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Messages - Bookstore Guy

Pages: 1 ... 51 52 [53] 54 55 ... 73
Books / Re: My readthrough of WoT
« on: March 26, 2009, 05:37:20 PM »
To be honest, when i read that. I wished i had read new spring first of all. Not in publication order
Havent you herd of StoryLine?

Yes I have heard of a storyline, and I'm reading it in the order it was published by Robert Jordan and Tor. Frankly, i got more enjoyment out of reading New Spring by reading it after book 10. He uses tons of terms that don't appear in the series for a bit, and seeing Moraine as a newbie would have hurt EotW for me. The mystery surrounding Moraine and Lan would have been destroyed, as would have a measure of my respect. If he wanted it read first, he would have made it book 1.

Books / Re: Best book you've ever read...
« on: March 26, 2009, 03:57:54 PM »
Goes on too long and the cover art sucks... where have I heard that before??? 



Books / Re: My readthrough of WoT
« on: March 26, 2009, 03:56:53 PM »
As Brandon and I have discussed, read them in the order of publication. Read New Spring after you finish book 10.

ryos has the right of it, and miyabi has a good point as well. they will split it in a way to get a ton of money. two is pretty obvious. three will make people angry, but not angry enough to cause any significant loss in monetary value. personally, i think splitting it in 3 would be crappy towards the readers.

lets analyze the post:
1) Cover Art: Could be a mock-up. After all, WoT covers historically are terribad, and this totally fits that mold.
2) Wording: Doubtful that it is true. The sequel to Crossroads? Nope. Brandon's name as big as Jordans? Sorry, I doubt that (but hey, good for Brandon if it goes that way!)
3) Released in November with subsequent parts (more on that later) the following November(s): This is prolly a fact. November will gross the most cash for Tor.
4) Trade only release?: Utter horse-crap. Won't happen. Period. There will be a hardback release which will sell for $30. The idea of a trade costing $22 EUR is way out there. I mean, you do realize that Hardbacks of this big time novels go for $20 EUR right? I wouldnt be surprised at a trade release in the UK, but like I said before, it will be 13-15 EUR not an idiotic 22, and it will be in addition to a Hardback
5)Number of Volumes: 2? Guaranteed. 3? could happen. just think about it. the book is gonna be 750K words long. that is HUGE. Even in 2, that's 375K each, which is huge. you split in 3, that gives you 250K each. still a large novel, but way more manageable. who know? you might not support it being released in two books (or three) but it will happen, and it would have happened regardless. Sure, Tor wants to make fans happy. Guess what? They are by simply having the book finished. But don't fool yourself into thinking that Tor doesn't want to make a killing off the novel as well. A single volume on first release would be an idiotic decision on Tor's part.

Now, WoT readers can all complain about the split and the release time, but consider this: KoD was released in 2005. Jordan was following the 3 year plan before he passed. AMoL is really 3 books worth of book, so really, it could have taken 9 years to put it out. would you rather the full 750K be released over the next 2 years or over the next 6-9? For goodness sakes, think about how much work is being put into this novel so it can even BE released. Not to mention, Brandon is finishing AMoL, another Alcatraz book, and the first book of Way of Kings (so he has something coming out next year only under his name). He's doing all of that and STILL writing AMoL at an absurdly fast pace?

Yeah, I'll take it how it comes, thank you...

the trade paperback will only relate to an additional release in the UK. they always release a trade paperback with the hardback for big releases - not to mention that 21.99 for a trade size is an insane price. most trade sizes go for 12.99 - 15.99 EUR.

there WILL be a hardback release.

I didn't get emotional at Kel's death because I saw it coming from miles away. Books 2's ending was full of tragedy, and I remember feeling the deaths of the characters strongly. Book 3, for me, had every bit the emotional impact as the prior books, but it wasn't sad at all for me. It was a completely different feeling. I fully expected Vin and Elend to bite the dust. It was one of those things where I thought, "well, either the world will die or those two characters will." The impact of Sazed becoming a god - and having his faith restored - was far more powerful than any other ending I could imagine. The intense feeling I was filled with was satisfaction and peace.

Books / Re: Best book you've ever read...
« on: March 25, 2009, 03:41:19 PM »
#4. The Vampire Earth books. This is the best series that no one has heard of. IMO the protagonist is the truest hero I've ever read about. A Vampire-type race from another world has enslaved the planet and turned the population into cattle. The protagonist is part of one of the small groups of resistance.

Who wrote them?  Sounds a lot like Brian Lumley's Source World stuff.

E E Knight.
It isn't like Lumley at all. The Vampire earth is post-apocalyptic fantasy that has a very Revolutionary War feel to it. It's good, but I'm concerned that it has been going on for too long. And the cover art sucks. The first book is Way of the Wolf. It suffers from traditional "let me educate you on the world" syndrome. The ending is way cool though, and book 2 was really fun.

Lumley = Awesome.

Movies and TV / Re: Dollhouse
« on: March 24, 2009, 09:19:23 PM »
Dear Steve: stop stealing all my thoughts. Why isn't the tinfoil hat working?
come now, how is a tinfoil hat supposed to stop me when I got the blueprints from reading your mind before you made it? i mean seriously, of COURSE I know how to get around something so simple...

Movies and TV / Re: Castle
« on: March 24, 2009, 03:42:49 PM »
last night's episode was rather weak.

Movies and TV / Re: Dollhouse
« on: March 24, 2009, 03:42:14 PM »
in my opinion, the lack of overall humor really emphasizes the moments of humor when they DO happen. the whole "Porn" segment killed me - especially when she walks by the room.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 23, 2009, 04:00:53 PM »
not at all. just do humanity a favor and dont waste brain-power on reading anything with Brian Herbert's name on it - seriously, they were awful, and I feel like my impression of Dune as a whole was ruined because of those "books". It makes me rather sad, because the original Dune is a classic.

now I have to decide if I should re-read the Erikson stuff once I finish Bakker's The Judging Eye. tough choices...

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 23, 2009, 03:42:06 PM »
interesting. none of my copies say that. neither does the 40th anniversary copy - as least on the front cover. I'll take your word for it though. the first "trilogy" of the six books are the best ones of the bunch. they have some fantastic ideas. I actually enjoyed Dune Messiah quite a bit. God Emperor was a bit too bleh for me. I seriously wonder if I would have finished it had I not been listening to it in audio.

Movies and TV / Re: Sci-Fi Channel
« on: March 23, 2009, 05:22:38 AM »
the SyFy channel is terrible. their management/producers should be canned. They change the name to SyFy to appeal to more? yeah...if they really wanted to change things to get a better image, maybe they should go off of the fact that many industry professionals us SF rather than SciFi. SF is professional, the SyFy channel is the polar opposite.

how terribad...

Movies and TV / Re: Dollhouse
« on: March 23, 2009, 05:18:13 AM »
i thought this episode was the best of the bunch so far. there was a lot of good stuff going on. that said, i thought Echo's speech at the end was a tad off.

and yeah, i thought the themes were significantly darker. i'm excited that after all the promise of "episode 6 will make you like it a lot", the promise was actually filled.

Books / Re: The Malazan Book of the Fallen Thread
« on: March 23, 2009, 05:10:29 AM »
I had to take some time off of work and leave town for a while because of family reasons, and while away I picked up and read Plum Island by Nelson DeMille.  Awesome book by the way, John Corey is now one of my favorite characters. 

Anyways, I picked up Deadhouse Gates again and I'm really starting to enjoy it.  I was initially frustrated with the book when I found out that it was all new characters and that I wouldn't be reading about the characters from Gardens of the Moon. 

I'm about 300 pages in and I can't wait to start reading it tonight.  Right now my favorite characters are Baudin and Fiddler.  Out of curiosity does Baudin become more of a major character or is he a minor character?  I hope he becomes a major character because he seems like a bad-a**.  However, I could also see him being killed by Felisin too.  By the way I can't stand Felisin!!  Hope she gets what she deserves!!

to be fair, you ARE reading about characters from book 1, just not all of them.

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