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Messages - Tink

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Everything Else / Re: Cereal
« on: December 06, 2005, 05:38:59 PM »
So... cutting and pasting is tons of fun! I wonder who invented that capability.  
Anyhow, eating cereal is even more fun. Except, I tried that new "golden graham" Life cereal and didn't like it too much. I thought it was worth a try since cinnamon Life is the best stuff. Eh, oh well.

I didn't think I liked them at first either, but I realized later that I was craving them. I think they just take a little getting used to, then they're good.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Yet more grumpiness
« on: December 06, 2005, 05:06:31 PM »
This may not help, because I know that many times we just want to rant and be heard and not hear possible solutions (and I just want to say that you're heard and understood), but have you talked to your Bishop? When I was a student and newly married, my husband and I were only making $800 a month. This was not enough to pay rent and all our other bills (and this including cutting out everything that we could). We were able to get food from the Bishop's storehouse until I graduated and could work full-time, allowing us to pay for our own bills. He mostly likely can't give you money, but he probably could give you food (which saves from your budget so you can more easily pay your other bills) and try to find someone in the ward who fixes cars or who has a car they don't want but still works who is willing to donate or something. You may have already done this, but just in case you haven't, remember that part of the purpose of the Church is to be charitable, to take care of the needs of the members, and the law of consecration. I hope that's helpful :).

Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: December 02, 2005, 06:11:27 PM »
I'm so excited because I decided two months ago that when our housing contract ended in December I wanted to find a new one (one that was bigger with more room!) and last night we found one. Yea! The one we have now is only 600 sq. feet, but this one is 1070 and only $50 more in rent! We will move in about two weeks. And we will have washer and dryer hookups and live closer to work and school and the grocery store. Yea! Yea! Yea!

Everything Else / Re: Cereal
« on: December 02, 2005, 06:05:05 PM »
My very favortist is Raisin Nut Bran. It has those really soft raisins coated with nut mixture, bran flakes, and almond slivers. It's the bestest ever. It's what I choose when money is no matter (which is hardly ever--only when my parents are paying!).

Everything Else / Re: TWG Forum Trivia
« on: December 02, 2005, 05:58:00 PM »
Well, I can definitely honestly say that I am not, nor have ever been, attracted to EUOL (no offence :)). This is a very good thing since I am married and that would just be wrong!

Everything Else / Re: TWG Forum Trivia
« on: December 01, 2005, 05:44:43 PM »

Can I get a boo-yah?

Do you watch Kim Possible? Cause I just had a total Ron Stoppable image flash through my mind when I read that.

Everything Else / Re: Stupid Things People Say
« on: December 01, 2005, 12:40:07 PM »
I personally like old threads being resurrected as long as there is something real to contribute to it, and not just an "I totally agree" post. I did notice when I came on today (and I haven't been around in almost a week so there was a lot that I missed) that there were many threads that were marked new that weren't new. When I first joined I pushed the "Mark all posts as read" button so I'd be informed of only the recently posted threads and not have a "New" tag by old threads. But today they seem to have reappeared. I don't know what's up with that! Oh, well. Once I go through the newly posted threads I'll push the "Mark all posts as read" button again.

Everything Else / Re: Grrrr...Staffing!
« on: December 01, 2005, 12:32:17 PM »
I thought about going through a temp agency, but the rate they charge is astronomical!

Out of curiosity could you tell me what there rate is approximately? I'm a temp at a company and want to be hired. I curious how much it's costing them to be a temp. Is it a percentage about what they're getting paid? Or what? and did you ask how much it'd cost if you wanted to hire them on so they wouldn't be a temp, but an actual employee?

Site News / Re: The Return of Staff Picks
« on: December 01, 2005, 11:36:48 AM »

I know John Denver and the Muppets are on it

Oh, my gosh, I love that album! It's a holiday tradition in my family to play it and it brings me back to being a kid every time I listen to it. Yea for Christmas and traditions!

Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: November 25, 2005, 08:28:41 PM »
I'm happy because we had a good early morning Black Friday today. We got a cable modem for $20 after rebates, a free paper shredder after rebates, a 512 mb flashdrive for $10 after rebates, 1/2 off pillows and sheets and towels, and jeans for $15. It was great. I know a lot of people don't like to get up early to shop on Black Friday (and deal with the crowds and such) and I say great! I wish there were more like you. It leaves all the good stuff for the early risers (I got up at 4 a.m.!). Yeah!

So overall a good day (just as a total, I spent $280 and after rebates I'll have only spent $175. Better get those rebates in!)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ask Brandon
« on: November 25, 2005, 08:21:35 PM »
So how'd the signing go today? Were there tons of people? Did you sign a lot of books? I would think that today would be a good day for a book signing. Was it?

Everything Else / Re: What are you thankful for?
« on: November 25, 2005, 07:58:07 PM »
I'm thankful for:

-my husband
-my job
-my car and the fact that it works
-the Internet
-the Gospel and all it entails
-having food and a warm place to live
-Black Friday sales
-dogs (I don't have one, but I'd love to)
-not living previously (i.e. an era without electricity and modern appliances)
-living in a modern country
-having a wonderful family that I can rely on and who support me
-having siblings

Everything Else / Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes
« on: November 21, 2005, 05:00:39 PM »
I'm pretty much a procrastinator and right now I'm trying to figure out what I want to make for Thanksgiving and I was wondering if any of you have recipes for Thanksgiving that you just love and don't think it's Thanksgiving without. My mom always made the basic stuff, which was fine, but I never really liked the stuffing, we never had cranberries, the pumpkin pie was, well, pumpkin pie (nothing special) and we had just a normal green salad.

Do you guys have any recipes that are more unique but really good? A special green salad that uses cranberries and pecans? A yam recipe that steers away from the normal candied variety? A sauce or gravy that is just to die for on turkey? Or any other recipe that you look forward to on the day of stuffing? If you need to, call mom, call grams, get the scoop and post here. I'd really appreciate it!

Everything Else / Re: 1 I green person
« on: November 21, 2005, 03:45:48 PM »
I have to agree. When I saw your post I was highly impressed with your writing abilities. Good luck with your writing and just remember that practice makes you a better writer, so as long as you love it, keep doing it. If you have this command of the language at 13, think of how great you'll be in 10 years!

Movies and TV / Re: Superman Returns
« on: November 21, 2005, 03:27:33 PM »
Yeah, I think that was husband's favorite part about seeing HP4. He's been frustrated because they keep saying they're going to make a superman movie, but then they don't. So now he knows it'll be coming out.

I thought one thing was interesting. I am not an avid fan of superman; I like superman, but I've never been a comics buff and I didn't watch "hero" cartoons much as a kid (I little spiderman, a little batman, but that's all) and so I don't know how Jor-el's character is traditionally portrayed, but I thought it was interesting that his character is exactly opposite of what we've seen in Smallville--that he wants Kal-el to help the human race and be good, where as in Smallville, Jor-el wants him to rule over the human race and kill them if he has to. So anyway, interesting.

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