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Messages - Lorenzo

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Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: October 04, 2006, 03:30:30 AM »
I've posted a lot of B&W stuff recently, which is all well and good, but for those of you who like the colours, let's go back to that Girl in the City...

Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: October 03, 2006, 03:00:55 AM »
I was planning out the updates and images I'll be posting up here in the Blink thread for October this weekend, and I gotta say, you guys got some FUN stuff coming!!! Hehe! Won't say any more, but I'd advise you check in on a daily basis, pals! Wheee!

So, it's a CON month, which can only mean one thing, lots and lots of new things! First up, here's the cover to the 5th MOON! Sketchbook, which will be free for every £10 spent at the Blink Twice stand over the weekend of the 28th-29th October at the LONDON MCM EXPO (it's a link, guys!). This little gem in miniature form will be packed with 12 pages of scetches, scribblings, and other such delights from the world of MOON! All that, and there are only ever gonna be 50 numbered and signed beauties made! More on this soon, for now, just check out the cov!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 29, 2006, 02:56:51 AM »
Final steps! In my opinion, the pencilled page is nicer than the inks, but then, that's why I'm doing MOON! all in pencils! Hoho! Hope this has been an interesting little journey, folks! More new images VERY soon!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 28, 2006, 02:58:31 AM »
On we go, lettering and pencilling!

Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 25, 2006, 03:51:31 AM »
Now then, after the confusing nature of Friday's piece, here's one that's a little more straight forward, albeit with some elements of the image missing! Here's the Gullivans getting a bit of a shock whilst in the middle of a nice little sit-down meal! Meow! Sound effects and some vector-based action lines will eventually go into the final inks to make this pic complete, but for now, I hope you enjoy the pencils!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 22, 2006, 02:43:56 AM »
Well folks, I been off inking pages from MM11 the past couple o' days, here's one of them, filmed in "So-damned-much-going-on-I-can't-figure-out-WHAT'S-going-on-o-vision". Hoho!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 18, 2006, 04:13:49 AM »
A couple of ONITC web flyers here, one using a panel you've seen before, the other using a new 'un. The full colour version of the second image can be seen over at  ONE NIGHT IN THE CITY, along with all the other panels so far in sequence, of course.


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 15, 2006, 03:13:49 AM »
Well, here we are then, the weekend calls, and I'm off to see my bro, Bob, and our webmaster general Marky this weekend!! With all the Blink boys together for a few days you just KNOW the ideas are gonna fly, so I'm looking forward to diving into that ole' Blink melting pot! In the meantime, I wanted to post another pencils panel from MM11. This shot exemplifies just why I consider Bob's writing to be absolutely perfect! When I read a script that describes a single panel with an 11-stage sequence of Reggy, Chester and Fikov fighting with Sebastian the Bat for Dang's Whirdly Staff whilst on the back of Kenneth, the other Bat, flying precariously over the rooftops of Happy Hippy Dale, I just think: THIS is what comics are about! Here's to you bro! You're a genius, keep this mad stuff coming, there's nothing I'd rather draw!

Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 14, 2006, 03:11:21 AM »
Hey Spriggan! Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoy the interview, and hey, just to spruce your day up a little more in a Blink Twice stylee, you may even be able to get today's image to work as a nice sized desktop wallpaper! Cheers!

Hey Ookla! I know, man, tell me about it, may have to start a new thread soon, it is a pain in the a$$, huh? Anyways, well, thanks so much for posting in that case pal! We are essentially a creator-owned project studio, though we do occasionally work with other publishers, it kind of depends on the project being something we can really get into. We like TOKYOPOP, so if the guys there are interested in our stuff or have a project they want to include us in they can contact me me and the team through Hope to hear from you guys! Thanks for the post, pal!

So, here's a detail from the Indie Spinner Rack poster. I'm posting this at bigger-than-big size, as I wanted to show the benefits of using pencil lines as opposed to inked lines in the pages of MOON! My inking, having always been a bit shaky, has never blown up very well. That, and the fact that it is essentially pixelated more by the cleaning process than pencils. So, I though I'd show you this detail of the Indie spinner pic, much larger (in terms of screen size) than the original artwork. I think it blows up pretty good! Plus, it may even be big enough that those of you who are inclined to put this stuff up on your bedroom/studio/office/toilet walls can get a good A4 print off it. Or use it as a wallpaper right on your desktop! Lovely!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 13, 2006, 03:06:57 AM »
Okay guys, for those of you who think I never do anything sketchy, here's a shot of the pencils from the last piece, along with some muckety-muck shots of my Thumbnail and rough sketch! Holy smudgy pencils, Batman! Note that there was originally also a forth MOON! buggy in the piece, which I pulled out of the final lay up.


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 12, 2006, 03:06:45 AM »
Okay, so, a little while ago we did an interview on the AWESOME INDIE SPINNER RACK with the boss-man Charlito. The good news is you can listen to it on-line! Wanna know about the release plans for MOON!? How about the origins of Malcolm? Or maybe you're more interested in the future of One Night in the City? Listen, if you will, to me and the C man discuss all this and much, MUCH more in this special UK Invasion Blink Twice special! Woot!

The show is RIGHT HERE, though you should really listen to as many of the other 'casts as you can, 'cos this is truely a great station. Enjoy!

Here's the poster that the Indiespinner guys asked us to do to advertise the UK Invasion 2-part special:

Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 11, 2006, 03:22:31 AM »
So, I return!! Well, you know what they say, folks, the best laid plans of mice and monkeys and all that, needless to say, this is my 100th images posting here in the ole' Blink thread (well, technically 100th and 101st), and as such, I had hoped to bring you guys something rather special to celebrate. Thus, I spent a few late nights putting together a cheeky little m-m-movie style imovie trailer for MOON! I had it all ready this weekend, but, frankly, I've not been satisfied with the quality of the web-hosting I had planned for the piece, so have had to put it's release on hold for now. Sorry! Rather than hold up this thread any longer, I figured you folks would rather I just got on with the daily postings, and I'll do my best to get this little gem up on line for you asap!

Here, then, (to prove that I DID do it!!!) is my planned link image, and a few screen grabs, hope you likey, and here's to the next 100!! Cheers!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 06, 2006, 03:44:41 AM »
Well, the MOON! wheels roll on, and I've moved from the free-form style sketch work you've seen up until now to more focused designs aimed specifically at characters/environments/vehicles/machines & ships for season 1. Although it'll take a while for this to filter through to this thread, I thought I'd post up a little head-shot which should give you an idea of the style/finish of the new stuff. Can't tell you much about this fellah, as he's yet to be green lit by my bro as a character for the series, but I hope you enjoy checking this out anyways!

Oh, and this is the 99th separate image I've posted in this thread, so to celebrate number 100, I've got something RATHER special coming for you next! Boy, I ain't kidding!! Keep checking in guys!!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 04, 2006, 07:28:44 AM »
Happy Mondays, ma' friends!

Here's some scribbles of a cheeky chump on a Hondah-Hovva-Zump!

Man, I bet that thing isn't even TAXED. Hoho!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekl
« on: September 01, 2006, 03:42:01 AM »
More frantic Blink action today, folks! Here's Pygmy and Kweet diving for cover behind a grounded hush as bits of Tonka fly all over the place!


More soon, gang!


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