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Messages - Fireborn

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Color of Vin's Eyes
« on: May 28, 2010, 02:43:59 AM »

This conversation has gotten silly.


I'm okay with that. Omega for the win! (oh and btw, if I ever get asked to be an Alpha, i'll totally ditch these Omega losers!)
That's barbaric!
...I'm not saying I wouldn't though.  I mean, really, that would be awesome!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Color of Vin's Eyes
« on: May 27, 2010, 06:05:36 AM »
Well, the Omegas should set a rule about that in case of future occurences like this.  I say that it's published so we can read it, agreed?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Color of Vin's Eyes
« on: May 27, 2010, 05:42:39 AM »
Does the prologue to Way of Kings in the Warbreaker paperback count as published?  Cuz I wanna be an Omega, but I want to read that so much more.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Preservation is.....Brandon?
« on: May 27, 2010, 04:38:15 AM »
I'm simply saying that a Mary Sue has a tendency to reflect certain types of wish fulfillment that are not common to normal characters.  A Mary Sue tends to have so many powers and skills that half of them won't even show up in the story and are simply there to fluff up the character, compared to normal character who has a few particular skills or powers.  While the inclusion of superhuman powers is wish fulfillment by itself, it's of the type and level that makes an interesting character.  Whereas a Mary Sue has these traits but on such an enormous scale as to destroy the credibility and conflict of the character, such that we don't want to read about it.  Wish fulfillment doesn't create a Mary Sue, it is an excess of such that makes it fit under such a brand.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Preservation is.....Brandon?
« on: May 23, 2010, 03:27:55 PM »
I already said that the wish fulfillment IS part of it, but there is more to it than that.  I really don't know how to state it clearer than that.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Preservation is.....Brandon?
« on: May 23, 2010, 06:20:09 AM »
I get what you're saying FGR.  And the concept of the Mary Sue existed long before it was given a name, just sayin'.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Preservation is.....Brandon?
« on: May 23, 2010, 02:29:12 AM »
Perhaps I didn't state myself clearly.  I'm not saying that the self insertion and wish fulfillment aren't part of it, I'm saying there's more to it than that by itself.  And wish fulfillment/self insertion can exist without being a Mary Sue.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Preservation is.....Brandon?
« on: May 22, 2010, 07:35:43 AM »
Fireborn, that would be an alteration of the term. Pretty sure it comes from Star Trek fanfiction where a writer named Mary Sue something put a character named Mary Sue something into the fic who Kirk fell in love with and who solved everyone's problems. A too-perfect character who bears no resemblance to the author is  just called bad writing/poor characterization.
You're mostly correct as to the origin of the term, but the fanfic you're referring to was actually a parody of the phenomenon.  And isn't bad writing what a Mary Sue is anyway?  While a Mary-Sue is often a vehicle for self-insertion, that's not all it is.  Look it up at to see what I mean.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Duralumin + Feruchemy
« on: May 22, 2010, 07:27:00 AM »
While what Miyabi says is true, that doesn't mean Duralumin won't give you any bang for your buck.  It could amplify your ability to use the stored power by slowing the rate of consumption.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Preservation is.....Brandon?
« on: May 21, 2010, 07:30:38 AM »
I think the definition of Mary-Sue that they used on Writing Excuses doesn't really fit the concept as I've observed it.  I think they thought it meant putting too much of yourself into a character, whereas a Mary-Sue might not be like the author at all, but is simply a too perfect character.  There are further nuances to it, but I'm off-topic as is. >.>

Brandon Sanderson / Re: **SPOILERS! The Shards of Adonalsium
« on: May 21, 2010, 07:25:33 AM »
Or it could be that Hoid was Adonalsium. Remember when Leras' body fell out of the sky and he was no longer Preservation? Maybe its a similar situation with Hoid, but Hoid survived the "fall". Maybe Hoid/Adonalsium could not hold all that power together and facets of it split off when Adonalsium "fell" and became Hoid.

There was no "surviving the fall" the reason that Leras and Ati fell out of the air is because they were dead, the part of the Shard, the Cognitive aspect, that was Leras and Ati versus Preservation and Ruin didn't exist anymore, all the energy gone.  What essentially happened was that their original human bodies appeared with no mind in them.

While it might be possible that Hoid is what is left of Adonalsium, though I doubt it, this is not a valid arguement for that particular opinion.

An opinion I hold which I think separates magic from science is that magic is inherently unknowable through science.  It's effects and causes cannot be derived through known physics.  That does not mean that magic doesn't have rules, far from it, simply that these rules are incompatible with scientific law on a very basic level.  While their effects may be measurable according to scientific principles (a rock thrown with magic will still be stopped by a wall), but the essential things that make them up cannot.

This is interesting.  I've never really thought deeply about this subject before, and I like this attempt to delineate between science and magic, but I have several quibbles  with this definition, and would like to ask a few questions.

What does "Magic is inherently unknowable through science" actually mean to you, Fireborn?  How do you limit "science" such that it can't study magic, assuming it is remotely regular and empirically observable?  What does it mean to be  deeply incompatible with scientific laws on a deep level when so-called "scientific laws" are simply the regularities observed in the universe as we have seen it so far?

It seems to me that a lot of people, including in this thread, somehow treat "Science" as a branch of knowledge fundamentally distinct from other ways of knowing things.  It isn't.  Science is a deeply human field, as well as a natural field, and it takes the world as it is given.  Most of what really distinguishes science from other fields are the careful checks and balances on what needs to be done in order for something to be considered known, but does not limit the fields of study or what is actually possible, as long as it can be systematically repeated.
Well, I think of magic as being made of different stuff, such that it exists on a different level from matter that makes it direct observation impossible.  It's only when you get large amounts of magic together and watch how it reacts with normal matter (say, through allomancy?) that you can really observe it all.

And to be clear, when I say science I mean natural laws like physics that have simply been observed by scientific processes.  So, theoretically, magic could fit into science, it would simply exist under a different umbrella from other things.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Preservation is.....Brandon?
« on: May 20, 2010, 09:46:50 PM »
I seriously doubt it.  I think that Brandon identifies more with Hoid to be honest.

An opinion I hold which I think separates magic from science is that magic is inherently unknowable through science.  It's effects and causes cannot be derived through known physics.  That does not mean that magic doesn't have rules, far from it, simply that these rules are incompatible with scientific law on a very basic level.  While their effects may be measurable according to scientific principles (a rock thrown with magic will still be stopped by a wall), but the essential things that make them up cannot.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I dislike this
« on: May 14, 2010, 10:23:12 PM »
Who is Shane?
Ah, hecks, I spelled his name wrong.  I meant Zane!

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