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Messages - ryos

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I'm sad to say that this felt like another waste of a chapter. I'm so sick of reading about stupid Rosalin getting drunk in the tavern. As I've said before, I don't understand why she's so despondent that all she can think about is alcohol. I won't belabor that point.

I understand that most of this chapter was setup for Rosalin to snap out of her stupor. Since I don't understand why she's even in the stupor to begin with, I'd rather you had just gotten on with it. Let her wake up quickly and fight the Shifter in this chapter, instead of making us spend yet another chapter watching her drink.

So, I'm happy that the Tavern Era is about to end, but that's pretty much all I'm happy about in this chapter. Sorry I don't have more to say. It's late and my brain no worky so well anymore.

No critiques after almost two months? I'm ashamed of myself.  :-[

Anyway, I enjoyed this Black rose chapter, but I also feel a little lost. This could be the writing group problem, with my reading of these chapters spread out over months of time, but I feel like I missed something. I don't get a sense of Black Rose's motives at all—she's helping the invaders, but why? I don't see Sericea in her anymore. Kind, loving, self-sacrificing Sericea became ice-cold, heartless Black Rose the moment her imprisonment was broken. Is the woman who cared for Rosalin so tenderly really the same woman who gazed dispassionately at the carnage left by a raging Shifter?

Maybe if we knew more about the person she was before she was imprisoned. We know she gained a forbidden dark power, but we don't know what drove her to it. What was she trying to accomplish then? What is she doing now? It's not quite clear.

Maybe if we knew why she was who she was in that town. How does she have a sister, when she's over 400 years old and apparently hasn't aged a year in all that time? How did she keep people (and most especially, her sister) from noticing this fact?

The one viewpoint per chapter system is working well for you. We got a good solid chunk of story instead of a lot of bite-sized ones, and it's more satisfying. Your descriptions, dialogue, action scenes and the flow of the chapter are all well-written. My main gripe here is the character who at this juncture doesn't make much sense.

You can adjust the exposure settings in the scanner software to get good results with subtle grayscales; the automatic algorithm doesn't always do what you want it to.

Just one. He's gone on to try and spread the love, but so far has failed.

Howard Tayler / Re: A Headless Monkey?
« on: August 08, 2010, 07:29:44 AM »
I think you mean Karl. But yes, that's briliant, and will be hilarious to watch if it happens.

Howard Tayler / Re: A Headless Monkey?
« on: August 07, 2010, 08:30:14 AM »
I'm not sure we'll ever find out. Here's a guess, though.

The monkey is headless so they can send sensory data from the monkey's body to the victim in the jar. Torture the monkey, torture the victim. This could get really nasty since it's no big deal if the monkey dies.   :-\

Rants and Stuff / Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« on: August 06, 2010, 04:46:17 AM »
I worked in a laundry once. We had these awesome folding machines: feed the clothes to a conveyor belt, and they went through a pneumatically-driven process and plopped out the other end folded. Worked on towels and shirts, but we had to fold the shorts by hand.

I'm grumpy because I need to find a loan, and I don't qualify for federal aid anymore due to too many credits. I AM trying to graduate, promise...

Reading Excuses / Re: July 19 - The Sword of Worlds CH 26 - Ellie
« on: August 03, 2010, 09:25:19 PM »
This is one of my favorite chapters so far, perhaps because you pulled a lot of irons out of the fire on the Ellie plot. Bloodbath and Malik are no longer hanging in limbo, waiting for Ellie to figure out how to do something about them. Yay for the awesome way it all played out!

I'm particularly pleased with the way Ellie's suicidal bravery carried the chapter. You spent a long time building it up, and that buildup created a certain amount of tension. We know that Ellie is going to rush headlong into situations she's not prepared to handle, and that makes us worry for her safety.

The combat in general worked well. I have but one quibble, and it extends beyond this chapter. The Sigil Knights rock the socks off everyone they meet—except Kail and Ellie and Kajsa and Malik and Bloodbath. This in and of itself is no problem. The issue is that I don't get much sense of scope from those fights. The epic grade-A awesome Sigil Knights fall like butt-stomped goombas when faced with certain combatants, and instead of getting a sense of high-level combat from those fights, they just feel like ordinary fights where the Sigil Knights happen to be weaker than normal.

Sorry for the short critique, but I can't think of anything else to say. Nice work. :)

Reading Excuses / Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« on: August 03, 2010, 07:45:14 PM »
I'm currently annoyed at Inception. See, I wrote (poorly) a short story based on similar concepts (creating through shared dreaming) some 10-odd years ago. I was planning on reworking it at some point. Now I'm not sure I will, because Inception was so incredibly awesome and deep and complex that I just don't know if I can do the idea justice after that without looking like a cheap hack.

Oh well. Some day I'll get around to critting all you guys. Sorry to fall so far behind!

Books / Are Star Wars books worth reading?
« on: July 06, 2010, 04:01:04 AM »
Hey guys,

So, I was thinking the other day (a dangerous pastime, I know) about how really awful the Star Wars movies are in so many ways, and how I love them anyway. The world is so rich and varied and deep and generally awesome, and the writing is atrocious.

Then I realized that there are a boatload of books set in the Star Wars universe and not written by Lucas. I've avoided them on the principle that movie to book adaptations are never worth reading, but maybe I've been wrong in this particular case. Are Star Wars books worth reading, and if so, which ones?

Dan Wells / Re: Buy Dan Bacon?
« on: June 28, 2010, 06:57:05 AM »
That is quite possibly the most unhealthy food ever invented by man. Looks delicious, too.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Hero Of Ages.. *Spoilers*
« on: June 25, 2010, 08:48:30 AM »
How awesome is the mix of superheroes with fantasy?

You say that like the two are different.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: June 24, 2010, 02:31:22 AM »
I got both.  :-\

Reading Excuses / Re: June 8 - Ryos - Benders - Chapters 2b and 3
« on: June 23, 2010, 09:21:50 PM »
Well, the way they work in The Wheel of Time is that they're vague and have to be deciphered. Nobody quite knows what they mean, when they're supposed to happen, or even if they've already happened. They also don't happen all the time, and cannot be summoned at will. Dreaming, the Foretelling, Min's Visions.

Yes, but only sometimes. Sometimes people know exactly what those things mean, like Min having a vision and knowing that someone will be killed by the One Power, etc. Thoracious had the equivalent of Min telling him that Dalrymple would shoot at him, but that it wouldn't kill him.

Trinnium actually ties in with Bending, and its absoluteness is a consequence of the way it works. Also, I made it that way to avoid infinite recursive loops, which is always a danger when foretelling the future.

Or have the Trinnium stolen. Nothing more fun that forcing your characters to give up a crutch and watching them try to stay upright.

I can neither confirm nor deny this baseless speculation. :P

Reading Excuses / Re: June 8 - Ryos - Benders - Chapters 2b and 3
« on: June 23, 2010, 08:17:49 PM »
Can taking another shot of Trinnium change the previous future you saw? Could the king just keep drinking the stuff until he got a more satisfactory future?

I may need to address in the story itself, but: no, and no. :)

The lack of tension is a problem. I hadn't considered that when I came up with the stuff. I know it's possible to write unchangeable foretellings in a way that creates tension, because I've seen it done before (specifically, both Min's viewings and Aes Sedai Foretellings in the Wheel of TIme). I'll have to work on that.

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