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Messages - Firemeboy

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Second Printing
« on: June 04, 2005, 11:20:42 AM »
I bought something from abebooks once, off e-bay.  It took me about a month to stop getting spam from them...

Well, I purchased a copy of Elantris for Father's Day (Sometimes it's nice to do your own shopping).  Let me know if you are doing any signings in the area (I'm up in Ogden, but can come down south if I need to)...

As far as buzz goes...  I know Card wrote a very nice review of the book, is there any way to get that review printed in some local fare?  Like Meridian magazine, and what not?  Many people seem to worship Card, and it really would pack a lot of weight with people.  I was just over on Meridian's online and there is a huge article by Card about losing weight...  I suspect next month he will be telling us about vehicle maintainence or something.

Anyway, just a few more thoughts.

Books / Re: Son of Man
« on: June 04, 2005, 01:42:27 AM »
-Ah, now we see the sexualtiy inherent in the system.
-Shut up!
- Oh!  Come and see the sexuality inherent in the system! HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!
-Bloody peasant!
-Oh, what a give away.  Did you here that, did you here that, eh?  That's what I'm on about -- did you see him repressing me, you saw it didn't you?

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 03, 2005, 02:00:57 PM »

Wait a minute, that is exactly what he wrote!


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Second Printing
« on: June 03, 2005, 11:23:36 AM »
Tell Seagull the book is analagous to Zeezrom or something.  

Yeah, I'd check back with Deseret Book, and just drop hints about working at BYU, drinking non-caffinated beverages, loving the green jello...  Maybe that will help.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 03, 2005, 11:21:32 AM »
No...  I was kind of bummed about that.  I guess they only 'had room' for one.   :(  

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Second Printing
« on: June 03, 2005, 02:43:06 AM »
I didn't want to witness any uncontrollable weeping.  

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Second Printing
« on: June 03, 2005, 02:16:00 AM »
I had popped into Deseret Book the other day to see if they had my book, and I asked off hand if they had a copy of Elantris.  I explained it was fantasy, but written by a 'local'.  The cashier seemed surprised.

I wonder if since you are a local, and LDS, if Deseret Book and Seagull Book would carry it.  I know their Sci/Fi & Fantasy sections have shrunk, but they still carry Card.

I apologize if this has already been suggested, I haven't read through all the threads.  But I agree with Parker, LDS people like to see other LDS people succeed on a larger scale.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 03, 2005, 12:49:16 AM »
You know, the marketing person told HOM that anything he could do to get his name out there was a good thing.  I'm thinking that HOM and I should go stage a drunken brawl in a seedy bar.  The newspapers would read something like;

"Robison Wells and Matthew Buckley were arrested in a local bar after a violent scuffle that left both of them slightly winded.  They made no statements.  Witness said they kept shouting the names of their respective books, over and over again."

Yeah, that would work.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 02, 2005, 07:53:06 PM »
I just bought a copy of my book, and I've been gushing like a new dad.  I'm sure I'll feel silly about it tomorrow, but today it's fun.

I think Covenant did a nice job.  The cover looks good, Kerry Blair wrote a very nice blurb on the jacket, and they quoted one of my favorite parts on the back of the book.

All in all, I'm pleased.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 01, 2005, 04:11:51 PM »
Whatever works best...  I can probably just get a copy here, and mail it to you.  You can e-mail me and let me know...

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 01, 2005, 03:11:32 PM »
I feel like a new papa.

This morning, I held in my new book in my grubby little hands.  It's still not out in stores, and I still haven't received my author's copy, but I managed to track one down.

I've been stopping by Seagull Book stores now for about a week.  Asking different sales folks if they happened to have a book called Chickens in the Headlights.  The answer has always been, “I think it's coming out soon, but we don't have it yet.”

Well, today I talked to somebody who said something different.  I was at the Logan Seagull Book, and the answer came, “We don't have it yet, but I hope it comes soon, that book is hilarious!”

Wait.  I didn't know this guy.  Sure, my family and some friends have read the book, but if the book wasn't out, how did he know it was funny?

I inquired, and he informed me that they had gotten was is apparently called a 'demo copy'.  I guess the stores get advanced copies, the clerks can read them, then suggest the books to whomever they think might like them.

Well, now I felt a little silly, but I couldn't leave the store without seeing 'my baby'.  I stammered out something about feeling dumb, but I was the guy that wrote the book, and if he would let me just take a peek at it I would be forever grateful.

He was very kind.  He let me hold it, flip through the pages, tuck it back into the shelf.  He also told me to check back this afternoon, since they are getting a shipment today.

Little does he know I'm camped out in his parking lot, watching for a big brown truck.

I haven't acted this much like a kid on Christmas morning since...  Well, since Dec. 25, 1980.

Books / Re: What are you reading mark II
« on: May 29, 2005, 10:25:21 AM »
I'm currently reading P. G. Wodehouse; My Man Jeeves.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: May 25, 2005, 02:06:24 PM »
It all depends on the hair color of said troll, and if you can chew on his head while you are thinking, without the troll screaming out in pain.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: May 25, 2005, 12:19:48 PM »
They said the book is coming any day now, and when it does they will ship it to stores.  Supposedly by June 1 it will be on shelves.

Yeah.  A second person could be nice at a signing, though HOM had a bad experience with that once.   I've thought about hiring some 'roadies' to kind of browse the books, and then when somebody comes in, they all jump in line.  That way I don't have to make eye contact with the new customers, and they can approach without feeling like I'm going to use high pressure sales techniques.  :)

Matthew Buckley / Chickens in the Headlights
« on: May 25, 2005, 11:43:10 AM »
Well, I've just set up my first book signing, although it is clear down south.  I'll be in St. George, June 11th at the Seagull Book and Tape.  I assume around lunch time.

I have strong feelings about book signings, most of them bad.  :)  I posted my complete thoughts over on my blog, the article called, "I'm the Moron Sitting at the Table".

Anyway, I will be signing just about every Saturday after that for the next 6 weeks, so if anybody wants to get in their quota of heckling, I'll be available.  I'll post when I'll be where as I hear...

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