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Messages - Tink

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Site News / Re: Google Ads
« on: January 23, 2006, 01:20:10 PM »
Thanks for the info. Looks like a good way to get money, if you can get people coming to your site.

Site News / Re: Google Ads
« on: January 23, 2006, 12:27:34 PM »
So let's say I have a Web site and I'm thinking of putting google ads on it. Can you guys tell me how it works? Do you have to program your code and know how to do that? Do you get money per click, or only if they click and stay on the page for some time (cause really I'd think we all could be clicking on the ads like crazy to get the money up if it's just a click. So is it?) How much per click? Is there a site I should check out that talks about this?

Movies and TV / Re: Disney Info
« on: January 20, 2006, 11:18:05 AM »
Okay, I know this is off topic, but how many people around here are adopted or know someone adopted? Because as I recall at least a couple people on here said they were adopted, plus I believe Fish said her mom was adopted, and my husband was adopted. I just think that is an high amount since in real life, I only know my husband. Maybe it's more common than I thought!

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: January 19, 2006, 04:06:11 PM »
I'm not sure what you're talking about. What salad thing? Please explain further.

Movies and TV / Re: Disney Info
« on: January 19, 2006, 03:54:13 PM »
Part of why I think that rule of getting rid of parents exist is because children don't want to be preached to. Although in real life our parents helps us by giving us advice, teaching us right from wrong, and all that, and that's how we grow, children don't want to read a story about how a child got into danger and the parents or other adults came in and rescued them. They want to feel empowered by reading about children, for example, the Baudelaires, who are able to use their own brains and figure out a way to help themselves. I also think that children have fun reading about children who go on these adventures without parents, and sometimes without any adults, because although they themselves would be scared out of their wits without adult supervision, it's fun to escape into a book where children are able to do it and have an adventure. Children still learn lessons this way, but it comes out in a less preachy way than stories where an adult solves the problem.

I think that stories can work with adults and without, but I don't see anything wrong with taking adults out of the picture, especially if it makes the storyline more believable.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Happy Things 2006: Generation X
« on: January 19, 2006, 03:43:13 PM »
I have a job interview on Tuesday!!

Congrats! What kind of job is it?

Books / Re: JK vs Lemony
« on: January 19, 2006, 01:38:41 PM »
I don't think that the Lemony books are too dark. One reason for this is that kids can see straight through the "dreariness" of the books and see what LS is doing (of course I don't really know this since I know no kids of that age, but I think it just the same). I think they enjoy the humor and they like seeing the adults being so oblivious.

As for Harry Potter, I think that you have to judge it according to the kid: how old they are and how mature. I have been wondering whether when I have kids, I'll wait to let them read the later HP books till they're older because of how sad they are. And the series kind of grew up with the readers, so to speak. At the same time, they could probably handle it (more so than the movies because I think visual violence is worse than written). Overall I think it'd be fine.

Books / Re: JK vs Lemony
« on: January 18, 2006, 07:41:03 PM »
I think it's hard really to determine which one is better, per se. For one, they're aimed towards different age groups, in my opinion. Lemony seems to be for younger crowds, which is why the kids have to figure everything out themselves, rather than having adult help (although it seems they're getting at least a little help from adults as the series progresses). While although Harry Potter is for a young crowd, it's aimed towards a little older readers and more adults enjoy it than with Lemony.

Also, the writing styles are so different. Harry Potter is much more serious, while Lemony is constantly making fun of itself and the plot line. And of course having the author be a character as well changes the feel of the story. I think it's just too difficult to compare. I like both of them for different reasons. If I only could read one series, though, I'd pick Harry Potter. Partly just because it's longer and so I'd get more enjoyment from it. But I like them both.

Writing Group / Re: I wrote a book. Please read one chapter.
« on: January 17, 2006, 03:22:00 PM »
Well, that's dumb. Rude.

Writing Group / Re: Agents/ publishers/ portfolio
« on: January 17, 2006, 03:21:18 PM »
I went to your Web site and in your "About Me" section you say you won an award for your "Only a Princess" story and you say it's sci-fi. Is it really sci-fi or are you including fantasy in that genre? (I personally think they're completely separate, so I was wondering since the title sounds more like fantasy.)

Writing Group / Re: I wrote a book. Please read one chapter.
« on: January 16, 2006, 04:48:03 PM »
It grabs my interest somewhat, but is sometimes hard to understand because of your spelling, fragmented sentences, and awkward English. It also jumps around a lot. First we think it's focusing on the man that moved from Russia, then his third wife, Vera, and finally Diana Parkinson. I think it needs a little more focus. If this is book-length, you can introduce other elements later. If your focus is Vera, it's a fine introduction until you reach the paragraph on Diana, but once you get to that paragraph, it becomes too much.

Suggestions Box / Re: anon posting, yea or nea?
« on: January 16, 2006, 03:38:47 PM »
Considering how much we've gotten just today, I say take it out or filter or something. We could just all remember what our passwords are so we can post from other computers when we need to, right? These spams are pretty annoying.

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: January 16, 2006, 03:27:01 PM »
I agree with Chimera. Violet was like 14, was it when the fire happened? She wouldn't exactly forget what her mother looks like (let alone her brother who was also like 13). So I would think they would've been very excited to see her again.

Movies and TV / Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« on: January 16, 2006, 03:22:54 PM »
I wonder why Eko wasn't afraid. I think it's because he's ready to die because he now knows for sure what happened to his brother and is ready to meet his maker.

Writing Group / Re: Find and Replace is the Spawn of Satan
« on: January 13, 2006, 11:58:05 AM »
Girls give sympathy.
Guys try to fix it.

I've realized that, although a girl, I fall into the category of trying to fix things too. I watch myself to make sure I'm not doing it when the person just needs sympathy, but it generally works with my husband, since he likes to also give advice rather than sympathy and likes having someone to talk the problem out with and try to think of a solution. Although, I have to tell him when I just want sympathy so he doesn't do the same back if I don't want it.

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