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Messages - Comfortable Madness

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT/Moraine's Letter to Thom
« on: August 01, 2008, 05:27:13 PM »
The reason, as far as we know, that Morgase wanted Thom's execution is because of his mouth. Thom delayed from helping Owyn because he was helping Morgase secure Camealyn thus never getting to him before his stilling and death. When he got back Morgase was furious at him for leaving and he called her a tool of the White Tower....

Movies and TV / Re: Sword of Truth trailer
« on: July 31, 2008, 06:04:04 PM »
O.K. Disney??? Did any execs over at Disney actually read these books? They are loaded with scenes of explicit sexual torture....

 Not a bad cast for Kahlan but horrible job on Richards character. This series, imo, would make for a good TV series or movie but the fact that it is Disney means it will be extremely watered down and thus bad. Which is pretty dissapointing. Only positive thing is that it is Sam Raimi directing. Evil Dead anyone?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT/Moraine's Letter to Thom
« on: July 30, 2008, 09:02:43 PM »
Here ya go:

Shadow Rising, CHAPTER: 6 - Doorways

"The slender woman was not at all taken aback. For a long moment she looked levelly at the pair of them, each with an arm around the other. Finally, she said, *"I could wager I know the face of the man I will marry better than either of you knows that of your future husband,"* Egwene gaped in surprise.**

After reading through the series twice now it still amazes me how much I've either missed or don't remember. I've read a lot of theories on how it is Thom that she was referring to as the man she will marry. I don't agree with them but it is definately an interesting theory. The fact that she claims to know his face better than anyone of the girls there know their future husband face leads me to believe that it is someone she has had a lot of contact with. So who would that be?

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 30, 2008, 03:31:05 PM »
Thanks for referencing that website,, it is pretty neat. I put in Robert Jordan, Stephen King, and Tom Clancy and it spit out Terry Goodkind. Which, I have to say, is pretty accurate as I have read the first two books in the Sword of Truth series and was thouroughly impressed with the first one.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT/Moraine's Letter to Thom
« on: July 18, 2008, 03:28:37 PM »
I've never had the impression that it was a romantic love.   I've heard speculation that she was gay - look at the prequel where it talks about her being pillow friends with Siuan.

If I remember right RJ said that he would finish in one book - even if it was twice the normal size.  I can't remember where I read that though.  :(

I agree that it was not a romantic love for Thom. RJ confirmed that "pillow friends" is a sexual term in a post on

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Vin as HOA?
« on: July 18, 2008, 01:59:20 PM »
I also think that there is a pattern in who gets taken by the mists and who doesn't.  But I also think the Deepness IS a Sentient being, separate from the mists, yet of them, like the Mist Spirit.  Alendi himself says he has seen into it's mind and it is sentient, right?

Here's a thought, Vin thinks she's the hero because she and Alendi both saw the mist spirit right, well I was just think, who else has th mist Spirit appeared to:
Fedik (alendi's friend who went down to the metal lake and got stabbed)
Sazed  :D
Besides Vin and Alendi, this is all the people I could think of, anyone else??

Didn't Spook also see the mist spirit when he was with Elend?

Also, has anyone mentioned the possibility that the whole HoA prophecy was cooked up by Ruin? It seems possible that it has been lying in wait every age for the one person that would be able to release it from it's prison. First Alendi and now Vin. Maybe the prophecy is just another tool to lure such a person to the well.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hero of Ages Prologue
« on: July 11, 2008, 03:59:56 PM »
Wow! What a great action packed way to start the Hero of Ages. I am really pleased that TenSoon's story is continued and hope he gets many more chapters in this book as he's probably my favourite character in the book.
Don't get me wrong, I loved TenSoon, he's my favorite character, but WHERE exactly does it say he will be in the third book?

Chapter two is about TenSoon. From the 'cliffhanger' at the end it's clear that there will be several more TenSoon/Kandra chapters...oh goodie!
Where are you getting this information?

What...the..??? You have to be reading something different than the rest of us. The cliffhanger? Where? In what? Clear that there will be several chapters? How are you getting to these conclusions?

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 10, 2008, 08:51:30 PM »
I'm, er, in the middle of two books, actually. 
The Running Man by Stephen King, which is just amazing.  ^^  I'm not very far, but I really like it.  I only recently started reading Stephen King, and I've been grabbing whatever of his books I can.  I wish I'd started sooner.   ;D
The other is Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.   I really don't like it nearly as much as The Running Man.  But still... I discovered a strange little completely hopeless romantic hiding inside me that squeals rather loudly as I read. 

I must recommend that you read The Long Walk written under King's alias Richard Bachman. It might be my favorite book of all time!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hero of Ages Prologue
« on: July 10, 2008, 01:09:11 PM »
That's true. And sorry, I missed number seven or I wouldn't have included that either.

I agree that it's possible that it requires a feruchemist to make an inquisitor. However, I personally (still) think it more likely that he's referring to the fact that you have to get 11 spikes into their bodies without killing them, and apparently going through the correct organs of the sacrifice(s). Sounds fairly difficult. But yes, it is possible.

Thoughts, anyone else?

I'm with you on this one and don't think that it requires a feruchemist to make an inquisitor. I think that Marsh and the inquisitors, in the prologue, kidnapped a keeper to question him about what Ruin requires to be completely free. Then after not getting the information needed, Ruin felt a little bloodletting was in order and why not add to the ranks of the inquisitors while said bloodletting ensued.

Books / Re: Best book you've ever read...
« on: June 26, 2008, 01:32:29 PM »
Hmmmm favorite book all time? That's a tough one. The Eye of the World& Red Storm Rising are a couple that are up there on my list. The one that might stand out as my favorite very well could be The Long Walk by Richard Bachman aka Stephen King. I just couldn't put that book down and the story just stays with me.

Music / Re: Cool Lyrics the 2nd
« on: June 25, 2008, 01:36:06 PM »
What a day, you should've stayed home shootin' the breeze all day,
you should think next time before you start to play,
I wonder what will happen today.
Rub your eyes from no sleep this week, tap your heels home then fall asleep,
asleep in bed you'll do something tomorrow instead.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Lightsong (Blog Post Reference)
« on: June 13, 2008, 01:09:11 PM »
What a coincidence, a couple of us, me included, specifically referred to Lightsong as the reason why we voted for Warbreaker on the favorite Sanderson book poll. I personally loved the character Lightsong. His humor made me chuckle at times and other times outright laugh. His struggle to realize who he really is really makes him an interesting character. I really enjoyed the scenes with him and Blushweaver.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Favorite Sanderson Book/Series
« on: June 12, 2008, 08:25:38 PM »
I had to go with Warbreaker on this. I loved how the magic worked and Lightsong was a really neat character.

Vasher+NIghtblood= Greatness

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: June 10, 2008, 05:27:50 PM »
Currently reading the second installment in Goodkinds Sword of Truth series. I really liked the first one but the second one really doesn't compare. I 've heard alot of bad things about this book. Is this series worth continuing? I really hate to quit on it after reading the first one and a half but I also would really hate to waste the amount of time it will take to read them all.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mysterious Reen ?
« on: June 10, 2008, 02:30:49 PM »
So you think the Mist Spirit was different for Alendi than it is for Vin?

That is what I am saying. I don't think that it is entirely impossible for that to be the case. If you look the books as a whole, as with many other fantasy novels, it is very cyclical. You have the beginning where the sun was yellow and now it is red and the world was a very different place. Now you have the protagonist trying to bring things back full cirlce to the way things were before. So, having the previous supposed HOA be the mist spirit for the new HOA would fit. Kind of a cycle within a cycle. Well, that' s my theory anyways.

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