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Messages - Skar

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Books / Re: Published WotF material...
« on: January 25, 2007, 11:11:59 PM »
There is a year that I'm thinking of as good in particular... can't place it right now but I've got it at home and if I remember to look I'll post it tomorrow.

Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: January 25, 2007, 10:43:40 PM »
And you've actually touched on one of the main things that perplexes me about this whole issue. Homosexual urges are there for a reason - yes, it's true that we can opt to act on them or opt not to, but they are present either way. If you believe homosexuality is not a choice, then I can't quite make sense of this - the God you've placed such faith in sees fit to instill homosexual urges in somebody, but these urges are less fit to act upon the heterosexual urges. Would anybody care to explain?

I'll give it a shot.

Point one, the LDS church cannot be categorized as believing that "homosexuality is not a choice." Whether it's one way or the other is not a matter of doctrine.  In the end, I don't think it matters.

So, the root question you seem to be asking is really, Why would God give us urges that are not fit to act on?  The answer is, very simply, so we can learn to control them.  The question applies to all urges, whether they be physical, mental, or spiritual.  We must learn to control our responses to these urges so that we can truly have the power of choice over them. 

An ideal example of this is smoking.  Smoking is addictive.  If you never give in to peer pressure, or whatever is urging you to smoke, your choices remain open.  You have no trouble not smoking but you could also start tomorrow if you wanted.  If you do get addicted, your choices become more difficult.  You can easily choose to smoke, but not smoking isn't easy anymore.

Our lives are not so ideal, obviously. One chooses to smoke in the first place but nobody chooses to want to steal.  We're all, probably, born with urges to act in ways that God has forbidden.  These could be anything from the urge to punch rude people in the nose to feelings of sexual love for members of the same sex.  We don't all have the same urges.  In mormonism we believe that God has given each of us challenges in this life that are precisely designed to teach us what we need to know before moving on to the next. 

I myself have some trouble seeing how this plays out.  What exactly do children born into physically abusive homes have to learn from that?  I don't know. 

But, the principle is a sound one.  Our challenges teach us things as we work through them.  And I don't think that someone who acts on urges in ways that I happen to think God has forbidden is just blowing it either.  From what you've said, you've learned a lot from working with your homosexual urges and your discourse in this thread shows that you are, at the least, far more mature than most of the 16 year olds I have known.  Which brings us back to the concept that Brandon introduced.  That each of us will be judged according to our understanding of the truth.   

Far be it from me to decide what another person is supposed to learn from their life.  I have enough trouble with my own.

Books / Re: Published WotF material...
« on: January 24, 2007, 11:11:42 PM »
2 things.  First, it's funny that you so blithely reversed the order, according to most advice I've heard.  Usually, you pick up examples from the place you're submitting BEFORE you submit.  Nothing wrong with it, I just found it amusing.  What are you going to do, write a story specifically so it'll win with a particular judge?  Ridiculous.

Secondly, you have to remember that the contest is primarily for new writers.  Not having truly amazing work therein is probably to be expected. But I've read several of the anthologies and been blown away quite a bit.  Hopefully you'll have more luck with others.

Good job for submitting by the way.  That in and of itself is impressive.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Studying for my MST 2 Test and Servicewide
« on: January 23, 2007, 10:48:30 PM »
Good luck Jeffe!

Suggestions Box / Re: TWG/Forum Improvements
« on: January 19, 2007, 07:04:33 PM »
K, so, is there already an RSS feed available from TWG?  If so (i'm stupid) where can I find it?  If not, how hard would it be to set up?  I have a friend who told me the other day that he'd definitely subscribe to a TWG RSS feed but that he forgets to check sites that don't have them.

Oh, and also, any chance we'll get a progress bar for our levels anytime soon?  I miss that.

Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: January 19, 2007, 06:49:30 PM »
Seems to me that one's sexuality is entirely a matter of perception.  As discussed earlier, the defining characteristic seems to be: Who do you fall in love with?  Who do you lust after?  If these things change, one's sexuality has changed.  Thus if someone thinks it worked, it worked.  Calling them delusional is exactly as rational as calling me delusional for thinking that I'm hetero or calling Armadius delusional for thinking that he's gay.

Just a thought.

Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: January 18, 2007, 06:04:20 AM »
Forgive me as I stick my nose in. 
3. You may disagree, but I would be careful of deeming it "sexual immorality". Keep in mind that homosexuality might be more aptly labled "homophelia"; it's as much a matter of love as it is of lust.
What I believe Brandon meant by "sexual immorality" is, simply, sex outside of marriage.  According to LDS theology the only time sex is condoned is when it's between a married couple.  A man having sex with his gay partner, to whom he is not married, is just as bad/sinful as a man having sex with his girlfriend, to whom he is not married.  The two acts are equivalently sinful.  The sin is not in having the urges or the love, it is in acting on them outside of marriage.

Now, obviously, since the LDS church does not allow homosexual marriages, this leaves the gay man permanently out in the cold.  He'll never be able to act on his sexual urges but will have to resist them his whole life.  (unless he somehow changes their focus to females.  perhaps that's why there's so much focus on the ex-gay ministries?)  Anyway, at the same time, the clinically diagnosed kleptomaniac will never be able to act on his urges either.  Neither set of urges (kleptomania or homosexuality) condemns the person who has them. (and no, I am not equating gays with thieves, it's just an example of inborn traits)

Now, I am notorious on this forum for offending people.  It is never my intent to do so.  I hope that I have not done so in this case.

Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: January 18, 2007, 12:35:44 AM »
Actually EUOL is not "Mormon".  That was a mistype.  He actually follows the precepts of "Moron."

As such he looks for every opportunity to heap abuse on those he considers less intellectually astute than he is.  He's a lot like Terry Goodkind in this respect.

Beware, be very very ware.

Rants and Stuff / Re: My First 911 Call...
« on: January 17, 2007, 11:38:37 PM »
Fine.  Perhaps she will think that other people value her enough to risk themselves by calling the cops on the BF.

Rants and Stuff / Re: My First 911 Call...
« on: January 17, 2007, 06:59:57 PM »
But bravo for doing something.  Being willing to act in such situations is getting rarer and rarer in our society.  Perhaps it will add to her feeling that other people think her BF is a jerk and someday enough such things will add up to an impulse to do something about her situation.

Well done.

Books / Diamond Age Mini-Series
« on: January 17, 2007, 05:59:17 PM »
So, It looks like Neal Stephenson's "The Diamond Age: Or a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer" will be produced and adapted for the small screen.  The Neal himself will be doing the writing for the TV apparently.  A good sign.

Being a rabid Neal Stephenson fan I'm too excited for words.  I can only hope that since he will be adapting it himself it won't go the way of that horrific "Dune" Mini-series.

I am worried that the blurb says "creativity" was being stifled in the story.  In the book it was "subversiveness" or "independent thought" that was being stifled.  Very different from creativity.

Hopefully it won't turn into a thinly veiled McCarthy diatribe. 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic Systems?
« on: January 17, 2007, 04:37:35 PM »
Yeah, I've read a book where the magic was ruled/activated/governed by emotion.  It was really good and I seem to remember it being a big name and well marketed.  I'm embarrassed now that I can't remember the title or author.

(gonna have to look into that...)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I want info about Goodkind/Brandon's comments
« on: January 17, 2007, 04:31:31 PM »
As nutso and illogical as Goodkind is in that essay I have to say that I am one of those people who immensely enjoy his books and, frankly, probably would not enjoy them as much were they NOT filled with some of the philosophical diatribes that they are.

I can see what he's getting at when he claims that the CENTRAL defining element of the books is not magic.  However, his rabid attempts to separate himself from other "Fantasy" on that basis is ridiculous.  He uses "magic" to idealize and simplify the points he's making, which is an old and honorable technique of pedagogy.  His use of the tropes of fantasy to that end is, while perhaps not the most central element, nevertheless completely inseparable from his stories.  Most other fantasy is no more dependent on the magic than he is.

So he uses the magic as a tool, so does every other fantasy author.  There is nothing in any novel that is not a tool of some sort to the story.

My biggest objection to the response to his ravings on the part of the Inchoatus folks is their claim that he uses straw men exclusively.  Not true.  The bad guys in his books espouse philosophies that have enthralled deep thinkers for centuries and which have resulted in the enslavement and murder of millions.

Writing Group / Re: writing theme music
« on: January 16, 2007, 10:14:40 PM »
Dude.  That rocked. album of theirs.

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff Found on the Internet, again
« on: January 11, 2007, 05:04:34 PM »
Huh, I guess I alway just assumed that Lost One was a male.

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