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Messages - Tink

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Movies and TV / Re: Harry Potter 4 -- The Goblet of Fire
« on: November 21, 2005, 03:20:54 PM »
I saw it and liked it. It was rushed and I feel sorry for anyone who watched it without reading the book, but I think they did pretty good at cutting it down for time. I think that Mad Eye Moody's character was portrayed well, but my husband (who's only read book 1 and seen the movies) didn't make the connection of the polyjuice potion and what they were alluding to (probably not the director's fault, but still, it was good I was there to explain). I would've liked more time on the graveyard scene, though.

Also, little thing: in the review it says the movie is PG, but it's PG-13.

Rants and Stuff / Re: More Grumpiness
« on: November 17, 2005, 11:38:55 AM »
I feel totally jipped because Helaman dies three chapters into the Book of Helaman.

Man, you ruined it for me. I was just getting to that part! ;)

Everything Else / Re: Access/Paradox/Excel help? (or a Recipe Progra
« on: November 16, 2005, 01:34:48 PM »
There is a free Web site that allows you to search by ingredient. It has a lot of recipes because anyone can submit them. Here is the address:

It's a great site for recipes in general. People can review the recipes and give them ratings, so you can get an idea of whether the recipe is any good.

Movies and TV / Re: Aquaman
« on: November 15, 2005, 02:42:51 PM »
Personally I saw the Smallville episode with Aquaman and I thought it was lame. I didn't like the character at all and I didn't understand why Aquaman was going ga-ga over Lois and vice versa when he knew he wasn't going to be in town very long. He was really obnoxious. I think Smallville is just okay and I watch it cause my husband loves Superman and it works as something to watch.

Books / Re: Patenting a Storyline
« on: November 11, 2005, 03:41:45 PM »
I agree with the above. I see all sorts of problems with this line of thinking. And did you notice the part that speaks of what would be covered under the patent?

A process of relaying a story having a timeline and a unique plot involving characters comprises: indicating a character's desire at a first time in the timeline for at least one of the following: a) to remain asleep or unconscious until a particular event occurs; and b) to forget or be substantially unable to recall substantially all events during the time period from the first time until a particular event occurs; indicating the character's substantial inability at a time after the occurrence of the particular event to recall substantially all events during the time period from the first time to the occurrence of the particular event; and indicating that during the time period the character was an active participant in a plurality of events.

I mean, this is pretty general outline of the plot points that would be covered with this patent. Pretty much, if this was passed and accepted, not being overturned later, then this would cause a whole bunch of people to patent story ideas just for the express purpose of getting royalties from anyone who wanted to write or film a similar storyline. They wouldn't have to be good at writing or go through the trouble of making the plot points work, or make it interesting or exciting--all they'd have to do is have a basic idea and patent it. It can't possibly pass because that would be ridiculous and inhibit an author's ability to recreate age-old themes and storylines. I can't see this passing.

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: November 08, 2005, 01:06:28 PM »
Now that you remind me of that sentence, I do remembering thinking "Oh, he's the father of Kit's baby!" and then I completely forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder.

That'd be great if you post stuff you find out, but I understand the not having time. I have a desire to re-read the series and use a "commonplace book" (which I think is a weird name for what it is) to write down on the clues, but the task seems more daunting than cleaning my bedroom (although decidedly more interesting and fun). Maybe I'll give it some time and do it in like 6 months. I think it would be interesting.

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: November 04, 2005, 04:43:19 PM »
Gosh I must have totally missed the reference about Kit's husband being the third triplet (what was his name?). What was the reference? It'd be great to take a look and see. I really feel I need to read that book again, but I don't have the patience to read a book twice through in a row (even HP books).

And I agree about reading the autobiography. It helped me understand a lot, including the schism, although I still don't know exactly what happened, but I know it dealt with Olaf and Esme.

I was talking with this girl last night about the books. She said she read through like book 4 and stopped because it was getting repetitive, she was annoyed with the definitions, and she didn't feel like there was any character growth. She actually owned through like book 10, but she sold them all (can't remember what Web site). She said she was also annoyed that because there didn't seem to be too much time passing, there was no way for Violet to reach 18 by the end of book 13 and so how was Olaf going to get their fortune. I about laughed at this because she didn't realize how much had changed. I tried to explain to her how the children do start to grow up more and change, how the plot line totally moves away from living with new guardians, and how there is a whole mystery around the VFD. Hopefully this will intrigue her to finish reading the series. I remember feeling somewhat of the same feelings around books 4 and 5, but I'm not a quitter and I'm glad I continued. Once we got past the guardian thing, it started to get really interesting. I still can't see how it can end in one more book, but we'll see.

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: November 03, 2005, 11:48:48 AM »
So I got a copy of the Penultimate Peril from the library and read it. It was definitely interesting. **Spoilers (sorta)** I thought the court scene was hilarious (especially that even Esme kept her blindfold on). I wonder what is going to happen in the last book. There just seems like so much left that is still unresolved. Why did their parents poisen someone (Olaf's parents, right?) at the opera? And why do all these families have three children (some triplets)? And why were they taken to be a volunteer? And were the parents always killed when they were taken? How are these children chosen? I really hope it's explained in the next book.

Rants and Stuff / Re: More Grumpiness
« on: November 01, 2005, 02:13:05 PM »
I was so excited about Halloween that I even dressed in a costume (even though it was kind of a lame one) and made the bowl of candy all pretty ready for the trick-or-treaters, and then only three total showed up. I was kind of sad about this. Last year (in the same place) I got about 20. I'm glad I wasn't overrun, although that was unlikely, but I was hoping for more. Felt like I dressed up for nothing. Now I have a bowl full of candy that's just going to be eaten by my husband, like he needs more candy  :).

Movies and TV / Re: Sky High
« on: October 18, 2005, 04:38:58 PM »
Well, maybe that's how you use it, but I didn't know that. And I've never known anyone else who uses it that way, so how was I suppose to know? Now I do know, so from now on I won't misjudge. :)

Movies and TV / Re: Sky High
« on: October 18, 2005, 04:35:27 PM »
e, I'm sure you're right and I was overreacting, but it's hard to tell with type and you were using a lot of capped words (which is supposed to mean real emphasis and yelling, right?). I must have misread. If you don't want to be mistaken, you could use italics for emphasis.

And I wasn't saying you were a troll, I was saying that Skar was walking towards trolldom and I was trying to steer him away. I did understand what you were saying (once you explained it in the next post) and I probably wasn't explaining myself well. So I guess you were right on both accounts.

Movies and TV / Re: Sky High
« on: October 18, 2005, 03:31:34 PM »
For your information, I read that explanation, but that doesn't mean I accept it. (And rude for saying that I "obviously" didn't read the post, cause duh, I did. And if you think it's so annoying to talk about, you really don't have to read the thread or respond to it ;).) She seemed pretty pissed that she had to go through puberty twice. Why would you care so much if you didn't remember the first time? Anyway, it's really a mute point since there is NOT conclusive evidence one way or the other. I just thought it was interesting. If you don't agree, that's your prerogative. But you don't have to argue with me and try to convince me. I liked the discussion we were having. Isn't that the point of a forum--to discuss, and then decide on our own opinions? Please don't be a troll :).

Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: October 18, 2005, 03:02:48 PM »
Just a software company in Orem.

Movies and TV / Re: Sky High
« on: October 17, 2005, 07:30:11 PM »
Yeah, that is weak! She should have totally been able to build a new one!

I think she was planning on brainwashing the babies, so they would forget their prior lives.

And that's a good idea, but it should have been explained if that's true. They shouldn't leave us to make up our own reasons. It would not have been hard when she was explaining to baby Commander to add the brainwashing, but as I recall she just said that she was going to raise them to be evil.

Movies and TV / Re: Sky High
« on: October 17, 2005, 05:36:58 PM »
Whoa, boy! Wow, you must really care about this! Personally, I don't care. I'll still watch the movie again sometime cause it was fun and cute. I just thought it was an interesting point, so I thought I'd point it out. If you don't agree, that's all right. I still think it's a flaw, though.

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