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Reading Excuses / 12-15-08: Ace Tomato Company
« on: December 15, 2008, 06:49:06 AM »
Thanks everyone for any feedback you can give me.  It will be greatly appreciated. 


Reading Excuses / Re: What are your strengths and weaknesses as a Writer?
« on: December 13, 2008, 12:17:23 AM »
I am an incredibly fast typer...that being said, I am an incredibly slow writer (Just like Karl and Raethe).  I don't sit and re-write paragraphs over and over again, but I do sit and try to type out the very best sentence each time.  That usually doesn't happen and I end up wasting 10 minutes on one line.  

I tend to fail to add description to a lot of the scenes that I am writing on.  I can see it in my head and so I just go for the dialog and end up forgetting to describe the essential elements in order to help the reader visualize what I am trying to portray.

I also don't read as much as I should.  I think this is valuable in a writer, because you can draw a lot of elements into your own style that will benefit your work.   I love to read, but lately writing has killed that habit and created a new one that feeds itself upon my fragile time and brain.  ;D

All this self disclosing is depressing me.    ;)

Another thing, I know I need help on structuring my paragraphs and sentences.  

I need a Pepsi and warm blanket...

Reading Excuses / Re: Crashers
« on: December 10, 2008, 07:18:07 PM »
I'm not sure I can add anything constructive that already hasn't been said.  Great job.  I'm interested to read more.  Sorry, lame crit, but I don't believe in overkill.  I will try to read yours first on the next submission so I can give a real crit.  Sorry.

Haha. Thank you? ^^

You question my sincerity? lol I was serious, you are cute.  Look, you even use symbols like these: ^^  Kind looks like cat ears...which are also considered cute.  Uh oh...are we noticing a trend?  lol

I vote for're cute, glad you are a mod.   ;D

If you can't beat them, join them.  I'm in.  Avalon's idea is a good one.  I still wish we could split the groups, but I see the logic behind not doing it.  Good points everyone. do we reach consensus on this?  It seems most (those who have posted) seem to favor Avalon's approach.  For now, my vote is cast there (unless someone else has any other ideas?).

Before I go stick my foot in my mouth any further, it just dawned on me that we should probably at least do a poll and see how many people want to even join a weekly writing group?  I shouldn't make assumptions based on only a few people (besides myself) wanting this.  There might not be enough to do my Group A - Group B idea.

What if for a month I got busy, and decided I couldn't or didn't want to submit, but then for the next two weeks, I felt like turning stuff in?


Do we really need to cater to people who can't commit?  Sorry Avalon, but we shouldn't have to wait on people who waffle.  I understand people are busy and have lives (trust me I have my own problems to take care of), but hopefully we are all doing this to become professionals, so lets start acting like them.

Then we also loose the advantage of diversity, with two different groups. If I'm in one group, and Chaos is in another, and I like his story and want to keep up the critiques on it, I can't; which means he just lost a potential reader and someone who WANTS to keep critiquing his work.

Soooo...nothing is stopping you from sending him a critique of your work if  you like his stuff.  Have him send it to you and critique it.  When you join a real writing group, you have to take what you get. I agree diversity is great, but if we pick and choose what we want to read, then...well...those critiques "can" be soft.  I don't much care for fantasy, but I have liked reading some of the work here. 

For those of us who want to get critiqued regularly, we just can't wait for those who aren't committed (or better said, don't have the time) to step up and be in a real writing group. 

Sorry Avalon, nothing personal.  Just my thoughts.  I do like your ideas, don't get me wrong.

Ok, my two cents... what "if" we thin things down a little.  What if we made two separate groups.  This would require two forums I imagine so we don't get confused.  We already have a lot of people (which is great!) and making things smaller will help I think.

Here are the groups:
1. Those that can and WILL submit and review WEEKLY.  These the the writers that Raethe is talking about (forgive me Raethe if I am thinking of someone else).  That way, it's like a real writing group where you submit each week and get critiqued.  Since not everyone falls into this category, there will be less work to read and therefore less stress on everyone.

2. The other group would be the "submit when you can" group.  This group can submit on deadlines if they want to keep motivated but don't have to unless they want to.  I don't think this group would suffer lack of critique, if anything they would probably get faster critiques.

That's my two cents.  Make is simple with as little confusion as possible. 

Reading Excuses / Re: Crystalheart Ch. 1
« on: December 02, 2008, 11:28:52 PM »
Would it hurt to just give it a completely original name?  Make up something.  Just a thought. 

Reading Excuses / Re: 12-01-08 Aspirations Chapters 1-7
« on: December 02, 2008, 05:21:15 AM »

Try copying and pasting this into your word document.  I just copied it from the Internet.

Good luck!

Reading Excuses / Re: Choices (WEKM) Dec 01
« on: December 02, 2008, 05:19:00 AM »
To start off, I really like the story and your ideas on how to implement it are very solid. 

I guess I need a refresher on short stories, but is there a chapter 2?  Or is the whole thing done in one?  If so, you nailed it.  If not, then you need to save more for following chapters.  (I wouldn't put much stock in this advice as I'm not familiar with the short story environment).

I agree with the others, Nobel reveals detail upon detail of the events that leads you to realize that he is in fact Blaster, or at least knows him personally.  I think this gives away your plot twist entirely to early.  (Good plot twist mind you!).  The son is also a great twist.  I would like to see this go farther (if short stories allow for it).  Because of the shortness of the story, it feels very very rushed to me.  We jump into it almost forcefully (although I like the brief testing with the chair in the beginning). 

The idea is solid and I think it has lots of potential.  Good luck, hope this helps in some way.

Reading Excuses / Re: 12-01-08 Aspirations Chapters 1-7
« on: December 02, 2008, 03:16:16 AM »
Great work.  I enjoy the first person narrative, it is different from the usual stuff I read. 

Ok, just the nit-picky stuff: Se Senor is spelled, Si Senor and the Senor needs a mark above the N.

I was a little confused with the Stranger and his dialog.  He seemed to be switching back and forth from his weird English to normal.  Was that on purpose?  It's probably just me.

I agree with the other comments.  The story started out great, very moving, but then seems to jump rather quickly.  I like the use of bars and your descriptions of his mental state in each.  I think the whole ring section could be spiced up a bit, particularly the Stranger and his giving it to your character.  I think after some revisions, this story has lots of potential.   

Reading Excuses / Re: Crystalheart Ch. 1
« on: December 02, 2008, 12:04:02 AM »
I should clarify.  I did say plot, but I probably should have said "General Direction" of the story.  I obviously have no clue what the main plot is, but I think you have given us a sense of what realities, limitations and barriers your characters are going to be faced with.  Does that make sense?

Reading Excuses / Re: Crystalheart Ch. 1
« on: December 01, 2008, 10:30:14 PM »
As one who does not read fantasy, magic, or epic-fantasy-type novels, I was very impressed by your work.  The story is very interesting and it caught my eye.  The story seems very original (although like I said, I'm not into that genre so I don't know what is original and what is overdone).

Great work on the characters and description.  I felt the description was a little thick at first, but the more I read the more relaxed your story became and I enjoyed it more.  I see no apparent pitfalls or errors that already haven't been addressed. 

Here is my only opinion, take it for what it is worth.  It seems like the reader already knows everything there is to know about the characters, plot, world, ext. from just the first chapter.  Are you saving anything for later?  Seems like you revealed so much in the beginning chapter that there is little for the reader to experience.  For example:

"Aermyst had heard of a time, long ago, when crystalhearts were respected and honored by even kings and princes. In such a time men like Aermyst and Dantes would be feasted from one end of the realm to the other. Their opinions would be sought in disputes. They might have been sent as ambassadors of peace to nations embroiled in war. Now, they huddled in a tent in the desert, beholden to men such as Ves."

Maybe you could save this and reveal it later.  That way, we don't know all the history of the crystalhearts in the very beginning.

Another example:

"Knowing the condition of the team's crystalhearts was vital. Tax the crystal too much, and it would simply snap, like a wooden stick strained to the point of breaking. Flexibility was good, even neccessary in a crystal, but bend it too much and it would be forever weakened. Bend it past that, and you would die. Aermyst had once seen a man whose crystal had actually exploded inside his body, needle-sharp shards of it throughout his system. He hadn't survived."

Just an idea, you could save this bit of info for later and shock your readers by revealing how fragile the hearts could be.  Like I said, just an idea.

Another thing, in my opinion (and I'm no author or English major), I would not include the reader in your sentences, such as:

"Bend it past that, and you would die."  Instead, maybe say, "Bend it past that, and the bearer would die."  Just a thought.

Now for some praise.  I absolutely loved the base jumping part.  It really hooked me.  I also like, what I assume from just one chapter, the plot of this book.  You have a talent and I look forward to reading chapter 2.  Good luck!

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