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Messages - Bookstore Guy

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I love how YA is suddenly "rinky dink" and less worthy than a book written for adults. And just so you know, 200,000 is about 2-3 YA novels.

exactly. some YA kicks the ass of adult fiction.

I could care less about created languages. I'm just saying that the series isn't complex at all to me. To me, it's extremely straight-forward. To me, it's like reading a long version of Eddings. The political intrigues aren't all that amazing to me. The complexity of this series pales in comparison, once again in my opinion, to the likes of Martin, Erikson, and Bakker.

Long version of Eddings?!?! That's like saying Stephanie Myer is as good as Bram Stoker!

No, it's not (as she isn't even in the same ballpark as Stoker). Forgive me if I don't think that Jordan is the end-all/be-all of fantasy authors. Once again, this is my opinion after having been exposed to authors who's works I consider superior and much more enthralling. I loved Jordan just like I loved Eddings, but that was a long time ago. Now, I consider Jordan a more detailed and MUCH longer Eddings. It's not a put-down, just they way i view it. I respect them both for what they brought to the table, and have learned from both of them. But like I said, I personally don't think Jordan is the best, and I dont find his novels complex.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: April 01, 2009, 09:24:47 PM »
I kinda packed all the books I was going to read, so I had to go to Borders and grab something. An H.P. Lovecraft collection. So. Freaking. Awesome.

That and I'm reading Dan Wells' Blacker Darkness again (though it's not called that anymore).

This was quite awesome.


Writing Group / Re: Exposition: What is the best way to handle it?
« on: April 01, 2009, 09:06:41 PM »
I would just add that the way you handle it can vary depending on if you go with 1st person or 3rd person. The reality is that in 1st person you get away with a lot of telling due to the narration style. So, when discussing this, treat 1st and 3rd person as different beasts. As for Butcher, to me his world was very clear from the get-go. His magic was strength/energy based using Latin. Sure he introduces more and more layers, but the actually gets better as you move along (I am rather pissed that they released Small Favor in the over-sized mass-market paperback, but that's neither here nor there).

Regardless, the fact is, you will have info-dumps at times. Like has already been mentioned, getting the writing down on paper first, and revise it later. Alpha readers will tell you of something is too much of an info-dump, or if it is fine.

I could care less about created languages. I'm just saying that the series isn't complex at all to me. To me, it's extremely straight-forward. To me, it's like reading a long version of Eddings. The political intrigues aren't all that amazing to me. The complexity of this series pales in comparison, once again in my opinion, to the likes of Martin, Erikson, and Bakker.

Books / Re: My readthrough of WoT
« on: April 01, 2009, 08:15:43 PM »
raven marked swords

heron-marked. ravens are later.

What does word count have to do with story quality? Perfume is one of the shortest novel's I've read and it certainly is NOT a YA book nor a bad one for it's brevity.

absolutely nothing. i've read long books that were fantastic (Erikson), and short that were great (Wells, Green). and its not like 150-200k is brief by any means. thats actually pretty long. most books average 100K. however, YA is typically shorter. it has nothing to do with quality, just length. but being short doesnt mean it will be a YA book - your example of Perfume is just one example.

on the subject of WoT, my personal feeling is that I  would rather have them "shorter". by shorter i mean 275-300K - Eye of the World size (it was 300K). There were many cases were I felt that length in the WoT didn't equate to quality.

Whoa whoa mistborn is a fabolous series but you can't really compare it with WoT as WoT is so large because of its complexity it makes understanding LoTR and Dune childs play...(those are great books too btw) and that includes Dune's political scene which went over my head once or twice and i had to reread a paragraph or two.

I respectfully disagree. WoT is large and long, yes, however I don't feel it is as complex as other series. I never said Mistborn was lesser/greater/equal to in complexity to WoT, I just said it has an adult tone to it, so people shouldn't worry about WoT. In my opinion, WoT had no learning curve - or it was such a ever-so-slight incline that it wasnt noticeable in the least. 

I hope you didn't think I was flaming you, that certainly wasnt the intention. I was just pointing out that 200k isn't YA in most cases. As I recall, middle-grade ends around 50K, and then YA goes until 75K generally. Certainly there are exceptions, but a huge portion of YA falls well under 100K.  I think you are confusing a perceived YA tone with an actual YA novel. The Green Rider series is adult fantasy, shelved in adult fantasy. The tone of it may not be a sophisticated as certain other novels, but it is adult fantasy nevertheless. It may be simple (much like Brooks and Eddings are very simple), but it is not YA. Not only that, but Green Rider's Call is closer to 150K (compare its size to Sanderson's Elantris which clocks in a 202K and is 200 pages thicker).

For actual YA, there is a section in the bookstores designated for it. Most of the stuff there isn't very thick at all.

But yeah, you shouldnt have any worries about the tone of the further WoT novels. If you have read the Mistborn series, then you know it's tone is undeniably adult, and he is putting crazy effort into WoT to make it the book Joradn would have wanted it to be.

Ugh. I didn't see this thread or the quotes till just now.

There are a lot of threads that need to be tied and I can see how a new writer would have themes that he feels bound to develop, I just hope we don't end up with a trio of rinky tink 200K YA novels.  That would derail the whole series. The only reason I see that as a threat is that last I heard the book was winding down toward appx. 700K hmmm 700/3=233pp....

Kind of a depressing thought.

Now if it grew because of the split say 350K+ per volume...

Did you not read the article on Brandon's website? he stated that each book would more than likely end up in the 300K range. The estimate for the word count several months ago was 750K, so im not sure where your 700 number is coming from. He is now estimating it to be around 800-900K. And honestly, to say you think he might make them YA? Seriously? First of all, 200K isn't a YA length in the least. 200K is a good sized novel, and YA rarely crack 90K. Secondly, Brandon knows the difference between writing YA and writing Adult fantasy - do you really think he would mistake the WoT for YA? Come on now...

Dan Wells / Awesome Feedback for Dan!
« on: March 31, 2009, 04:08:49 PM »
Giddyup! Check it out:

"This dazzling, unput-downable debut novel proves beyond a doubt that Dan Wells has the gift.  His teenage protagonist is as chilling as he is endearing.  More John Wayne Cleaver, please." -- F. Paul Wilson

This quote, by this author, is freaking amazing.

this is where everything I have been saying in this thread is justified. like I said before, the last estimate I heard was "at least 750k" (that's what Brandon told me a while ago) - so, splitting it into 3 made a lot of sense from a business standpoint.

and you people didn't believe me when I said he was putting in crazy hours on this book.

so yeah, be happy. you are getting 3 FULL WoT books over the span of 2 years (2 and 1/2 if you count from now till the release of the first one).

Movies and TV / Re: Dollhouse
« on: March 30, 2009, 05:03:04 AM »
I just watched the latest episode (ep 7). There were a few small logic holes, but overall I was entertained. I was hoping for a different scenario to the craziness happening (the real cause was a bit of a let-down), but it was all for set-up i suppose.

Movies and TV / Re: Dollhouse
« on: March 30, 2009, 04:41:46 AM »
I assume you're thinking Ballard, but I honestly don't see that happening. If DeWitt and Dominic knew Ballard was Alpha they'd be handling his situation a whole lot differently.

lol not to mention they've already released who they cast as Alpha. Alan Tudyk.
You Sir need help. :D
MrWiki Gots the info! ya! @_@

I am currently held up in distant parts of the wilderness hunting captivated deer.
So I've missed this las episode:(
Sorry, Not sleeping makes me CrankY!
And Ifyou think of PMing methe plot ill put you on ignore! beware  >:(

So to make this statement politicaly blabla, ill have to XPLSD DEL an EXPLSD DEL with EXPLSD DEL!Thankyou for reading this bull.

Can you hear it? The whisper of the wind!
No! I cannot, I Reject your reality and Replace it With my OWN! Muahaha!

Did you knowyou can cool your beer super fast with salt!?

This is For you, neysayer. Yes dis one good for the anti. Do you like Cöffeh?
Thiis is an hostile takeover of your thread. Prepare to realse your keyboard and download nothing but pr0n!

Whats thats? Its a shy-lapplander. He is askings whyim stealings his deers. :( g2g

If you have nothing intelligent to add to the discussion please refrain from absurd and nonsensical comments.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 27, 2009, 05:59:21 PM »
out of curiosity, has anyone read Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks? I picked it up on a recommendation and read the first chapter. It feels very meh to me, but that may have been because I had just finished a Joe Abercrombie novel. anyone know if it is worth reading?

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