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Messages - mockman

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Role-Playing Games / Re: column: Geek Girl #4
« on: January 14, 2006, 11:54:32 AM »
 :( ::)sure the games start at 5 to8 and your more then welcome to show up and you can play tooo. it is run by a guy and his wife so you wont be the only girl there whoohoo

Role-Playing Games / Re: column: Geek Girl #4
« on: January 13, 2006, 02:59:42 PM »
yea well be afraid im like gonna beat the snot out of those guys that killed us. well the one guy and a dragon
why you afraid to evil for ya?

Role-Playing Games / Re: column: Geek Girl #4
« on: January 12, 2006, 02:41:58 PM »
 :oha ha ha thanks im still looking for a north star and i  will give you that parallax. yea we are having  a D&d night on thursday nights too. and we will be playing iron kingdoms setting for d&d and anyone is welcome to play. ;D

Role-Playing Games / Re: column: Geek Girl #4
« on: January 12, 2006, 01:07:07 PM »
 ;Dhey no metion of dragons keep whats up with that ,(im peter the sarcastic clerk at dragons) and i want to say that it was fun on saturday night at the keep. we want more friendly female faces at our gaming group.we have three in our group and they live the longest accept by the clumsy rogue.

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