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Messages - Skar

Pages: 1 ... 119 120 [121] 122 123 ... 128
Writing Group / Re: Fear and Doubt
« on: October 29, 2004, 11:25:38 AM »
Yeah, that's my life, easy.  You pegged it.  

You don't even know me.  Don't tell me I have it easy.

Who said anything about your life?  I certainly didn't.  I was speaking strictly about your ability to write.  

Of course we all know you really want to write.  ... horrible in retribution.

"Hmph.  Why would you want to read anything I wrote?

1: Why do you care?  I've made the offer.
2: As others have said before me, because I get to participate in a creative process. Always cool.
3: That participation improves my own writing.  I get to see neat things I'd also like to see in my own writing and horrible dumb things that I may have been tempted to do in my writing but won't now because I've seen how dumb they are.
4: I suspect you will be happier if you write and I'm all about helping people be happier.

Satisfied?  The clock is ticking.  You only have 7 days now to turn in your work.  ;D

Movies and TV / Re: An Eternal Nerd Question...
« on: October 28, 2004, 08:59:06 PM »
Yeah, but if it was the ships traveling apart thing then it still does.

I love RABID fans.  If they didn't think about this stuff, who would?

Site News / Re: Another Call for Articles
« on: October 28, 2004, 08:56:24 PM »
done.  I included the blurb and the tagline in the same field as the text.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Michael New. Skar?
« on: October 28, 2004, 08:54:41 PM »
You're assuming, however, that there is no situation where using a weapon to do violence is as appropriate as using a hammer to hammer nails.

-Hammer some nails
-Hammer that man who just flipped me off.

-Shoot that man who is trying kill me.
-Shoot that man who just flipped me off.

When it comes to appropriate use there is at least as wide a range of choices with a gun as with a hammer.

Guns don't force anyone to commit inappropriate violence anymore than alcoholic beverages force people to be alcoholics.

Everything Else / Re: You may want to watch the news tonight
« on: October 28, 2004, 08:29:12 PM »
It never fails to amuse me when our terrorist enemies talk about the mythical "decades of American tyranny and oppression" as the justification for their terrorism.  

Keep it up boyos.  You ain't seen nothin' yet. >:(

Writing Group / Re: Fear and Doubt
« on: October 28, 2004, 07:03:59 PM »
If you can't enjoy it because you can't do it perfectly you may as well go find a handy speeding bus to step in front of.  Honestly.  You don't even breathe perfectly I bet.  Why don't you stop that too?

If someone who wants to write doesn't that's, by definition, worse than if they scrawled some really bad melodramatic crap.  So, if you want to write, write, damn the torpedoes and do it.  If you don't want to write stop complaining about it and tell your friends that if they don't stop pestering you about it you'll... you'll... say really mean things to them and later beat them severely.  But above all, if you really don't want to write, stop complaining where I can hear you.  You're single, you're in school, and you have friends who want to support you in your writing.

Try doing it with a wife, three kids, a full time job, a house and the only contact with friends who think you're anything but a little nutty for writing  being online.

You've got it easy missy.  

Of course we all know you really want to write.  This is just a kind of pep talk.  I expect at least SE and I to get a 1500 - 5000 word short story from you by the 5th of November. I'm sure there are others on the forum who might like to get a copy as well. Expect it to be brutally critiqued with lots of suggestions.  If you choose not to accept your assignment I will think of something suitably horrible in retribution.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Michael New. Skar?
« on: October 28, 2004, 05:37:00 PM »
The most dangerous are little flicks/slashes with a knife, not large movements because they are harder to block.  ...  In all of these scenarios of attacks, you really should come out of it with minor cuts to your arms at the most.  

The little flicks and slashes are in fact the most dangersous.  But unless the guy you're fighting is using a butter knife there is no such thing as a minor cut to the arm in this situation.

... And a bullet doesn't just make a clean hole, or cut like a knife.  It smashes things.  Permanent damage in some cases.

Actually the nice clean holes a knife makes take a great deal longer to close than the smashing damage from a bullet.  Lots more blood leaking out all at once.  Any idea how fast you can bleed out from a cleanly severed radial artery?  I'd have to look it up to get an actual time estimate but it's pretty fast, as in seconds.

Incidentally if the whole point of this little side jaunt is to prove that knives are more efficient than guns when committing violent crime, no one argues it.  In a fight I'd take a pistol over a knife in a second.  What this does demonstrate, however, is that guns are certainly not a prerequisite for fast, brutal, and successful violent crime.

Newsflash: Communist uprisings really aren't a threat anymore.  Seriously.  As Jam said, you'd rather carry a gun, the very nature of which promotes violence, because you're afraid someone will attack you?  

The very nature of a gun does not promote violence anymore than a hammer promotes people being hammered to death.  If things that are capable of dealing death promoted violence then hospitals would have to ban syringes along with just about all their other tools. And cars would be long gone.  If anything guns promote peaceful rather than violent discussions of our differences.  As Robert Heinlein once said, "An armed society is a polite society."


Or that there will be a communist uprising? Or that your conspiracy theories come true and the government tries to become a dictatorship?  Well, I'm sorry folks, that may be a real threat in the US of A, but it sure isn't here, so I'll take my chances.

SE has already responded perfectly to this bit of naivety so I'll let it go.

Movies and TV / Re: Do reviews matter?
« on: October 28, 2004, 05:11:01 PM »
*Skar polishes the gold star often*

Site News / Re: Another Call for Articles
« on: October 28, 2004, 02:26:21 PM »
SE-  I saw the preview of SAW last night and will have the review to you today.  It will need to go up tomorrow, the opening day for the movie.  I'll try and make sure it needs minimal editing by the time I send it to you.

Movies and TV / Re: Do reviews matter?
« on: October 28, 2004, 02:23:55 PM »
I read it and it was good.  I would like to smugly point out that I have already been following most of the principles tagged as favorable in my movie reviews.  And that I have been reviewing movies that are not new since the beginning of the guide. ;D

Everything Else / Re: The curse is broken
« on: October 28, 2004, 02:11:47 PM »
I don't know about this eschewing mobs thing.  A little mob violence can be a lot of fun.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Michael New. Skar?
« on: October 27, 2004, 11:58:19 AM »
HoM makes the salient point.  

In the end, the main effect of rabid gun control laws is to disarm law-abiding citizens.  It makes it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves, from either criminals or the government.

When it comes to rebellion my one solace when I read/hear about all the people insisting that it should be illegal for respectable citizens to own guns is an idea well expressed in the movie "We Were Soldiers."  The SGM, after being urged to carry a rifle by his commander, replies that there will be plenty of them lying around on the ground if it gets to the point where he needs one.  :)

Rants and Stuff / Re: Michael New. Skar?
« on: October 27, 2004, 11:49:06 AM »
Injure someone with a knife, yes.  However, its not **that** easy to inflict a fatal wound with a knife.  You can inflict a wound which if left untended, can turn fatal, yes.  You can inflict near fatal wounds.  But...

And thats only really if they're standing still.  Now, I'm not sure about some of you, but somehow I don't really like the idea of being disembowled, so I'd probably move.  

You asked earlier if anyone had ever actually fought anyone with a knife.  Yes.

Your perception that it's easier to inflict an immediately fatal wound with a gun than with a knife at close range is false.  You're are far more likely to bleed out in a matter or seconds from a knife wound than you are a gun wound.  A  bullet to the belly and you take days to die.  Stab or slash a man in the belly with a knife and he'll bleed out in seconds.

"Moving" around while someone is cutting you with a knife will just make the damage worse.

I haven't seen any statistics that support the idea that gun control decreases violent crime.  There are statistics that demonstrate that death-by-gun rates go down in places with stricter gun control laws.  Duh.  This is a meaningless tautology.  Like saying that you are less likely to freeze to death in the mojave desert than in Alaska, therefore it's safer to live in the mojave desert than in Alaska.  

I have seen statistics that demonstrate the opposite.  Relax gun control laws and both the non-violent and violent crime rates go down.  Florida.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Michael New. Skar?
« on: October 26, 2004, 08:07:12 PM »
So your laws have succeeded in disarming your general populace while criminals can still get guns.  That must make the hardened criminals feel very safe when they commit violent crimes.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Michael New. Skar?
« on: October 25, 2004, 01:07:47 PM »
And you dont think that the people who really want to shoot at random people on the street are going to get guns anyway? Black Market anyone? Zip gun?

For that matter...  Two ton cadillac anyone? Poisoned blow dart?  Broadsword?  Guns really don't make it more likely for whackos to commit murder.  They're just  the first thing they think of.

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