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Messages - Skar

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Everything Else / Re: Have you tried chocolates and flowers?
« on: October 11, 2004, 08:00:14 PM »
What a complete idiot.  I often wish that stories like this one would come with a picture.  I have a deep need to know what people who do things like this look like.

Everything Else / Re: BYU tries to cancel SF/F 318
« on: October 11, 2004, 05:47:30 PM »
Exactly.  It lies primarilywith the double-standard in the honors department rather than with the football program. Nowhere is that double standard thrown further into the light than in its treatment of the football program.  

Heck, I've really got no beef with the football program itself.  I wouldn't mind it existing if the honor code office did an evenhanded job.  Having a winning football team is good business for a school.  But a school like BYU should place values over winning.  If they really start putting values over winning and history is any indication we'll soon have a five man squad for a football team.

(Now I'm sure I'm being unfair to the majority of football players at BYU, but what are they going to do, beat me up?)   :o

Everything Else / Re: BYU tries to cancel SF/F 318
« on: October 11, 2004, 05:18:48 PM »
You all seem upset with the football program, but I don't see how it's hurting any of you.  Would you care to elaborate?

Sure.  It's an old burning frustration of mine.  So maybe I should just let it go, after all I'm well clear of the place now.  
I worked as a security guard for BYU at the MTC for several years as I was going to school there. As such I was in-the-know on a lot of the shenanigans that got people tossed out of the school.  There were three factors that got you a get-out-of-jail-free card in just about every case. (and by this I mean you would not be expelled or disciplined for actions that had gotten other students who weren't in the proper category so punished)  1: You were related to a general authority.  2: You were a football player.  3:Your behavior never hit the press.

So my tithing today goes to support that institution and it bugs me that it conducts itself in that way.  Of course, when a football player gets out of line and the press hears about it, it's considered news so that's where my attention is focused.

I'm glad to hear that they are going to restructure to put values ahead of winning, why in the world weren't they there to begin with?

As for the idea that the football program is OK because it supports the other sports and that most of the money for the school comes from private donors anyway so why get you panties in a bunch over the tithing portion?  I ask why I got browbeaten with the idea that tithing was a huge part of the funding for the school and therefore I shouldn't complain about all the little extra ways they found to goudge me while I was there.

But now I sound like a BYU hater.  There were some things that really bugged me.  Overall, going to school there was a great experience, which I'd repeat.

Everything Else / Re: BYU tries to cancel SF/F 318
« on: October 11, 2004, 03:31:38 PM »
I'm aware of that and I understand your point.  However, the BYU football program is part and parcel with BYU.  BYU supports/is responsible for its football program and my tithing money goes to the school.  Without BYU, and therefore my tithing money, the BYU football program would not exist. That bugs me and is what I was primarily trying to say.  Admittedly, I phrased it rather inflammatorily.  But I hope you see my point. ;D

Rants and Stuff / Re: Word Nonsense
« on: October 11, 2004, 12:34:14 PM »

Rants and Stuff / Re: Word Nonsense
« on: October 11, 2004, 12:33:58 PM »

Movies and TV / Re: Superman dies
« on: October 11, 2004, 11:49:30 AM »
Now he can walk.

No.  Now he can fly.

Video Games / Re: HALO II!!!
« on: October 11, 2004, 11:47:23 AM »
I played HALO pretty regularly for the last two years.  Someone always had an X-Box and someone always had HALO.  You just haven't played until you've played with 15 green berets all in a single conference room wih four projectors going at once and guys standing around waiting for someone to lose so they could take his place.

It was a blast. I've played many FPSs on the PC as well.  At first I hated HALO because of the frustration of switching to the controller from the mouse keyboard combination but it was the only thing around so I stuck with it.

Having made the transition I can say I really liked HALO.  The levels were hard in singleplayer and fun to play in multiplayer.

And frankly the vehicles worked great.  They had a good range of vehicle types and the bloody things were fun to drive.  Yet they didn't give an unstoppable advantage to the driver.

Halo Rocked.

Halo II will be better, I'm sure of it.  

Everything Else / Re: BYU tries to cancel SF/F 318
« on: October 08, 2004, 08:38:16 PM »
LTUE and TLE are considered embarrassments by the faculty of BYU.  They bring people to campus who are not football fans and who think on their own about things.  Neither class of person is really welcome.

It's sad really.  

-BYU is the western mecca for gay men (they're not all just really nice return missionaries folks)

-Teaching the students is a far second or third to getting grant money from the feds and being prestigious

-And they pump our tithing funds into scholarships for lying, theiving, raping, football thugs.

-And they called to ask me for more of my money last week.  How sad is that?

Video Games / Re: What are you looking forward to?
« on: October 08, 2004, 07:31:39 PM »
I actually think what I'm looking for could be accomplished fairly easily now that I've thought about it.    Now, I've never programmed a game before or even done any really difficult programming but it seems to me that a lot of the variables that would provide the if parts of most of the then statements are things that most RTSs I've played already keep track of as a matter of course, like how far away is any given unit from another unit or is the unit stepping onto grass or onto a tree, the unit's health, etc...

Of course this would, like you said, require a bit of simple programming to take full advantage of but if the default settings made for pretty normal gameplay, like Starcraft say, then the programming is not a barrier to entry but just an added bonus for the hardcore.

This doesn't really answer any of your objections it just demonstrates that  I really want a game like this to come out.  

Video Games / Re: What are you looking forward to?
« on: October 08, 2004, 06:57:24 PM »
Well, that was a good answer.  I say curses.

Everything Else / Re: Best Quote lately
« on: October 08, 2004, 06:23:04 PM »
Whoa nelly!

Video Games / Re: What are you looking forward to?
« on: October 08, 2004, 05:52:45 PM »
But seriously, what is standing in the way of this kind of game?

Video Games / Re: What are you looking forward to?
« on: October 08, 2004, 05:52:02 PM »
Yes, exactly.  Why can't they code that into a game?  Then I wouldn't have all these adrenalin rush withdrawal symptoms and I could avenge my friends with digital mayhem.  

As it is now I have to live a super secret double life and get my rushes by leaving strange things on people's doorsteps.

Video Games / Re: What are you looking forward to?
« on: October 08, 2004, 04:46:38 PM »
Throwing out a post that seemed appropriate for this thread.

I am looking forward to an RTS that allows me to customize the AI that controls my troops.  I want one that gives me huge flexibility in how my men react to each other, to the enemy, and to the terrain.  I won't go into detail on the kinds of things I want to be able to control because it would take too long.  

Is there already a game out there that allows one to do this that I don't know about?  The closest I've ever seen is "Myth: The Fallen Lords" and all it let me do was pick from a set of about 6 formations my guys could form themselves into and remember hot keys for specific groups of guys.

The game I'm envisioning would have many unit types, all of which could be programmed by the player to react how he wanted to lots of different stimulus.  The challenge in playing would be to find a set of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) that worked well in a variety of environments and against different opponents.  

The challenge in coding such a game would probably be figuring out how to keep it simple enough to be humanly possible to code but complex enough that there would not be a set of SOPs that turned out to be the best and won in every case.

Anyone know of such a game?  Any game developers out there who want to make one?

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