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Messages - mtlhddoc2

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Splitting A Memory of Light...
« on: January 07, 2009, 11:48:37 PM »
considering that Brandon has not only finished about half the book, but also finished the first revision of that half, I am totally in favor of splitting it if it means we get a book faster than we would have. I am DYING to read some more WoT.

Suggestions Box / Re: Education?
« on: January 07, 2009, 11:00:48 PM »
For those who are wondering:  GED counts as Secondary education.

Not to anyone who matters it doesnt. If you have a GED, the Army requires some college credits before allowing you in. A High School diploma is fine though.

Movies and TV / Re: Nostalgia Alert!!!
« on: January 07, 2009, 10:59:20 PM »
Ok, I feel I need to chime in here. Addict, alcoholic, legal definitions, yadda yadda.

Anyway, even though I said I was a teenage alcoholic, I am not an alcoholic, nor was I ever. I only fit the "book" definition of an alcoholic accoriding to AA.

during my early to mid 20s, I drank every day, all day. I got drunk every single night. I would put vodka in my coffee to wake up. Then one day, I decided I had had enough and quit. I never had any urges to drink, and even the same DAY I quit, I went to a bar and did not drink, yet they still call me an alcoholic and try to say "oh, you will always be one, etc etc." It is a bunch of bull. I am not, and never was, addicted to alcohol, even though I was barely sober for a day for nearly 5 years.

I am however, a caffeine addict, and a nicotine addict.

dont believe the rhetoric. An addict is someone who cannot quit on their own. No more, no less.

Movies and TV / Re: Nostalgia Alert!!!
« on: January 07, 2009, 04:55:25 PM »
As a teenage alcoholic myself, I dont think it is sadder, sad, yes, sadder? no. Sadder is that same teen in 25 years doing the same damn thing he did in high school. I have an old classmate, a drinking buddy if you will, who is still the same disaster of a erson she was back then. Which is sadder, me, drunk at 15, but made something of my life, or her, drunk at 40, having made nothing of her life and still acting like a teen?

Movies and TV / Re: Nostalgia Alert!!!
« on: January 07, 2009, 02:12:28 AM »
no different than 40 year olds boasting about it either Shaggy, having a few drinks and a good time is one thing, getting loaded and passing out is another and thinking you are "cool" for doing so is just stupid, no matter what age you are.

Movies and TV / Re: Eragon
« on: January 07, 2009, 02:10:55 AM »
Bruce Campbell is probably best known for his role as Autolycus on Hercules and Xena and as "Boomer" in Sky High, he is currently on "Burn Notice" and has also appeared in all 3 Spiderman movies (he is close friends with Sam Raimi, he produced "Evil Dead" which Sam directed, and his brother Ted (Joxer from Xena) ).

If you like Army of Darkness, also check out "Alien Apocalypse" - which follows the same fish out of water B movieness, although it is not as good as AoD, still fun and funny.

Movies and TV / Re: Eragon
« on: January 06, 2009, 11:43:18 PM »
Bruce Campbell drives his car back to midieval times and kicks you know what with a chainsaw. Classic B movie from him.

Movies and TV / Re: Nostalgia Alert!!!
« on: January 02, 2009, 06:43:23 PM »
Thanks for the congrats...  wasnt really that difficult for me. I had just had enough on Dec. 22, 1998 and never drank again. No AA or anything like that. Just, thats it, Im done. LOL

 I too, like to "relax" with a couple now and again, but for me now, it is near beer (like O'Doul's) - there are other things besides the alcohol in beer and wine which help produce the calming effect. And the non-alcoholic versions do that job well enough.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 02, 2009, 03:12:42 AM »
I dont think the Dark One will, or can, die. In order to "die" he would have to cancel out Light. typical when autors use Light and dark (day/night, whatever) to describe good and evil, their destruction can only come about by combining, or cancelling, with the other force (also see "Ruin" and "Preservation" in Mistborn). You cannot have Good without Evil. The Dark One does not die here, but maybe "bottled up" again, waiting for the next cycle of ages to restart the whole process again.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 01, 2009, 09:16:00 PM »
Destruction of the Wheel would bring abouyt the end of the universe, so, in that case, everyone dies.

Movies and TV / Re: Nostalgia Alert!!!
« on: January 01, 2009, 05:36:00 AM »
Its great to pull out when you and your friends are drinking. ;D You can just sit back and watch the show.

Yeah....never happen for me....I don't drink and I have no friends that do. I've heard many times drunk people are quite funny, though. It's something I want to see sometime, if only to laugh...

honestly, I get bored among drunk people, very bored. I havent drank in 10 years (10th anniversary was Dec 22nd) and while drunks can occassionally be funny, 99% of teh time, it is just pure stupidity.

Movies and TV / Re: Eragon
« on: January 01, 2009, 05:33:35 AM »
It played out like a SciFi channel original movie. which I LOVE those, but simply because they are so horrible most of teh time. I love B grade movies, but they should consider themselves B grade movies (Bruce Campbell anyone? Army of Darkness? C'mon, you know you loved it!)

I loved the ending too. I, also hate when emotioanl strings are tugged for their own sake. In this instance, Vin and Elend get to be together again in a way. they have "moved on" and that in itself was emotional without being overly so.

also, the ending left open a new beginning (possibly a new series) for the future. Basically, a colonization type setting, where you have a lush world with zero settlement, but a shedload of people. for the most part, all of the cities and towns had been destroyed anyway, levelling them wasnt really that bad of an idea.

But back to Vin and Elend: Their deaths where actually quite apropo, and if they had not died, I would have been disappointed.

I would do it myself, but my 2-month-old doesn't like to hang out in front of the computer as much as I do, and he makes typing difficult at the moment!

And it only gets harder as they get older and do like to hang out in front of the computer as much as you.  For me, my kids have moved from wanting to drool on the keyboard, to wanting to bang on the keyboard, to wanting to use the keyboard to go to their favorite web sites. ;)

I have 3 computers in the house and still find it difficult to schedule time in front of the keyboard. Between the wife and ebay, the 11 year old and the MMORPGs and the 3 year old and Webkinz/Playhouse Disney, I barely am able to muscle my way in!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I finally converted someone!
« on: December 29, 2008, 11:11:00 PM »
you will need to sign up for a card from your local branch, but all the branches are interconnected and you can request a book from any library (except Block Island) and they will deliver it to your branch.

Warbreaker, I believe, is not in print yet. It is only in draft format and has not yet been sent to teh publisher (I think).

the library system apears to have all (or most) of the WoT series available in print and audio. good luck! (oh, and now you know at least 1 other Rhode Islander into these books ;) )

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