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Messages - Bookstore Guy

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 [56] 57 58 ... 73
Movies and TV / Re: Watchmen
« on: March 12, 2009, 06:09:39 PM »
yeah, I think the more adult, darker-themed comic movies are firmly established now. and it wasn't just Dark Knight and Watchmen that have pushed that out there. You also have to look at Sin City and some aspects of 300 - though DK and Watchmen DID kind of cement the staying power of the style of films.

Dan is right of course, after seeing the portrayals of Batman, Joker, Rorschach, and even Iron Man, I think more big time actors are going to consider these parts, and lesser-knows are going to look for that defining part that they can make their own. I think movie-wise, we are in a good spot.

TV is a different matter...

As for some of the content in Watchmen, I really had no problem with Dr Manhattan and his nudity. It was SLIGHTLY over-done, but I think it showed well his losing touch with the human race and the sensibilities included. This detachment led to the other sex scene, which while im never a fan of nudity, I felt the whole situation felt very awkward and 1st-time-ish - which is how it was supposed to feel. I felt it was very in character. As for violence, I cringed, but felt it all was for the purpose of showing character. Frankly, the ending was the biggest problem with its logic holes - though I still thought the ending was fine. Just my opinion though.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 12, 2009, 04:27:59 PM »
I almost feel kinda sad that more people didnt get the Star Wars reference...

My rhyming mockery was one of my better moments.

Let me explain my disdain for Terry "Terribad" Badkind. I started reading his books because they looked similar to Jordan's. Book one was rather cliche, but I forgave that because I didn't know any better. However, I began noticing a pattern even in my ignorance. Richard doubts everyone--> finds obscure prophesy--> prophesy fulfilled causing more distrust--> random rape sequence -->Richard saves the day on accident-->The end--> return to step one.  I cant stand that the character never learns. He is the luckiest bastard in the history of fantasy novels.

excuse me: "non-fantasy" novels.

The moment an author alienates the people who reads his books, I throw any respect for him out the window (not that I had much in this case). Then came the day when he said his novels weren't fantasy, and did not hold any of those genre cliches. Really? Dragon? check. Magic Sword? check. Boy king growing up from abject poverty? check. Prophecy? check. His FATHER is the BAD GUY? BIG CHECK. I can keep going.

The point is this: if anyone want to read his novels, giddyup. hey at least you are reading - a thing that I wish everyone would invest time in. However, my personal opinion is that there are better authors to read. Specifically, there are authors out there who treat their fans with the respect they deserve, and who don't make a mockery of the fantasy genre and those who read it.

Now, with that out of the way, I am currently reading Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie. I had hoped to be in the middle of Bakker's The Judging Eye, but the bookstore didn't have the copy they said they did, so I had to Amazon it. I just got it the other day - it's a very good looking book.

Also. I received my collector's edition of Erikson's Gardens of the Moon on Tuesday. It looks AWESOME!

Books / Re: review: Brisingr
« on: March 11, 2009, 06:32:22 PM »
I once had a conversation of this nature. I asked about the meaning of life and the response I got was:

"Gurgle gurgle rustle gurgle rustle rustle."

It all seems so simple now...

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 11, 2009, 03:59:22 PM »
Insulting my intellect for being honest in my dislike for an author and his "not-fantasy" series seems a bit ridiculous. I don't like him, and I think his books are garbage. I have always said this, and I have always been very up-front about my opinions whether here or when I was at the bookstore. I haven't insulted your intellect (or any other reader's) because of your likes or dislikes, so I suggest you refrain from it yourself.

Movies and TV / Re: Watchmen
« on: March 10, 2009, 10:52:03 PM »
if youd ever play TI with Nick and I we could discuss, but noooooooooooo...

Dan Wells / Re: Reviews
« on: March 10, 2009, 10:48:31 PM »
My Review:

Hoorays for the book!

The End.


Music / Re: What are you Listening to?
« on: March 10, 2009, 06:48:28 PM »
I'm listening to the new U2 album. I like it better than the last 2 they put out, but it isn't Achtung Baby by any means. No Line on the Horizon does have a lot of the vibes from Achtung Baby, but it also pulls in some of the more traditional Edge-style guitar riffs.

Over all, I like it.

Next on my list to wait for is Depeche Mode (not expecting much to be honest), 311 (thank heavens), AFI (sweet!!), and Jamiroquai (they better release this soon or I will go insane).

Music / Re: lip synching
« on: March 10, 2009, 06:43:06 PM »
late to the party - oh well.

another aspect of lip synching that i have recently changed my thoughts on is the following:

if a singer is terribad, would I rather listen to a mixed-cleaned-altered-sung-by-another-person song, or the awful rendition in the person's real voice that makes me wonder if the Apocalypse has come and I am in Hell?

Answer: if they absolutely MUST be out and about pretending to be good (yes all you pop-blond-divas, i am looking at you), then please yes, don't actually sing. It is hazardous to the health of the populace.

That is all.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 10, 2009, 06:33:03 PM »
I think that the true Wizard's First Rule is, "These are not the fantasy books you are looking for. Move along."

Movies and TV / Re: Watchmen
« on: March 10, 2009, 06:29:49 PM »
I kinda felt Ozy was a little flat. Other than that I was good with them.  Rorschach was awesome. Comedian was awesome. I personally thought Nite Owl II was great as well - I liked his persona change from normal dude to Nite Owl a lot.

I also think had they gone with the comic ending, it would have turned off more people. There IS a small hole in the logic of the new ending - first with Dr Manhattan, and then with Ozy (his was more of a character hole imo). I super enjoyed the prison scene.

Writing Group / Re: Writing Excuses Branding Writing Prompt
« on: March 09, 2009, 06:10:46 PM »
Marking or Marketing?

Movies and TV / Re: Watchmen
« on: March 09, 2009, 06:07:57 PM »
well, the director's cut is only going to add about a half hour. then an extended cut will include some of the Black Freighter stuff. My hope is that the extra footage will be added at the end to make the impact of the finale more meaningful. it was too choppy and lacked punch.

i did think the movie was good though.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Official Release of AMoL in Denmark
« on: March 09, 2009, 06:01:54 PM »
Cynewolf - to a degree you are correct. Conventional marketing may not be NEEDED. The reader base is very large. However, a lot of what Ookla says makes a ton of sense. While many readers realistically might not be confused, why take the chance? I say this mostly from a business and marketing PoV. If you can guarantee that people won't be confused, then you should take that chance - especially with the state of the current book industry.

And no, my previous comment wasn't directed solely at you. It was more of a general comment so people didn't say, "ah crap, maybe no Jordan book this year?" Pacifying the masses, my friend. Pacifying the masses.

Though I do wonder which marketing convention they will ultimately use. I can see either way.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Official Release of AMoL in Denmark
« on: March 06, 2009, 11:04:12 PM »
November will be the release month.

Tor has promised that the book would be released this year (or a portion of it as we all assume). To release the book in any other month besides October or November would cost them money. October and November are the prime release slots for books - November being better than October.  December - March is the bad time. So, if the book is being released this year (which is very likely given that brandon is re-revising the first 400K), it will be released in October or November. My guess, seeing as this is kind of a huge monetary deal, is that they put it in the most prime spot possible - November.

The hardcover of this book alone will pull in 30 million dollars just in the English language. Do you really think they dont want that this year? given this economy?

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 06, 2009, 10:57:07 PM »
Terry Who?

Terry Poo.

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