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Messages - mtlhddoc2

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Rants and Stuff / Re: Right and Wrong Subjective?
« on: April 28, 2009, 07:41:20 PM »
you miss the point. Collectively, personal experience is more relative than "controlled variables" because it is NOT controlled. We can do a study to prove that guinea pigs are smarter than humans with the right variable. "Science" has proven that over and over again. (See Global Warming studies, all of them, which all leave out several important factors, such as one of the thermometers they use is on top of a building in NYC right next to an air conditioning unit, and there are only 5 indicators). My personal experiences, combined with others personal experiences, trumps "controlled studies".

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: April 28, 2009, 05:31:19 AM »
benvolio: that actually made tons of sense for said discussion.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Right and Wrong Subjective?
« on: April 28, 2009, 05:29:38 AM »
there is no more concrete evidence than personal visible experience. Studies and the like are always controlled and manipulated and are almost never truly factual. Remember the study which determined that eggs cause cancer? Or the ones which said smoking is not hazardous? Or the ones who claim global warming as a "fact" even though the mean temperature of the earth has cooled over the past 10 years? I work with these people day in and day out, they are all MUCH more intelligent than I am, yet I have to constantly help them with these mundane tasks, such as sending email or burning a CD. Even though they have been shown how to do these things countless times, they just dont get it.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Would you have a second wife?
« on: April 28, 2009, 05:22:58 AM »
but marriage OVERRIDE blood relationships. A mother cannot keep a spouse from visiting her child in the ICU, but a spouse can keep a mother out, as it should be. But not in the case of "filed paperwork" or even civil marriage (under the current rules). A mother CAN prohibit a partner from visiting an ICU or other "spousal" priviledges.

For example: if my wife was in a coma, brain dead if you will, her mother cannot stop me from visiting, or even pulling the plug. But in a homosexual relationship, the mother can do both, whether there is a civil marriage, opartnership agreement or whatnot. Plus, the gay spouse cannot collect pensions and social security benefits, like I could should my wife pass away before me. and that is just wrong.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Would you have a second wife?
« on: April 27, 2009, 08:43:05 PM »
I have read hundreds of articles where the courts (mostly in more conservative areas) refuse to acknowledge these documents when presented with blood relatives who object to them. I have even read an article where an adopted person was in a coma in an ICU and the birth-mother, via the courts, had the adoptive parents banished.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Right and Wrong Subjective?
« on: April 27, 2009, 08:37:33 PM »
Reonard...  I beg to differ on that. I work, and have worked, with people who could, and would, be called "brilliant". The large percentage of them cannot do simple things that an average person can do, they often are so brilliant they cannot fully grasp the concept of these "normal" things. The TV show "Bing Bang Theory" touches on this to the extreme sometimes, but in my experiences, it is not that far fetched. I have met several "Sheldon" type charachters in my time. I know several people that can perform complex algorithms in their head, yet cannot figure out how to use email. And even one or two who do not drive because they simply cannot grasp the more simplistic elements. They are not "absent-minded" usually, just lacking the capacity of mundane thought.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Would you have a second wife?
« on: April 25, 2009, 02:16:13 PM »
But the fathers couldn't be recognized as legal guardians or have parental rights over the children, wouldn't have legal rights to visit the wife while in hospital and vice versa, no legal standing for the wife as inheritor should the father die or vice versa, no insurance coverage from one spouse to the other
All of these rights are available through non-marriage arrangements (well, the last one depends on what state you're in).

I think it's important for both sides of the argument not to cloud the issue with extraneousness.

But the courts routinely override these "arrangements" in favor of blood family members. Something that almost never happens with married partners. It is most definately, unequivocally, not good enough. Marriage is the only true protection life partners can give each other. Everything else is just a shadow.

Rants and Stuff / Re: BOOK OF MORMON
« on: April 25, 2009, 02:11:34 PM »
I do accept the possibility that I am wrong. Logically though, I cannot prove, or disprove the existence of "god". But like has been said, I do not have to prove that there is not a god. I look at things logically, and while I do not have a definitive explanation on how the universe came about, I cannot, using logic, conclude the existence of an invisible, sentient, omnipotent, onmiscient being. Therefore, I come to a conclusion that the hypothesis that this being exists is untrue. but there is always room for the unlikely possibilty, should I discover evidence in that nature. So in conclusion, I can say, with absolute certainly due to complete lack of physical and logical, nay, even anecdotal evidence, that there is no higher power.

Honestly, I dont buy the theory of relativity either. It is unfounded, and unlikely. It should not even be called a theory, a hypothesis maybe, but not a theory.

Many scientists DO believe in God. Maybe they have had this "spiritual" awakening some of you have mentioned. That is fine for them. But please, do not try and use "logic" or "science" to prove the existence of God. Say what it is, a personal, spiritual thing. I do not deny you, or anyone else that.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Right and Wrong Subjective?
« on: April 25, 2009, 01:51:50 PM »
The more "intelligent" a person is, the more likely they are to fail at the "simpler" tasks. I work with many brilliant people, I see this all the time.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Right and Wrong Subjective?
« on: April 24, 2009, 05:58:12 AM »
I guess I was not quite clear enough.

you can have identical twins, with identical upbringings, identical religions, and one will be an amoral sadistic punk and the other will be compassionate and kind. It is genetics? Possibly. Is it mental disorders? Who really knows. I think in many ways, morality is simply a choice we make each and every day. We can choose to be monogamous, or not. We can choose to be kind and let people cross the street, or we can be rude and obnoxious and cut someone off. These little battles we fight every day may be influenced by outside sources, but ultimately, morality comes down to choice. and in many cases, I would hazard a guess that no amount of religion or proper upbringing will influence those who just do not care to make the "right" choices. We all know that one person who had everything going for him/her at a young age, and then, despite all the perfect parenting, heavy church involvement, just starts screwing up their life, from a moral and legal standpoint (often those two intertwine). All our religions and upbringing give to us is a template for our choices. the rest is up to us.

Rants and Stuff / Re: BOOK OF MORMON
« on: April 24, 2009, 05:48:46 AM »
[One reason some athiests are intolerant is that they come to their conclusion through logic. Therefore, if anyone comes to a different conclusion, they assume they are either stupid or have an ulterior motive.

Actually, you find it is the opposite. Those that came to their non-belief through logic are more likely to be passive towards your choice of religion instead of opposed. Such as myself. I came to a LOGICAL conclusion that there is no higher power. To me it is just science. But in the same token as religion, I profess zero understanding of many forms of art which others like, especially the surrealist and the like. simply because, in my eye, it is devoid of logic. Some people are religious, some people like surrealism. Some are neither. to each their own.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: April 23, 2009, 07:30:53 PM »
Why Kaz? I said nothing which even the most offended person could consider to be offensive.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: April 23, 2009, 06:57:15 PM »
Ah, it seems to me that the most vociferous Atheists come from Southern Baptist stock.  I find this very interesting.

I would profer that it is the passion that Southerners have for everything they do or believe that could be the root of that. Ever go to a football game with a southerner? They put us northerns to shame as "fans".

Rants and Stuff / Re: Right and Wrong Subjective?
« on: April 23, 2009, 06:49:46 PM »
If religion were really the marker of right and wrong, or morals. There would not be debate over the death penalty and abortion that goes on between Christians. When 2 Catholics cannot agree on either point, how, then, does religion actually play a part in determining morality? I am an athiest and am against both the death penalty and abortion. I have a similar set of morals as is professed by the bible, yet many religious people do not adhere to these same morals. If religion TRULY taught morals, there would be one voice on homosexuality and it would be loud and dominant. But tehre is not.

Morality (or "right and wrong") comes from a variety of sources. I do not believe you are born with morals, but you are born with the ability to feel various emotions, such as compassion and love and contempt and hate. Religion, in some cases, can foster these emotions into powerful tools. Look at Mother Theresa, for example. She was a tool of compassion carved by her belief system. Then look at Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini. He is a tool of hate and lust for power carved by his warped view of his religion. We are all capable of going in either direction, whether carved by religion, or by experience, or by knowledge, matters not. We are who we are. Born by our upbringing, life experiences and capacity for love or hate. Some people are just born with a capacity for evil, some are born with a capacity for great good. Is it genetics? I do not profess to have that answer. Either of those could be mental disorders, or not. The rest of us fall in the middle somewhere, mostly good with a bit of evil, or mostly evil with a bit of good.

Rants and Stuff / Re: BOOK OF MORMON
« on: April 23, 2009, 06:31:43 PM »
my apologies, I was slightly off in the number: it is 15% as reported by Lauren Green, Religious Correspondent from FoxNews, concerning a Trinity College Poll

The Jedi thing may have been .7, but I just threw that in there for levity. You are right though, a hefty percentage of people in the UK are 100% bonkers.

My derivative on Sept doesnt match yours, doesnt matter, you get my point, aside from terminology.


ag·nos·tic    (āg-nŏs'tĭk)   

One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.
Relating to or being an agnostic.
Doubtful or noncommittal: "Though I am agnostic on what terms to use, I have no doubt that human infants come with an enormous 'acquisitiveness' for discovering patterns" (William H. Calvin).

I should have prefaced my agnostic remark this way (was intended, even if not implied): "an agnostic is someone who believes there could be a higher power but does not care, basically."

Renoard: I said "major" sect, which would leave out the Quakers etc. Pentacostal is an offshoot of Protestantism, as is Baptist etc. They would mostly fall under the same "sect" heading, I would believe since they are loosely bound to each other for the most part, just as Lutheran, while a product of the Martin Luther protestant movement is more closely aligned with Catholicism and would fall under that heading. Mormonism, is a unique branch all it's own, and while derived from Christianity, it would not be, what most consider, true Christianity, since they annointed a new prophet in Joseph Smith (not sure if that is exactly correct, I am not as up on the Mormon faith as I am most of the others). I would even offer that, while it is Christian in name (for the belief in Jesus as Savior) that is where the similarities of faith end (as opposed to core system, which all religions share, as I explained above). I consider Mormonism a religion all it's own, rather than a "branch" like Catholicism, Protestanism, Methodism etc would be.

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