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Messages - Chimera

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Movies and TV / Re: No wizard of Earthsea Ghibli until 2009
« on: August 29, 2006, 05:52:13 PM »
Having written the book in 1968, I think she has every right to want to focus on race. Maybe a lot of the population has left that conflict behind us, but I'm sure it's still relevant to many people.

I have to say I'm siding with Ookla here. Race was much more of an issue in 1968, and she was trying to make a point, and I think that to capture the true "spirit" of the novels this should be taken into consideration in an adaptation.

However, I see E's and 42's point. Multiculturalism is more than just changing skin color. And perhaps the books failed in that respect. However, I think her point was that the skin color shouldn't be so defining--and that she carried this out by varying the races in her Earthsea novels without making them "other". As she pointed out (in the quote Ookla provided), at the time the prevailing archetype in fantasy was black=evil and white-good. Which is a prevailing Western archetype, anyway, and still very much so. And she was trying to subvert it. I don't think it's much to ask that this be carried over into adaptations of her novels.

That's my opinion.

Movies and TV / Re: The Scrapped Princess
« on: August 29, 2006, 05:37:39 PM »
We're putting out the original novels (which the anime was based on, and which go much more in depth) starting in October. Look for them in your bookstore's YA section.

Oh, that makes me happy. I've tried to research it a little, and from what I gather the original novels were really deep and fascinating (as you say, it goes more in depth), but they are hard to get ahold of. So I look forward to checking out your reprint of the originals.

That begs a question, though--I read a Scrapped Princess manga in the bookstore several months ago. And I thought it was published by Tokyo Pop. It was what got me interested in the story in the first place, enough to track down the anime. So--what is that? Is it a modern adaptation of the novels? Or is that what you are talking about that is supposed to be available in October?

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff Found on the Internet, again
« on: August 29, 2006, 01:00:26 PM »
So much so that it will no longer be taught in the lineup of planets in elementary school.

My nephew is going to be disappointed. He recently learned all the planets--and now his super-cool mobile is incorrect. We'll have to take Pluto off.  ::)

But, you're right E. Pluto and Xena are dwarf planets. But it is still a stab at Pluto's status.  ;)

Music / Re: Cool Lyrics the 2nd
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:49:36 AM »
So what you had didn't fit
Among the pretty things
Never fear, never fear
I now know where you've been

Braids have been un-tied
As ribbons fall away
Leave the consequence
But my tears you'll taste

Falling apart and all that I question
Is this a dream or is this my lesson?

Oh, he's under my skin
Just give me something to get rid of him
I've got a reason now to bury this alive
Another little white lie

Everything Else / Re: Army of Kije
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:00:06 AM »
Your army has gorillas?!

Hmm--gun-toting gorillas vs. ninja monkeys. That would make an interesting battle...

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff Found on the Internet, again
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:56:48 AM »
actually, the larger argument right now is whether to stop calling Pluto a planet. I understand that they're supposed to make a final decision this month on that.

I don't think I saw this anywhere on here--but it's official.

Bye bye Pluto.

So we lost Pluto and Xena. My heart weeps.  :'(

Movies and TV / The Scrapped Princess
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:42:06 AM »
So...has anyone seen this anime series? It's a fairly new one, released in Japan in 2003 and released in the US on DVD beginning in 2005 and ending in 2006. I just recently finished watching all 6 DVDs from Netflix, and I *really really* enjoyed it--more than I thought I would. Its themes really got me thinking, and I'd love to discuss it with someone, if anyone on here has seen it.

And, if you haven't and you're looking for an interesting anime, I recommend it.

[Edit: I put more accurate release information, since this wasn't made in the mid 90s, as I thought, but just a few years ago actually. Info can be found here and here, if you so desire. The first link also mentions Tokyopop's impending release of the YA novels.]

Movies and TV / Re: Chick Flicks
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:38:00 AM »
Ever After was on the other night. I've seen it a million times, I can practically quote all of it, I know Drew Barrymore's accent is atrocious, and yet I can never resist watching it! The very girly-girl who wants to be a princess in me just loves that movie. So that's one of my guilty pleasures.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Revenge of Grumpy Bear
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:20:23 AM »
Also, that creepy kid who sits beside me in Honors Biology stole my stuffed penguin. >:( :'(

That stinks! I weep with you.  :'(

Maybe E will lend you his ninja monkeys to get the penguin back. Though, I don't know what he'll require in return. A lifetime of subservience, a hefty fee, or maybe just a jello pudding never know.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I live!
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:15:52 AM »
Me too!

Well, I've been back for awhile now. Time to change my catchphrase, I think.  ;)

I'm glad you didn't blow yourself up Jeffe. And that you're back.  ;D

Site News / Re: Call for Articles: Give us your love
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:04:30 AM »
I'm *extremely* disappointed that nobody submitted articles while I was gone. Just so you know.

I was waiting for a response. I didn't know you were out of town, though.

I'll try to write a book review by the end of this week.

Movies and TV / Re: No wizard of Earthsea Ghibli until 2009
« on: August 19, 2006, 02:16:13 PM »
Agreed. I mean, they changed the fact that Ged was black! That's a HUGE change, if you ask me. Since Le Guin was all about changing the normal fantasy main character (something beside the young white male protagonist) first with Ged and then with Tenar, I'd definitely call that a sacrilege.

Everything Else / Re: Best Quote Lately Reincarnated
« on: August 19, 2006, 02:11:00 PM »
"I hate to admit it, but I tittered. I hate people who titter. I even hate the word titter. But there was no other appropriate response."

--From the book The Truth-Teller's Tale by Sharon Shinn

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff Found on the Internet, again
« on: August 19, 2006, 02:03:34 PM »
If the resolution is approved, the 12 planets in our solar system listed in order of their proximity to the sun would be Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Charon, and the provisionally named 2003 UB313. Its discoverer, Michael Brown of the California Institute of Technology, nicknamed it Xena after the warrior princess of TV fame, but it likely would be rechristened something else later, the panel said.

I think we should most definitely have a planet named Xena.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I can't wear my backpack in the grocery store?
« on: August 19, 2006, 01:58:37 PM »
Maybe instead of terrorism it was related  to shoplifting. Perhaps the store had been having more problems with shoplifting and had told the guards to check backpacks. But he didn't enforce it, so it could've just been a power trip.

I don't know what you look like in real life. Do you think you have more of a suspicious terrorist look or a teenage delinquent look or an easily pushed around by a security cop look?  ;)

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