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Messages - Comfortable Madness

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It is alll about the money the story will be able to generate. Sadly in this world it usually does come down to money.

I'm honestly mystified by this attitude.  Publishers shouldn't make money?  They should maybe publish books for free out of the goodness of their hearts?  Give me a break.

If they were talking about splitting a 120,000 word book into two parts then you'd have something to gripe about, but a 600K work?  Please, that's perfectly reasonable.

Give you a break??? Really???? Oh and Myabi, "noob at life", what are you five? You both missed the point completely. I never said anything about them not making any money. My point was that it was sad that they would bypass  RJ's wish only to make a little extra money. They are going to make money whether it comes out in 1 book or a series of books. So, I'm not asking for a free book here I'm asking for a little honor that the world lacks. I'm not naive, or a "noob at life" I know that world doesn't work that way that doesn't make it a good thing though. This was a mans life work and he wanted it done a certain way and now that he is gone it's up to those left here to make that happen and if the publisher looks past that to fatten his pockets it is a shame. I never griped about paying for two books. In the beginning of my post I stated that I am willing to pay a high price for up to 100 books just to read this final installment on one hell of a series. I am just pointing out how that it is an absolute shame that money overrules everything in this world.

To me personally I'd pay a hefty price whether the book came out in one or 100 pieces. Although, Isabel has a good point here and it is that RJ wanted this in one volume and that should be honored. In the end it wouldn't be Brandon that would split it into pieces but the publisher might and the only reason for that is money. Whether to make it fit onto a shelf to save space and therfore money or too get people to buy mulitiple copies. It is alll about the money the story will be able to generate. Sadly in this world it usually does come down to money.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Vin as HOA?
« on: August 11, 2008, 10:20:05 PM »
To me, that quote sounds like Alendi-esque.

Exactly what I was thinking.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hero of Ages Chapter 1
« on: August 11, 2008, 10:18:12 PM »
UGH, I HATE  HATE HATE this version of Elend.  Until it is 100% proven that this is the REAL Elend I won't believe.  Also, there is a lot of foreshadowing in this chapter that would let us believe that this isn't the REAL Elend.  I mean, he seems to me like a very good actor, but NOT Elend.

Whoa there. Hate this version of Elend? That is insane. As Czanos put it this Elend, and I truly hope this is the real Elend(thanks Darxbane for planting the seed of doubt), simply pwns!

I actually thought that before I read what he had posted.

I just don't like him.  The other Elend was such a sweet idealist that was just cute.  Now he is rugged and EWWY Facial hair?!?! WTF?!?!?!

I too had an inkling of a doubt about it truly being Elend but it grew after I read Darx post.....

As far as your dislike for Elend because of his facial hair...Well quite frankly I just can't understand that.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Vin as HOA?
« on: August 11, 2008, 10:09:10 PM »
It's OBVIOUSLY written by Rashek because he WAS the Hero at one point, or thought he was.

Did I miss something here? Since when was Rashek the Hero of Ages? Also, if he was I think he would embrace that fact. The word unfortunately is evidence that whomever wrote that did not want to be the HoA.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hero of Ages Chapter 1
« on: August 11, 2008, 10:04:24 PM »
UGH, I HATE  HATE HATE this version of Elend.  Until it is 100% proven that this is the REAL Elend I won't believe.  Also, there is a lot of foreshadowing in this chapter that would let us believe that this isn't the REAL Elend.  I mean, he seems to me like a very good actor, but NOT Elend.

Whoa there. Hate this version of Elend? That is insane. As Czanos put it this Elend, and I truly hope this is the real Elend(thanks Darxbane for planting the seed of doubt), simply pwns!

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: August 11, 2008, 07:34:03 PM »
Double post.  You people need to read more. I'm reading The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan. This is my first time reading it. The problem is I've heard all the complaints about what is wrong with Jordan so I'm noticing all of those things as I read. It's really irritating. If I hadn't heard the complaints, I probably wouldn't be annoyed by them for an0ther three or four books. As it is, if Rand, Mat, or Perrin comment one more time on how much better the other two are at talking to women, I think I'll bang my head against the wall until I lose consciousness.

Seriously? That is one my favorite little things in that series!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hero of Ages Chapter 1
« on: August 11, 2008, 07:30:25 PM »
If it isn't Elend I may have to weep from dissapointment.....

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hero of Ages Chapter 1
« on: August 11, 2008, 01:08:45 PM »
Now that's the Elend Venture I was waiting for! Fantastic!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Another Possibility For the HOA
« on: August 08, 2008, 11:02:17 PM »
I just want to make sure I have this straight. When she is asked about whether Hagrid or Neville find love (or any other multitude of questions), it's ok to answer with full disclosure, but when asked about Dumbledore she should keep quiet or simply answer 'yes'. Then if she is asked 'Who did he love' how should she respond so that it doesn't appear she is looking for even more attention because her 280 million isn't enough money?

Full disclosure is just fine. I think I can speak for a couple of us here when I say that it is not that she disclosed any type of fact but that she did the exact opposite. What I'm saying is that I believe in the beginning Dumbledore was not gay.  She simply fabricated that near the end to create a buzz.....

Additionally you keep bringing up how she has a boatload of money already and that she doesn't need more as proof that this is not possible. You really don't understand the concept of greed do you?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Another Possibility For the HOA
« on: August 08, 2008, 09:45:41 PM »
So when she was asked, at the very same event, whether Neville ever fell in love and she responded that he marries Hannah Abbott and lives above a the leaky cauldron, is that to appeal to drunks? I suppose when they also asked if Hagrid gets married and she responds that the giantess thought he was cute but he was just too unsophisticated, that she is making an appeal to fat single men who get turned down on the internet.

The shame that she would go to such lengths to sell books. :rolleyes:

Hmmm....I sense a little sarcasm there. You're completely missing my point though. It's not that she is trying to appeal to any one specific group. I believe her point was to cause a stir, a lot of public buzz, in order to sell more books or increase her already immense fame.

And yes I do view it as pretty shameful.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Another Possibility For the HOA
« on: August 08, 2008, 09:00:15 PM »
I don't think she did it for publicity because the books didn't really need it and it may have had a negative affect on sales if anything. She merely answered a question about Dumbledore falling in love.

Just for reference sake here is the quote from Newsweek:
In front of a full house of hardcore Potter fans at Carnegie Hall in New York, Rowling, sitting on the stage on a red velvet and carved wood throne, read from her seventh and final book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," then took questions. One fan asked whether Albus Dumbledore, the head of the famed Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft,  had ever loved anyone. Rowling smiled. "Dumbledore is gay, actually," replied Rowling as the audience erupted in surprise. She added that, in her mind, Dumbledore had an unrequited love affair with Gellert Grindelwald, Voldemort's predecessor who appears in the seventh book. After several minutes of prolonged shouting and clapping from astonished fans, Rowling added. "I would have told you earlier if I knew it would make you so happy."

The fact that her books were already uber-popular does not prove that this was not a publicity stunt. Simply put "Greed knows no bounds" and it really doesn't have to be about money. She is practically queen of England due to her popularity over seas and someone with that much fame tends to only want more.....

As far as the negative effect goes heres another cliche for ya "There is no such thing as bad publicity". While yes some people/groups would be against buying her novels based solely on the fact that a character may be gay but the overall buzz her comments made, imo, would outweigh any negative effects.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Another Possibility For the HOA
« on: August 08, 2008, 06:46:54 PM »
See, you ARE criticizing her.  She didn't do it for publicity.  If you read her interviews and that particular one.  She was ASKED if Dumbledore was ever with anyone and she said Grindlewald.  In any case this is WAY off topic.

It very well may be off topic but no matter what she said in an interview she did it purely as a publicity stunt. The fact that Dumbledore was gay has nothing to do with the story in any way.  Neither Greenmonsta nor I are criticizing her for Dumbledore's sexuality but we are merely pointing out that Rowling did it only to sell more books.

Zane's self-confidence comes from his acceptance of insanity.  I imagine it is easy to have no fear when you also have no hope.  Besides, he has Atium and she didn't so what reason would he have to worry?  No one had any recollection of an atium user being defeated by someone who wasnt using it. 
   I also didn't find Elend and Vin all that whiny.  It is easy to look at someone's problems and say "come on, get over it".  Let me ask you though, do you have a bad habit or character flaw that you just can't seem to break?  Easier said than done isn't it?  Vin has been told she was worthless her whole life  That doesn't go away overnight.  Elend, on the other hand, just got a full and unmerciful shot of reality.  He was quite inexperienced at the beginning.  He is also king of a fledgling government, and is less than 25 years old.  I know it's  not exactly studying for Midterms pressure, but I'll cut him some slack ;).  Everyone is out of their element, and are adapting to their new roles.  Oh yeah, let's not forget that they are surrounded by armies of people who want to kill them all.  That would wear on my mind a little.  I actually would have been upset if they hadn't been fumbling around. 

I understand your point on them fumbling around and such so as to come off as more realistic characters. However, they just came off a little too whiny and unsure of themselves for my liking. I mean Vin destroyed TLR. A man whom she used to think was a living god. You'd think she would get pretty sure of herself shortly after. You do bring up good points about them being young and being thrown into a heap of problems that they themselves are trying to fix. Maybe I just put to much pressure on heroes in fantasy novels. :) All in all they are great characters and I am really nit-picking here.....

This seems like the thread to express your dislikes about the Mistborn series thus far so I'll chime in with a little something. Although, before I get to that I must first say that I loved TFE and really liked WoA.....

The only thing I did not like about WoA was that Elend and Vin came off a little whiny and depressed. I mean how much crap have they both been through at this point already? In my opinion the trials, especially Vin, that they have faced in life would have battle hardened them. I think that they should have more grit and toughness to them. Also, in line with that, is pretty much everyone lacks any sort of self-confidence. Everyone short of Zane that is and ironically that leads to his eventual demise.

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