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Messages - Peter Ahlstrom

Pages: 1 ... 316 317 [318] 319 320 ... 326
Everything Else / Re: International Comic-Con (San Diego)
« on: July 26, 2004, 01:20:44 AM »
okay. I stopped by the booth, but he wasn't there. I left a message with the person that was there, though.

Ray Bradbury was also at comic-con. I sat in on the first bit of his panel, and then had to go back down to the booth. He was in a wheelchair. He was still entertaining though.

Books / Re: Hot off the press- new creative book!
« on: July 25, 2004, 04:47:33 AM »
Well, she IS named Barbara, though she's CALLED Barbie. But I generally call her Barb. Or Barba.

Everything Else / Re: Anime Night
« on: July 25, 2004, 04:43:09 AM »
I watched the first 8 episodes of RahXephon before it was licensed. It's cool. Can be a bit slow-moving. Opening song is good.

There's some really wacky giant robot-type-things, and some people with blue blood. And Jupiter, except I don't think they leave Earth. I definitely want to check out the rest someday.

Everything Else / Re: International Comic-Con (San Diego)
« on: July 25, 2004, 04:39:32 AM »
ah crap! That's the other thing I wanted to do... Yeah, I saw his one-page ad in the program guide and said "that's that guy!" It had the Macross picture... Arrrrrrrrrgh um, didn't check the board until just now, and completely forgot to stop by. Tomorrow's Sunday so... Errrgh.

Maybe I can stop by before church.

Movies and TV / Re: I, Robot
« on: July 24, 2004, 04:45:42 AM »

Saw it.  My take?  It's the Stephen King version of an Asimov story.  IE, it takes Asimov's vision and twists it into something dark.  This wasn't necessarily bad, since I really never agreed with Asimov's vision either.  (If you've read the entire series, you know that Asimov comes up with something remarkably similar to the elements at the end of this movie as the finale for the robot books.)

It made me wonder if it was based somewhat on that concept too, but they didn't license any of the books beyond I, Robot (I think). Since it was grafting the Asimov universe onto a pre-existing script, they must have just come up with that on their own. In which case, I think they did a pretty good job of it.

I wouldn't say Stephen King though. And I wouldn't call the movie dark. It just wasn't..........dark enough to be called dark. It's just an action movie. With some funny lines. And some very cool robot fighting. Fighting robots! Come on, how could you not see a movie with fighting robots. I mean, they fight, and it's cool! So...

Asimov is probably rolling in his grave. Though actually one time (he says in his autobiography) he had a dream that he died and went to heaven, and said "but I'm an atheist," and they said "that's okay, you're not the one who decides who gets to heaven," and he couldn't disagree with that, but after a few more minutes he started looking around for a typewriter. So that is to say that Asimov is probably up there somewhere typing away...

Books / Re: Hot off the press- new creative book!
« on: July 24, 2004, 04:34:57 AM »
Hey. My little (tall) sister is named Barbara!

Everything Else / Re: Anime Night
« on: July 24, 2004, 04:32:08 AM »
dude, we had a Grave of the Fireflies anime night back when I was there. Except half of you decided to go somewhere else and watch Kenshin instead.

And I hated it and wished I'd gone to the Kenshin! Terrible movie...such an annoying little girl. Seita! Seita! People say it's such a good anti-war movie, but I see it as an anti-stupid-orphan-kid movie. Any kids who lose their parents, whether it be to war or car accident or whatnot, can make the exact same dumb decisions these ones made.

Another reason the movie bugged me is that the end was at the beginning, so I knew exactly what was going to happen before it even started.

Everything Else / Re: International Comic-Con (San Diego)
« on: July 24, 2004, 04:27:26 AM »
So I'm at Comic-Con now. I heard there were 75,000 pre-reg and expecting 90,000 total people.

Today at the booth I ran into Anne Sowards! Remember her...she used to work at TLE (around issue 34) and now works at Penguin/Ace/Roc. I went to her apartment for family home evening several times when I was in New York.

She said that Worldcon is tiny compared to Comic-Con.

Oh yeah...Harry Harrison had a panel I went to. It was cool. He talked about how Stainless Steel Rat has been movie optioned for 20 years, and who knows if it will ever be made. And he was supposed to get 5% of the profit for the movie Soylent Green (which was based on his book Make Room! Make Room!), and the movie APPARENTLY never made a profit, because he's never been paid. But at least he was able to make some good contributions to the movie during the filming.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Please Save Paul
« on: July 24, 2004, 04:20:18 AM »
I'm not in favor of going to any lengths to discover the identity of someone who doesn't want to reveal herself.

You could try selling the fish...

Movies and TV / Re: I, Robot
« on: July 22, 2004, 05:39:28 AM »
in order to write a worthy one I feel like I'd need to go read some Asimov. It's been years since I read any of the robot stories.

Hmm...meh. My plate is really full right now. Maybe when I empty it...

Movies and TV / Re: I, Robot
« on: July 21, 2004, 04:24:56 AM »
I saw it after a friend of mine said he thought I would enjoy it. I liked it more than Spiderman 2. Not a bad movie at all.

No, it does have little to do with the Asimov stories, besides the 3 laws and a sorta emotionless scientist named Susan Calvin. And a company named USR (well, that's not quite US Robots and Mechanical Men, but anyway). And Will Smith, of course. He was great in the books.

I thought the explanation for the robots amok stuff was not entirely out of keeping with Asimov's robot visions. But the tone of it was far, far different from the charming and thought-provoking robot stories.

I went into it expecting it to be nothing like the Asimov stories. And I had a good time.

Since Monday my roommate and I have spent a few hours discussing the problems with the movie, which is far longer than I've spent talking about problems with other movies in the recent past. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a good movie.

Everything Else / Re: EUOL headshots
« on: July 20, 2004, 05:38:14 AM »
Yeah, they were bad with the lighting, though.  They have a slight tint to them--unnoticeable to most people, but they were turning dark in the photographs.

Take out the lenses. That's what I did for my high school senior pictures, back when I wore glasses. Usually you just need a really small screwdriver.

Everything Else / Re: EUOL headshots
« on: July 20, 2004, 02:29:26 AM »
I like #3!

my roommate says you should have glasses on so you look smart.

Everything Else / Re: Three Dragons On
« on: July 20, 2004, 02:25:26 AM »
I don't think so.  We have nothing to do with TLE.  Sure a lot of the people here worked on TLE and TWG more or less broke away from TLE.

But TLE still has their Time wasters guide section which we have NOTHING to do with.  We are seperate entities that have very little in common.

I know it's not connected with TLE now, but that doesn't affect what I was saying.

Everything Else / Re: Three Dragons On
« on: July 19, 2004, 12:31:44 AM »
the "About Us" page is definitely the most logical place for it.

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