then move the thread somewhere else other than Brandon's forum.

for frak's sake...


Steve, we DID go out for pizza at Worldcon. Or at least we ate pizza simultaneously at the same location. And I like pepperoni, but as it was one of THOSE types of pizza places where it's easier to eat quickly if you just order plain cheese, that's what I got.

that's right, you were with us at the hole-in-the-wall-utterly-awesome-place.


...just preposterous.

oh yeah?! well, as they say in Scrubs, "So is your face." (Works every time...heh).

(good job on the Female Pink Unicorn, by the way. lets not be sexist here.)

my Pink Unicorn's thoughts are better than yours Ookla.

there, i leveled up.

Cynewulf, I see you're ignoring substantive replies to your claims. If you're going to do that, you should just stop posting in the thread. No one here is interested in you using it as a pulpit instead of a discussion thread.

If you're going to bash Cynewulf, spread the love. Plenty of other comments definately had the feel of the "holier than thou" attitude.

my Pink Unicorn is holier than thou, and he (yes, he) says that a cheese pizza is permissible since that's the kind my wife will often eat.


and that ends this thread perfectly.

The end.

dont worry, dogs and cats dont taste bad, and i never died from it.

i bet the cats are fat  there because they make their sausage out of them instead of USDA Approved Pink Unicorn Sausage.

Cynewulf, I see you're ignoring substantive replies to your claims. If you're going to do that, you should just stop posting in the thread. No one here is interested in you using it as a pulpit instead of a discussion thread.

yes, yes, Ookla, but what pizza toppings do you favor? i dont think you and I went out for pizza in Denver, or i'd already know.

Pink Unicorn Sausage ;)

You are my hero.


Wait I think I missed something–what's with the Pink Unicorns?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

its ok Shaggy, nobody seems to want to respond to my earlier Pink Unicorn comment. im a sad panda.  just scroll back a tad.

Though really, we all know that sausage and mushrooms is the way to go. Sausage can also be substituted for bacon.

bacon is full of win.  Dan Wells would agree.

I feel the same way with Badkind, it's, more or less, completely useless in his books.

I approve of the use of my coined phrase in this sentence.

Sex is O.K. if it helps move the plot along, I believe someone said that that is how GRRM used it in A Game of Thrones. I disagree. How does describing Daenerys (or whatever her name is) different sexual encounters with her husband in rich detail move the plot along at all?

So do you disagree that sex is ok if it is integral to the plot? or do you just disagree with Martin's use of it (specifically the Daenerys...encounters)? I think that Martin tends to go a bit overboard even if i do love his stuff.  They same can be said of R Scott Bakker, though his uses are almost all essential to the plot.  Badkind? He's just, that word perfectly describes him while using his name...

Since im pretty sure our various religions have nothing to do with how Vin and Elend interacted in Mistborn, I say we stop bludgeoning the dead horse. This is worse than asking people to agree on the "best" pizza topping.

It is amusing to hear something as mundane as pre- or extramarital sex being referenced as a "risk".

saying that sex is mundane is a very desensitized view of something that many consider sacred. opening yourself up to the degree that you are willing to share that level of intimacy with someone is definitely a risk.

besides, this has nothing to do with Pink Unicorns.  lets get back on topic.

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