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Messages - mtlhddoc2

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Rants and Stuff / Re: Windows 7
« on: January 04, 2010, 07:42:57 PM »
well, Me was an incredible bomb, far beyond what Vista was. At least Vista worked. ME didnt work for anything lol. But I would put XP or 7 up against Leopard and Snow Leopard any day of the week. Plus, you also have to consider cost.

My Dell Inspiron at home is a fantastic computer, barely 2 years old now, and cost me only $500 flat out. A new Mac woul d have cost at least $1500 at that time.

5 weeks ago, I bought my wife a Gateway mini-netbook for $350 2.6ghz processor, 4gb SD ram, 250 GB hard drive. A Mac-mini starts at $600 with about half those specs. to match the specs, you need to spring $800. (yes, i did a straigtht up camparison on the Apple site).

Plus, windows is hardware portable, Mac OS is not. I can load windows on a Mac machine, but cannot load MAC on a windows machine (at least, not easily).

Rants and Stuff / Re: Windows 7
« on: January 04, 2010, 05:12:22 PM »
well, again, that is assuming you are comparing it to a specific manufacturer and they have the same specs, which is pretty much impossible. My 1 year old "Out of the box" Dell here at work (a crappy Optiplex) completely blows away my brand new "out of the box" Snow Leopard machine. the specs are close, the Mac processor is slightly "faster". But download speeds? The Dell by a mile, internet page loading? With java: Dell, without Java: Mac. Zipping files: Dell. Saving to network: Dell. completely useless applications: Mac wins every time. Word processing, spreadsheets, databases, email, and anything else useful: Dell.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Windows 7
« on: January 04, 2010, 01:50:59 AM »
I promise you, I can get them equal. windows does not need all those background programs either, they are dunped on their by the specific manufacturer. I can actually get an OLDER WinXP machine to perform better (not graphics) than a brand new Snow Leopard Mac.

I support, in a corporate environment, 15,000 PCs running XP, and 1,000 Macs (split between Leopard and Snow Leopard). On average, I get more Mac calls than PC calls. And I would say 50% of the Mac calls, the OS has to be reinstalled. and sadly, the Mac users are more saavy than the PC users, so it is rare for a Mac user to call up with a simple reboot issue.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Windows 7
« on: January 03, 2010, 02:40:39 PM »

There's also the fact that Mac can run twice as fast on half the hardware as a Windows machine.

Thats just hilarious! Macs are no faster, no sturdier, no safer, yet cost 4 times as much. The one thing MACs do better is video and 3D image resolution. And that is pretty much it.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Windows 7
« on: January 02, 2010, 07:39:25 PM »
I am a fan of whoever makes good computers at any given time. Dell has been tops for about 5 years now, but only for desktops. Gateway, in my opinion, reigns supreme on the netbook side. IBM for laptops (Lenovo, really).

But each manufacturer has models to stay away from, of course, like with Dell, stay far far away from the Optiplex. But Inspirons are fantastic.

Movies and TV / Re: AVATAR
« on: January 01, 2010, 03:21:44 AM »
Well, I did find one person who loved it. But he also though Star Wars Episode 1 was the greatest movie ever, so......

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic Systems
« on: December 31, 2009, 03:46:46 PM »
Oh, I am sure I could come up with something basic, thats easy. But true world building? I would be bored within the first 10 minutes. Not my thing. Im a Roman, not a Greek ;)

Movies and TV / Re: AVATAR
« on: December 31, 2009, 03:42:24 PM »
well, it isnt being shown with closed captioning in IMAX, so thats out. Maybe, just maybe, the local theater with captioning will have it at some point, but they prefer to do the chick flicks with captions. And I certainly wouldnt drive to watch this movie. Like I said, everyone I know who has seen it, hated it.

Movies and TV / Re: AVATAR
« on: December 30, 2009, 07:48:28 PM »
Arafan, i am no troll. Just watching the commercials in HD tells me that, at best, the visuals are low rate. any idiot with a 10 year old MAC could cook up something similar. And ther eis nothing worse than that half-cartoon/half-live feel. Disney's Christmas Carol and Tom Hank Polar Express did the same thing. Both junk.

Miyabi: how is it silly? Oh, sure, the graphics were better than anything made by the syfy channel, but even from the commcerials you can compare to other graphical feats like Transformers, GI Joe, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc. Not even close. And for te budget this movie had, the graphics should match anything that has come out to date.

and you know, I ama geek, a nerd, whatever you want to call me. and I am 40. I know BAD graphics. (Krull anyone?) Maybe you have to be a teen to appreciate this type of animation. I sure dont.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic Systems
« on: December 30, 2009, 07:41:31 PM »
thanks for the vote Sea. I had some similar ideas, but didnt want to prejudice people's imagination by going any further :)

In most fantasy novels, science is not advanced, possibly due to magic, or not. I like Sea's nod towards a modern world version as well. I think that could be very interesting, but I am no writer, thats for sure. World building totally escapes me.

Movies and TV / Re: AVATAR
« on: December 27, 2009, 09:19:40 PM »
everyone I know in real life who has seen this movie thought it was, at best, a fair to middling flick with poor graphics.

Frankly, I wanted to see this movie before the commercials came out, and now, I dont. so I wont. Might download it when it comes out on DVD, but thats it.

Movies and TV / Re: Supernatural
« on: December 27, 2009, 09:16:41 PM »
The whole Golden Compass outcry was because the author is a militant atheist in England. It actually had nothing to do with the movie itself because most of those against it, knew nothing about it. I actually dont recommend the movie for kids because of a few graphic scenes (such as a polar bear getting his jaw ripped off in a fight.)

cynic, I noticed that too. there were a few other small, but egregious, logic flaws in it as well. But all in all, I appreciated the movie alot more than I expected to. Frankly, as a long long long time Star Trek fan, I thought the movie would out and out stink. And I am now looking forward to the sequel.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Avatar protest? Ranting
« on: December 18, 2009, 06:30:35 PM »
Homosexuality, in genetics, would be an "abnormality". No different than red hair or green eyes or left-handedness. And would not be weeded out because although SOME homosexual people do not reproduce, it does not mean they all do not. homosexual behavior is evident in history as far back as ancient Egypt, proving that the gene has stood the test of time. In ancient times, it was thought that left-handed people were devil spawn. so, they should have been weeded out as well, since most of them were murdered immediately. Even the latin word for left is "sinister" (which is also where we get the word sinister from.

But, i am in agreement. There is no need to make a big deal of a person's sexuality in shows and movies where the sexual orientation or behavior is not a focus of the show.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Windows 7
« on: December 13, 2009, 11:32:48 PM »
Always be concerned with a problem that "solves itself" lol.

One of my concerns is the dual boot. Sometimes, Windows, any version, will act "funky" if the primary ("C") drive is not formatted to that version of windows specs. For example, if your ubuntu partition is Fat32, and your primary drive, but your Windows is NTFS, that could cause the issues you have experienced. (or vice-versa). this issue is not as uncommon as you may think. Soemtimes, it will work fine, others, well, you may have run across the issue. (This is not specific to non-Windows with windows, i experiences a similar issue about 10 years ago with a Dual-boot NT4/Win2k).

The other could be, like mentioned above, driver related. Since that particular model of laptop was designed with Vista in mind. and since Vista was a complete joke, in order for it to work well, the manufactures jumped through hoops. It could be that updating the drivers worked out the kinks, or you silently downloaded a patch.

If the problem recurs, I would, unfortunately, recommend reloading Vista onto the machine and doing an upgrade instead, as much as I hate upgrades, sometimes it is the best way to go, especially from bad versions of windows and the computers made specifically for those versions. (Think "Windows ME" <shudder>)

Good luck!

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