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Messages - ryos

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Everything Else / Re: Heaven in a touch screen pad!
« on: January 28, 2010, 11:00:42 PM »
This blog post sums up my feelings about the iPad beautifully.

Everything Else / Re: Heaven in a touch screen pad!
« on: January 28, 2010, 09:55:28 PM »
Under the previous assumption apple would sell more computers than HP, Dell, etc. but they don't.

If you look at price categories, they do. Apple sells 91% of all computers that cost more than $1000.

Apple doesn't really compete with HP and Dell. If you want a cheap computer, you can't buy it from Apple. If you want an expensive computer, on the other hand, 9 out of 10 people go to Apple for that.

(Why would anyone want an expensive computer? Apples are for people for which "good enough" isn't good enough. That's not meant to be elitist or snobby, it's a simple statement of fact. I spend all day in front of my computer, so it's worth it to me to pay the Apple tax to get a computer that I can love, instead of one that merely works.)

Webcomics & Free Stuff / Re: Axe Cop
« on: January 28, 2010, 09:09:01 PM »
Heh. Hehe.

WTF is up with their site design, though? What exactly is the point of having a tiny flash image viewer, with a link to the full-sized image?

Everything Else / Re: Heaven in a touch screen pad!
« on: January 28, 2010, 08:31:12 PM »
I guess you are in the business then ryos? You have executives trying sync iPhones and iPods with network related software every day like I do too? Well, then  you would have found that, aside from being able to run only applications specifically designed for it, the iPod touch and the iPhone dont really do anything. They are junk. I know dozens of people with them, heck, i even own a touch. It is a nice little mp3 player. But I bought a touch knockoff too. It is faster, better sound quality, runs more apps, has HTML support built in and it was only $50. The touch has slightly better video quality.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. The best I can make out is that because your business had trouble using iPhone OS devices for your specific use case then they must not be "real computers". Doesn't really compute for me.

Also, I'd like a link to this knock-off touch MP3 player. What software does it run? How could it possibly "run more apps" than the iPhone? Granted, "number of apps" is a very poor metric (by all accounts, a large number of iPhone apps are crap), but I don't think you can slight iPhone OS on it however you try to slant it.

all the Jumbo iPod will do that the regular one does not is books. It is going to attract the Kindle market. I am sure it will sell rather well, but then it will fade and a company that puts out a REAL tablet computer will sell millions of them.

Not to be asinine, but the iPhone and iPod Touch have "done books" for quite some time. There's even an Amazon Kindle reader for the iPhone. And since the devices (as you so readily point out) are so very similar, the built-in book support will surely trickle down to the smaller touch devices in short order.

As for your prediction of doom, I simply ask: where is the MP3 player that has displaced the iPod? Companies have had nine years to produce it, so where is it? Where is the mobile OS that dominates the iPhone? You've all had two years to get your acts together. That's how long Apple spent on the original iPhone. Android and WebOS are solid competitors, but the iPhone is still so far ahead in the market that they can't even touch it.

What company is going to release a "real" tablet computer? Microsoft? Google? Palm? They might eventually make a compelling product, but if you think they're going to dwarf the iPad's sales you haven't been paying attention. And what constitutes a "real" tablet computer to you, anyway, if the iPad isn't it? What is it that you want that the iPad can't do?

Everything Else / Re: Heaven in a touch screen pad!
« on: January 28, 2010, 06:32:38 PM »
The Apple-designed CPU is the most interesting part of this announcement for me. I can't wait till we get performance/watt numbers on that sucker. The PA Semi guys (the company that Apple bought in order to build that processor) have a great track record, and I'd put money on that processor beating the best figures from other ARM processors of the same class.

The worst aspect of this device is the fact that it uses the iPhone development model. In other words, the device is closed (no tinkering allowed) and all apps need to go through Apple's ridiculous approval process. If Apple ever tries to impose that model on the Mac I swear to Jobs I'll jump ship to Linux or something, painful as that will be for me.

Also, I can't resist this one:

Im with Eeron. I thought Apple was actually going to release an actual tablet computer, not an oversized iPod.

by years end, the knock off MP3 companies will release their own version. For $100 or less.

I'm not sure what you think an iPod is. The iPod Touch was already the closest thing to a computer designed to be a tablet than any other tablet computer on the market. Simply running a desktop OS on a tablet computer doesn't give a very good experience; that interface was designed to be used with keyboard and mouse. By any definition but openness, the iPad is an "actual tablet computer".

And if you think the knock-off companies can buy the same quality hardware for $100 or less, you're kidding yourself. That's completely ignoring the software, which is actually everything. I repeat, software is everything. Your $100 iPad look-alike would be an unusable turd, like every other copy-cat piece of crap those people have put out.

Reading Excuses / Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« on: January 28, 2010, 11:15:38 AM »
I just sent Dalrymple, the King, and the Future off to Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show (or OSCIGMS, as the cool kids say). :o My fingers are crossed, but I'm trying very hard to keep my expectations low. My hopes, on the other hand...If you don't have hope then what do you have, right?

Reading Excuses / Re: 25 Jan 2010 - ryos - To Wish Upon a Dragon
« on: January 28, 2010, 03:38:34 AM »
Thanks for the comments. :)

First, the only structural problem is your format.  It starts out as just a story, but finishes as a letter.  You either need to make it all story or all letter.  Easily fixed, but know that if you make it all letter, it will be harder to do the dialogue and whatnot.  You'll have to be careful.

I'll be curious to know if this was an issue for anyone else. I really want to have my cake and eat it too on this one. (that's what it's for, after all). I don't think letter format works for the whole thing, but having Cody writing to his posterity was the best ending I could come up with. I don't have the best track record with endings...

Second, what are you going to do with this?  It is not quite fantasy because it is ambiguous as to whether the dragon ever existed.  If you confirmed the dragon existed, I would say submit this to writers of the future or a fantasy magazine.  It's good enough that you'll get at least a hard look.  If you keep it the way it is and leave the dragon ambiguous, then you can submit it just about anywhere, although you might think about making the title a little less fantasy-ish so that other magazines might be more accepting.  Anyway, I really enjoyed it.  Polish it up some and submit it somewhere.

I hadn't really thought about it. In the back of my mind, I figured I'd send it to some fantasy magazine. Podcastle has run several stories that are every bit as mildly speculative as this, so I supposed there must be *someone* out there that buys this stuff (Podcastle buys second publication rights). Looking back through their archives, every one of the stories I was thinking of originally appeared in Strange Horizons. So, Strange Horizons it is I guess. :)

Books / Re: Fantasy girls, where are you?
« on: January 27, 2010, 11:46:33 PM »
As for the WoT using a lot of clichés: who do you think started most of those? That's almost (but not quite) like saying the Lord of the Rings uses a lot of fantasy clichés. It does...but that's not Tolkien's fault. The blame for that lies in his imitators.

Books / Re: Fantasy girls, where are you?
« on: January 27, 2010, 12:22:33 PM »
You need look no further than Brandon's own books. Elantris and Warbreaker both have very strong female leads.

The Wheel of Time also has a lot of strong female characters. It's kind of hard to recommend without reservation because it's very long and slow, but if you're patient the payoff is worth it.

A lot of Terry Pratchett books - those about Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg; the Tiffany Aching saga; and the ones featuring Death's granddaughter - all have great strong female leads.

The Lord of the Rings has...heh. Heheh. I'm joking. That was a joke.

Trawl for more suggestions.

Reading Excuses / Re: January 25 - Andrew the Great - Lawless Prologue
« on: January 27, 2010, 04:14:47 AM »
Why does everyone keep apologizing for this?  if it's not interesting enough to make you want to read it you don't have to force yourself to.

Can't speak for others, but in my case if I'm apologizing, it's because I haven't even looked at it yet.

Interest hasn't often been an issue for me in this group. Generally speaking, the quality of stories we get here is exceptionally high (when you factor in that we're all unpublished and sending first drafts).

Reading Excuses / Re: January 25 - Andrew the Great - Lawless Prologue
« on: January 27, 2010, 04:11:00 AM »
ryos, you don't get an apology until you do my other stuff, but I'll get to yours eventually too.

LOL, fair enough. ;D

Everything Else / Re: LTUE
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:36:12 PM »
Count me out. I'm just…not that much of a fanboy, I guess.  :-\

Reading Excuses / Re: January 25 - Andrew the Great - Lawless Prologue
« on: January 26, 2010, 10:33:19 PM »
Heh, took him at his word, eh LTU? Man, that was harsh. Of course, I agree with most of LTU's assessment.

I know it's chic to turn things on their heads, but people have been using that gimmick for so long that it just doesn't stand on its own. Like any other story device, you've gotta sell it. The problem is that I don't see any more depth to this than "Oh, Heaven is corrupt and the Demons are the good guys." The thing is, demons *aren't* good (it's in the demon handbook, section 1, verse 23: "Don't be good."), so by setting them up as good, you're creating an additional barrier to my suspension of disbelief that you then must overcome.

But you don't, and I think LTU hit on all the reasons why. I haven't consumed nearly as much Japanese fiction as he has, so I'd probably draw parallels to Charmed (ugh, don't even get me started on that show), but the points are still the same.

As far as the first line is concerned, I'm not as enthused with it as LTU. It's such an obvious hook; it jumps up and down and shouts, "Hey guys look at me I'm a hook bite me!" Err...yeah. But that would be mitigated if it didn't stand alone; if it had a line, a sinker, and some bait to go along with it. Sadly, the following paragraphs fail to deliver on its promise.

(Who was in charge of revoking my metaphor license? You've failed badly at your duty, soldier.)

Now, for the last line! It falls flat because it's not a new development for this character. He didn't need to see his wife eviscerated on the floor of his home in hell to decide to kill God—he already tried to do that. So making a big deal of it now just doesn't make any sense.

I haven't read the rest of your submissions (I'll get to them, promise!), so I don't know if they're better than this or not, but this prologue does not entice me to finish the book. In all honesty, if this were on a shelf at a bookstore I'd probably put it down at this point.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 26, 2010, 09:00:26 PM »
Hm. I've now sent mine directly to you. Hope it gets there...

Reading Excuses / Re: Oct. 19 - Concord - Ch. 14+15
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:11:56 AM »
Juno continues to get more interesting. I liked this section quite a bit. I had two quibbles, both related to von Bredew.

First, he seems to shift character here. I never would have pegged him as the compassionate type. That's not to say it's out of character for—wait, no, yes, it is. I think that, rather than changing this section, you should revise prior ones so he doesn't come off as such an impersonal, rigid, callous jerk.

Second, can he really stay a bit longer? He is the captain, you know. He really does have more important things to do.

My critiques are getting shorter the further I progress in my Concord catch-up session. Sorry about that. I'll try to be more useful in the future.

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