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Messages - Chimera

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 119
Writing Group / Re: Booyah!
« on: November 07, 2006, 01:30:33 PM »
*Chimera does happy dance*

Rants and Stuff / Re: Castro shown standing, talking on phone
« on: November 07, 2006, 12:30:23 PM »
Keeping a brain alive and functioning is just science-fiction.

That's what THEY want you to think.

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2006
« on: November 07, 2006, 12:26:57 PM »
Well, I guess you're still cool.

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2006
« on: November 07, 2006, 09:54:16 AM »
I fell behind over the weekend, so yesterday was a catch-up day. And I did it! I'm at 9,420 words. So, by the end of today, I'll be a fifth of the way to the goal. Woo-hoo! Go me.

Hey Kuntrey--what's your NaNo name? I'll add you as a buddy. I've added everyone in this thread who indicated their NaNo name. It's fun to see where people are at in their word counts! Keep up the good work, everyone.

Oh and SE--thank you so much for sharing your NaNoWriMo score card. I'm using it and it totally helps me keep track. And I love that it does the math for me. It's awesome! You should patent it or something.  ;)

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2006
« on: November 03, 2006, 11:44:29 AM »
Wow, JP, you've totally left me in the dust. However, I'm on track with my personal goal (to do the bare minimum), so I can't complain.

End of Day 2 (yesterday): 3772 words.

Today I need to get my total word count to 5001. (I'm doing 1667 words a day.)

Hey, has anyone else had this happen? When I let the NaNoWriMo do the Word Count for me, it was 1,000 words less than what I got. Strange.

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2006
« on: November 02, 2006, 12:26:51 PM »
Yesterday I wrote 1,570. I've written 200 so far today. So I'm still close to being on schedule, if I keep it up. I'm doing it in small increments, since my attention span is like nil.

And I have to keep reminding myself to just write and not worry about whether it's fabulous prose or not. When I do that, I tend to stop and edit and analyze and throw off my writing groove. None of that! I'll edit it in December, when I actually have a novel.

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2006
« on: November 01, 2006, 03:08:10 PM »
I've written 450 words so far. Since I need to write 1667 words a day to keep up, that means I only have 1217 left to go. Yeah! I'm on a roll.  ::)

Well, at least my morale is still high.  ;)

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2006
« on: November 01, 2006, 02:50:15 AM »
Talk about procrastinating...but I finally signed up. I added Hauf and EJS as my buddies because I know your usernames. I don't know what other people's names are on the site, like SE and Gemm and KB. I'm not sure it matters, since I don't know how much I'll actually be using the site, but it's nice to have friends on there either way!

For my username, since Chimera was taken, I used my livejournal username (which no one seems to have): Zeliot. So that's the name you all can find me under at the NaNoWriMo site.

Good luck everyone! Tommorrow is Day One.  ;D

Site News / Re: Happy Birthday
« on: November 01, 2006, 02:18:40 AM »
A Halloween baby? That's awesome! My grandpa was born on Halloween. He was really cool--so Brenna must be, too.  ;)

Movies and TV / Re: The Prestige
« on: October 30, 2006, 12:23:48 PM »
I agree. I saw this movie on Friday with my parents and we all liked it. Though, it is not a leisure movie. You really have to pay attention and be willing to work your brain a lot. The hardest part for me was all the jumps in time. It took at least 30 minutes into the film, perhaps more, until I could start placing events as either in the "beginning," "middle," or "end" category. After a while, you get used to it, and then the story starts rolling. But, if there was a drawback to the film, I'd definitely say it was the non-linear storytelling. Great acting, great atmosphere, intriguing story. And yes, very sad. The desire for revenge can have devastating consequences.

But very good. I liked it a lot. I'm glad I saw it early on, before somebody could spoil anything for me.

Music / Re: Whats playin now?
« on: October 27, 2006, 03:41:06 AM »
"Wonderwall" by Oasis

I love this one-hit wonder. It brings up memories of early high school years, which had their ups and downs. But this song seems to be associated with happy memories, even though it's not necessarily a very happy song.

"And all the roads that lead you there are winding..."

Rants and Stuff / Re: Jobs and stuff
« on: October 27, 2006, 03:35:06 AM »
The wierd part is that legally I'm still considered unemployed since the job falls under the category of a public servant (or something like that).

Pfft. Employment is so over-rated.  ;)

Congrats!  :D

Rants and Stuff / Re: Happy Things 2006:Generation X [part deux]
« on: October 27, 2006, 03:32:45 AM »
because it's always so hard to get back.

Like objects from an ex's house. (Currently having trouble getting back her Incredibles DVD.)  >:(

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Alcatraz 2
« on: October 27, 2006, 03:27:17 AM »
Send one my way. But I make absolutely no promises.

I did read another book by a friend in an entire day. So, you never know. If my mood and the fates just might get some feedback.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Happy Things 2006:Generation X [part deux]
« on: October 26, 2006, 10:54:40 PM »
Doctors that might actually be able to help me make me happy.

(But how many times have I said that? Oh, too many to count.)

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