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Messages - Comfortable Madness

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Rants and Stuff / Re: One hurt Patriots fan (Crying)
« on: September 11, 2008, 12:58:12 PM »
I don't think that only Patriot fans lost something here. Tom Brady, imo, IS the best quarterback of all time. There are two guys in the NFL that if/when lost hurts fans of not only the Patriots but fans of football. Those two are Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. So, while I'm not from Boston I can sympathize with you on this one as a fan of the NFL.

Rants and Stuff / Re: QUESTION
« on: September 10, 2008, 11:01:39 PM »
Gorgon has a huge point here. You are simply writing off the sperm and egg when both are need to create zygote. Furthermore, only certain sperm have the correct proteins needed to fertilize an egg as well as only some eggs are viable for fertilization. By your logic we should find these certain eggs and sperm inside each human and make sure they are not wasted because it is these components that add up to a potential human life.

My point was that the individuality of a person is determined by DNA.  That DNA is first seen in the zygote formed by the egg and the sperm.  That is why I believe a fetus is a person, but an egg or a sperm, individually, is not.

Agreed. Well I kind of agree anyways. DNA does determine most of the PHYSICAL individuality of a human being but the jury is still out on how a person becomes who they really "are". (Nature vs. Nurture) If you believe the common theory that it is a little of both then a person can not really be an individual until experiencing life with at least some of the mental capacity of a human being..... My point in the last post was where do you draw the line when it comes to allowing the government to rule over ones own body?

Rants and Stuff / Re: QUESTION
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:11:03 PM »

The idea behind my statement was that a fetus is not a human as we perceive humans, people try to humanize them because they know it will someday become a human.  The decision to abort isn't usually made on behalf of the fetus, it is usually made on behalf of the mother.  Every sperm in the future could be a person, should we make a law against masturbation or safe-sex practices which kill sperm?  Every egg has the ability to become a human, why aren't we arresting women for murder once a month?

It is not until the egg and the sperm have joined that the individuality of the person is determined.  A sperm is half a potential person; an egg is half a potential person; the two joined together make a potential person.

Gorgon has a huge point here. You are simply writing off the sperm and egg when both are need to create zygote. Furthermore, only certain sperm have the correct proteins needed to fertilize an egg as well as only some eggs are viable for fertilization. By your logic we should find these certain eggs and sperm inside each human and make sure they are not wasted because it is these components that add up to a potential human life.

Rants and Stuff / Re: QUESTION
« on: September 09, 2008, 07:33:00 PM »
I agree with alot of you on this issue. While I believe abortion to be wrong I also believe any law preventing it would also be wrong. The government in no way should have jurisdiction over a womans body or in anyway force another human being, by law, to loan their body to another human being for 9months. Morally wrong yes but no law should ever be enacted to prevent it. Extremely tough issue but it's only an issue because of the human condition.

Rants and Stuff / Re: RANTAGE
« on: September 09, 2008, 07:15:19 PM »
In all healthy relationships, whether they be friendships, romantic relations, cordial relations, business relations, family relations, even arch-nemesis, there comes a very special time.  That is the time of performing ritualistic mayan human sacrifices on the other person's lawn/porch until they call the police.

However, depending on the situation, you will want to go about it differently.  If you are romantically interested, you should do it at dawn with a peasant's family, first scalping and then pulling out the heart.  This is the symbolize the Gods blessing the beginning of a strong relationship in which the mind is pulled away from actions and instead the heart becomes the major player.

For a rekindling friendship, you should take a foreign warrior and throw him off a cliff (your friend's roof will do) at about 2:43 am (the Mayans, as most native South American people, had a very keen interest in time and dating).  You may want to invest in a satellite clock to make sure you have the time right.  You also may want to throw several foreign warriors off at once, to make sure one dies within the one minute time frame.  Otherwise you have to do it again the next day.  This is the represent the expulsion of negative feelings by means of forgiveness in the darkest part of your friendship.  Note: if the sun does not rise the next day, it signifies that the relationship is doomed and the Gods have frowned up you.  You should probably kill the other person to appease them, thus bringing the sun back again.

If you haven't tried this yet, it's clear you don't understand women.

Damn!....2:43 AM! Well alot of foreign warriors died at 2:43PM for no reason then. No wonder it never worked right.

Rants and Stuff / Re: RANTAGE
« on: September 09, 2008, 02:34:37 PM »
I don't think it's anything you did. She was obviously interested in you in some way, maybe just as a friend or maybe something more. She still may feel that way about you and now that she is in a relationship, albeit maybe a bad one, she doesn't want to put herself in a confusing situation. Thus, she avoids you altogether. But then again what the hell do I know about why people, especially woman, do the things they do.

Rants and Stuff / Re: These Insects are Driving me MAD!!!!!
« on: August 28, 2008, 06:25:04 PM »
That sucks Coma! I can sympathize with you on this, well a little bit anyways. A couple of weeks ago there was a cricket SOMEWHERE in my apartment. I stress the somewhere because it was in a location that echoed and I just could not locate the little devil. One night it actually woke me up so I got up all angy and looked for it again to no avail. However, I did realize that when I turned the kitchen light on it stopped so I decided to leave it on all night. But the next day that trick did not work and he chirpped for the next couple of days. Little jerk.

Everything Else / Re: Check this out....
« on: August 28, 2008, 01:22:19 PM »
IMO this was a really good article. Spot on in calling out the "intellectual elite" for being crippled by indecisiveness. An indecisiveness that leads and has lead to inactivity. People in America see the horrible situations throughout the world and know that people just shouldn't have to live that way. They call out and protest that these things should be fixed but that is as far as they are willing to go. Thinking that somehow paper signs and thoughts of doing good will actually make things happen. When someone finally decides to act they completely turn face and now call for the head of the man/woman who had the courage to act. They look at it and say to themselves " wait a minute....if we really want to change the world we are going to have to work for actually sweat, bleed, and die for it....well in that case scratch my name off the list I would much rather think of doing good than actually do good"....

Rants and Stuff / Re: People who . . .
« on: August 26, 2008, 04:53:36 PM »
People whom make blanket statements about people of a certain race, religion, or WoW character class :D make me want to dip them into a tub of sulfuric acid. :o

Rants and Stuff / Re: Do Mormons tick you off?
« on: August 26, 2008, 04:45:42 PM »
Wow! I know in America we believe in free speech(pesky ammendments and all that) but I think you should have to pass some type of test to be granted that freedom. Utopia, the only info I have on you are the dozen or so posts on these boards but I'm pretty sure that you would have an epic fail in your future if there was such a test.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: To pass the time: Buy/Sell
« on: August 26, 2008, 04:27:25 PM »
Buy or Sell?
Linday Lohan WILL star in a Mistborn Movie.

Definately buy! Didn't you read the preview on April 1st. I'm 100% positive that not only will she star in it but it will be her breakthrough performance! How can you lose with a mist-mini skirt?

Buy or Sell?
Not only is Elend the HoA but he also doubles as the force of ruin in a crazy splity personality revelation?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Metal Lake
« on: August 25, 2008, 06:40:46 PM »

To tell you the truth though, the whole thing about the liquid metal lake went over my head when I read WoA.  Just wasn't obvious enough I guess.  By the end of WoA, everything was moving fast enough that even the connection between what Vin and Elend find and what Fedik found wasn't clear for me.

I have to agree with you there. I didn't even notice any mention of a liquid-metal lake. That would be a neat idea with a clear liquid metal as mercury's alternate. Although, the liquid metal could also be casium, francium, gallium, or rubidium which are all liiquid at or around room temperature....

That would be quite a sight to see, a whole lake of liquid metal. Brings quite a neat image to mind.

Why was it that Vin could release Ruin?

I think we are asking the wrong question here. I think we should be asking why she was chosen by Ruin not why she could do it at all. I think that anyone with either hemalurgy/feruchemy/allomancy or any combination of the three could have released it. Alendi was the one chosen by the well until Rashek decided that that would not do. So, now Rashek goes to the well and can either release Ruin or take the power himself. He takes the power himself and effectively bests Ruin for a thousand years or so. So either I'm completely crazy or we should look at the angle as to why Ruin wanted it to be her and not someone else like Zane or anyone else...

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: August 18, 2008, 05:20:31 PM »
Finally got around to starting the Song of Ice and Fire series by GRRM and I am just about finished with A Game of Thrones. I gotta say the book is fantastic and I am very much looking forward to the rest of the series.

Movies and TV / Re: WOT Optioned by Universal
« on: August 15, 2008, 03:44:11 PM »
I just found it interesting that a guy named Mondragon is slated to produce this thing. What are the chances?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hero of Ages Chapter 1
« on: August 14, 2008, 07:30:01 PM »
"Three cheers for Emperor Elend. Hip hip...HOORAY"......And lead by the Madness, the townsfolk cheered loudly into the night. For they finally had an emperor and not just any emperor, Emperor Elend Venture...

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