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Messages - Skar

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 128
Books / Its away!!!! Timewasters Radio
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:13:32 PM »
Really well done guys.  I enjoyed listening to it. 

Writing Group / Re: David Farland's Novel Writing Workshop
« on: June 18, 2007, 04:39:04 PM »
I once painted three rooms in Dave's house in exchange for a seat at his seminar.  At that point, I believe, his seminar was called "How to write a bestselling novel."  It was most definitely worth it.

Site News / Re: Rifftrax Party: June BBQ
« on: June 05, 2007, 06:24:01 PM »
But just think how cool my rep would be if you did.  I could totally claim credit.  Everyone would fear me.  Sweet!

Table-Top Games / Re: HaloClix
« on: June 05, 2007, 06:03:19 PM »
I know several people who slaver madly over the entire Halo franchise. 

I can't picture any of them suddenly getting into a clix type game.  They all like Halo because of the fast twitch gaming, sniper kills, and late night energy drink consumption.  Only one of those would satisfactorily transfer to a clix game and it's not the important one.

edit:  although, now that I think about it, they would probably buy a figure or two just to have around.  Not to play, just to play with, if you take my meaning.  Maybe that's what they're counting on?

Site News / Re: Rifftrax Party: June BBQ
« on: June 05, 2007, 05:53:33 PM »
I would be honored to see your veggie garden.  However, we'll just barely be back from vacation at that point so my attendance is up in the air, recovery and all that.  However, if I do come, I will surely bring food. 

And perhaps something with which to infect Mustard with cancer, just to give him some perspective.

Movies and TV / Re: "The Mormons" documentary
« on: May 02, 2007, 09:34:42 PM »
I enjoyed it overall.  I've always wondered whether I would have come to the LDS church if I had grown up without it.  After watching this I have to say I think I would have.  I mean good heavens, how many religions claim that humans can progress forever.  How many have a plan that takes into account even the people that die without ever hearing of the relevant spiritual doctrine and then goes out and starts collecting names, putting them on computer and doing their work at a breakneck pace.  How many would have the conviction to say, "If Joe Smith was not a prophet then we're wrong, if he was we're right."? I just think all of that is awesome and watching this documentary allowed me to see it from an outsider's perspective more than I ever have, and it was still cool.

As for the excommunicants.  I think one of the LDS guys pointed out the relevant response. The church, as a matter of long-standing policy, NEVER makes public the proceedings of a church court. Period.  So only one side of any of those stories is ever heard outside the court itself.

I was watching and feeling the spirit and was totally into it, and they they would just throw in comments or switch to people who had been excommunicated and the spirit would immediately leave. I don't like having my emotions jerked around like that

Good point.  Outsiders won't like it either.  The spirit testifies of truth to those who are listening to it and those people who are not members of the church but are sincerely in search of the truth will notice the shock of the spirit's departure much like you did.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Bullies is in the stores.
« on: April 19, 2007, 11:49:30 PM »

Rants and Stuff / Re: A letter to Orson Scott Card about Mira Mirror
« on: April 11, 2007, 03:31:15 PM »
It didn't strike me as odd that she'd write to Orson about his review, instead of the author.  Though now that others have mentioned I can see why it might have.

It felt perfectly alright to me because he went on a rant a few of his columns ago about evil books that deliberately mislead people into an inexcusably silly viewpoint.  I don't think that the author of Mira Mirror was deliberately mis-leading people into the mindset that o-karen was objecting to but I certainly see her point.  And considering his statements about evil books, Mira Mirror fits the same mold he described.  So I can see thinking that he might be interested in a seeming contradiction in the body of his work, more so than the author would be.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Hope of Elantris
« on: April 06, 2007, 07:46:32 PM »
At those prices I'm guessing LULU

Site News / Re: New pay per post system
« on: April 04, 2007, 10:20:10 PM »
Nessa blew it.  If anyone is unlikely to add to the acrimony it is she.  They're pranking.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: MB2 release party?
« on: March 30, 2007, 11:15:41 PM »
What's a little poo after all?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: EUOL vs. Scalzi
« on: March 20, 2007, 08:18:02 PM »
Who says it was wasted?  Brush off the hair,voila!  Good as new.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Deseret News Article
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:32:43 PM »
You konw, we specifically told her someone ELSE had done the map for Elantris.  I guess she was confused by there being two maps in Mistborn.

No, it's just because reporters are incapable of regurgitating even the simplest set of facts correctly.  They always screw something up.  Usually it's something bigger than this.

Their jobs are not about facts, their jobs are about spin.  In fact...<rant about="media inaccuracies">
</rant>...on a toadstool.

Site News / Re: Happy Birthday
« on: March 05, 2007, 05:49:26 AM »
Happy birthday, Fell.  Many happy wishes.

Video Games / Age of Conan: Hyborean Adventures
« on: February 28, 2007, 07:40:46 PM »

I was flabbergasted to see this.  It's so cool I'm speechless.  WoW made me want to play a MMORPG a great deal.  Given this Age of Conan game that desire has trebled well beyond my ability to resist it.

Anyone know anything more about this game?

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