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Messages - Bastille

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I could get it for you. -smiles impishly- It will only cost your soul.

hah!! Where do I sign?


Some lucky kid has the third book already.  They gave away a manuscript at the HoA signing.  I wanted so hard to win!  But sadly, I didn't.

Lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky person!!!!!!!!! I would give up my life for that book. It holds SO much info that I want/need to find out.


That is a good idea. I like the idea of breaking the rules. Even if Alcatraz got that powerful I don't think he would be able to (but if the lenses do what we think they do then it's different) control the Talent enough to do it without having another consequence happen. If that made any sense to anyone.


Good ideas one and all!! I love all the ideas of the lenses that so far doesn't really do anything. (sorta) I would love Bastille to become an Oculator and I've thought a great deal about that subject. I'm wondering if Alcatraz still has those blood forged lenses, and when he figures out he still has them what will he do with them? I would want him to give them to Bastille and then when she questions him he just says because I trust you and then later she uses them to help Alcatraz. Remember this is just my mind wheeling different ideas of the books.

As always I picture Shasta joining the Smedrys at one point and then watching everyone's reactions to that. Of course Alcatraz, Bastille and Draulin will all object to the decision but of course Attica, Grandpa Smedry and Kaz (if he is still there) will be alright with it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hum Drum Sad Pandaness
« on: March 02, 2009, 12:53:17 PM »
There you go!! Thanks so much for posting!!!


Your idea for the third book is really good. I'm wondering now, that we've meet Draulin are all Crystins bad tempered or are any of them happy people? When you said something about a Smedry becoming a Crystin (that would be SO cool), what would happen if that Smedry were an Oculator? Because you have to use Warriors Lenses when your a Crystin but is there a lens that does the same thing as warriors lens?  ???

I still think that Shasta is going to loose the Lenses of Rashid because her Talent will act up. If you remember in teh first book when we see Shasta taking with Blackburn Shasta say:(Shasta) "I was planning to go along, but- (Balckburn) "But what?" (Shasta) "I lost my keys."

If Shasta never lost her keys then she would have been able to go pick up Alcatraz and ether Alcatraz would have never meet Grandpa Smedry or Grandpa Smedry and Shasta would have meet there at the house and that would be VERY interesting. So I'm guessing that Shasta's Talent works when, I don't know how to put this.....when the story could go as people thought it would. Then maybe in the fourth book Shasta teams up with Smedrys and they go looking for the lenses before teh other Librarians.

Also about the crystals in Crystallia and the flesh stones I THINK another one of the flesh stones power is they help keep the Crystins alive. Maybe it helps them heal faster because after Bastille got hurt from Killiman she was still able to get up and the frost on her hand wasn't bothering her. I don't know maybe she's just determined which also makes sense.


As for the mysteriously awesome lens Alcatraz found in the tomb, does this not remind you of when Vin and Kelsier were trying to figure out what malatium did?  Ditto duralumin (sans Kelsier).  It actually makes a lot of sense for this "ultimate lens" to function as a sort of amplifier for all other lenses, come to think of it.

Opps!! Forgot to add this part!!

That does remind me of that as well but I think the lenses will help control the Talent because in the tomb of Alcatraz the 1st all the writing really taked about the Talents. In the description it says something about how it was his best lenses and even though he passed it down to his son only if a Talent can break is it dangerous or something like that.


I see where you can see the resemblance between the books because there was a topic about this somewhere else and I think Brandon Sanderson uses the same type of things for all of his books. Like the Incarnate Wheel and the Wheel of the Metals for Mistborn look allot alike.

Also both the main characters have some extra ability they really don't know how to control. Vin can't sorta control  how she controlled the mist and that she thinks she is the HoA.  Alcatraz is an oculator and his Smedry Talent he can't control also.

I agree with you about the kandra and the Curators. Oh and both main characters are taught by some sort of pro at their "craft". Grandpa Smedry taught Alcatraz and Kell taught Vin.

About the knights, they are (remember I'm guessing) probably going to get into an argument with the Smedry (aka Alcatraz) because of Bastille's knight being taken away and I'm sure there will be more to it.


 Okay, I've noticed and I'm sure others have as well that WoT has taken over the forum and we've been sort of ignoring the rest of the other books. I want to try something new and talk about the new Alcatraz book that is coming out in October of 2009. Talk about what you hope to come in the next book, what's your favorite character or part in the last 2 books. If you haven't read these books take a look and maybe try them out. Let's see how this goes.  ;)

My Questions and Stuff:

I'm wondering what Nalhalla is going to look like and how the world (Free Kingdoms) will think of Attica's return. Also now that Shasta has the Lenses of Rashid I think she is going to loose them because in the 1st book she lost her keys and that turned the story into what it is. I'm wondering why the book is called Knight's of Crystallia ? Something has to happen with Crystallia and maybe we'll find out things that we didn't know before.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hum Drum Sad Pandaness
« on: March 01, 2009, 06:28:14 PM »
Really? Do you think it will work?


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hum Drum Sad Pandaness
« on: February 28, 2009, 02:23:10 PM »
Ok, before you continue reading know that I AM glad that EUOL is getting more attention and becoming a more popular author, BUT:

I am sad with the Sanderson forums being over-run with WoT topics.  These are the reasons, numbered by importance to me.

1. (There's a tie for first.) The people.  I miss all of the old chatters.  I know at least some of them are still around, they have just all gone in hiding (some have stopped showing up) due to the lack of other topics and the large amount of WoT topics.)  I just miss their company.

1. I miss all the theory threads. (Yes, I realize I could write them, I'm just too lazy ATM and I don't feel they would get discussed too thoroughly.)

2. The lack of the WoT threads actually being theory threads.  This new group is a totally different species of forum goers.  They just talk about what HAS happened and other things that relate to WoT (i.e. games) and none of it is argumentative debate.

3. Waiting.  I know that eventually everything will get back to the way that it was, but I hate waiting for it. :/

Now that I am done ranting I think I might find some time to write up a Theory Thread the next Alcatraz book. . . I may have to skim through the other again, or reread them first though.

Anyway.  Thoughts?

I agree with you 100%. WoT is getting to much attention and is completely taking over this forum. I would LOVE for you to do something for Alcatraz because there really good books but I know if I put one it will just wither away. Brandon Sanderson has written more than WoT.


Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: February 26, 2009, 11:49:36 AM »
I downloaded them to my phone while I was sitting in class. ha ha.

Really? I don't have a phone but I have a 5th generation iPod. That works fine for me.
Mines an iPhone. >>

Really? Lucky!!!


Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: February 26, 2009, 01:29:01 AM »
I downloaded them to my phone while I was sitting in class. ha ha.

Really? I don't have a phone but I have a 5th generation iPod. That works fine for me.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: February 25, 2009, 11:49:47 AM »
I did to (but not yesterday) and I downloaded tehm all so I have like a tone on my iPod.  ;D


Books / Re: Meyer Stops writing next twilight book
« on: February 21, 2009, 03:15:11 PM »
Oh wow I really killed this thread  ::)

ha ha

Ya think!!! Let's keep going!! This is FUN!!!!!!!  ;D


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