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Messages - Skar

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Books / Re: So, apparently Dumbledore is gay.
« on: November 01, 2007, 10:43:19 PM »
Given some of the silly faux-literati things Rowling has said about her own work, like that it’s not Fantasy, at all…  And that she has stated that she intends only to write "literarily significant" books from now on.  I tend to think she probably came up with the Dumbledore is Gay factoid in an attempt to give herself literary cred.  Whether she came up with it on the spot or several books ago doesn't really matter.

EUOL would probably tell me that I'm not giving her the benefit of the doubt.  He would be right.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: No longer Rumors of Brandon Jr.
« on: October 30, 2007, 05:12:02 PM »
Congratulations to all, but especially to Brandon.   ;)  You go through so much as a husband.

Books / Re: So, apparently Dumbledore is gay.
« on: October 29, 2007, 08:37:43 PM »
Quote from: SaintEhlers on October 24, 2007, 18:12:58
I mean, the only reason it's coming up is because people refuse to use their imagination and think of what happened to the characters or fill in the blank. Blah.

Quote from Skar:
Knew it all along did you?  Ol' Dumbledore and Harry make quite the Spartan couple, no?

I can honestly say that I am completely bewildered about this response and where it came from. I have never said, nor implied that I believe Dumbledore was gay before this. Why you would think so mystifies me.

I only said it because that sentence of yours could imply that anyone who used their imaginations to "fill in the blanks" would have come to the conclusion that Dumbledore was gay.  And that the only reason most people hadn't before Rowling's announcement was because they lacked imagination.  I thought it was amusing.  Totally didn't mean to piss you off.  Sorry ... again.

Books / Re: So, apparently Dumbledore is gay.
« on: October 26, 2007, 05:03:47 PM »
If you take the Christian view you might say that he recognizes his desire for power as well as his other desires as being dangerous and not in either his or society's best interest.

Amen brother.  I hadn't looked at it that way.  Dumbledore's gayness and his apparent celibacy (since absolutely nothing in the books even hints that he ever acted on his homosexual desires) is actually a stirring example of self-control, noble even.  Since everyone knows that homosexual desires are, in fact, present in some segment of our population, Dumbledore's example is, in fact, a good one. 

Way to go Rowling.

Of course, now that people are talking about this, it will behoove Rowling and/or same sex activists to ensure that Dumbledore is shown to have  a gay lover in the films, self-denial being the absolute anathema of the same-sex movement.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: thoughts on hardbacks
« on: October 25, 2007, 07:21:14 PM »
I like reading paperbacks best.  Sorry Brandon.  The fact that I can keep it in my pocket is the ultimate in convenience and reading pleasure.  (On a related note...Until e-book readers can be kept in my back pocket and the floor of my car absolutely undamaged, I don't think I'll be using them.)

I buy hardback versions of books I love for the durability.

Books / Re: So, apparently Dumbledore is gay.
« on: October 25, 2007, 06:11:49 PM »
I mean, the only reason it's coming up is because people refuse to use their imagination and think of what happened to the characters or fill in the blank. Blah.

Knew it all along did you?  Ol' Dumbledore and Harry make quite the Spartan couple, no?

Books / So, apparently Dumbledore is gay.
« on: October 24, 2007, 11:18:09 PM »
Who knew?


I found out about this a few days ago and haven't figured out how to respond yet.  Why be an activist now?  Make him gay in the books if you really want to make a statement.  Doing it after the fact seems kind of lame and weak. 

Like, "I really wanted the money so I couldn't put him in the books, but now I really want the activist props, so I'm going to 'reveal' it."

Everything Else / Re: Best Quote Lately Reincarnated
« on: October 15, 2007, 11:55:10 PM »
Wil Wheaton, describing a daydream:

"Yeah! It's totally my bag of dice!" I paused for a moment, and added, "but he's not opening it. Because if he opens it, and touches my dice, I will ****ing kill that monkey."

Movies and TV / Re: Question for the Rifftrax-savvy
« on: September 28, 2007, 04:51:29 PM »
Which is probably why the rifftrax people went with all the gay humor.

Movies and TV / Re: Question for the Rifftrax-savvy
« on: September 27, 2007, 06:12:46 PM »
I highly suggest that you do this with TopGun.  Hilarity would ensue.

[chuckles evilly and rubs his hands together]

Brandon Sanderson / Re: EUOL: Writing question based upon MB2 annotation
« on: September 27, 2007, 06:10:32 PM »
I'm quite an avid reader. So avid, in fact, that I can't keep different books straight half the time because I'm reading so much. So I don't think the avid/casual breakdown really works in this situation.

True.  I was more using "avid" and "casual" to stand in for "remembers perfectly well what went on in the last book" and "doesn't remember what went on in the last book"  Bad choice of words on my part I guess.

And really, the idea of a "story-so-far" page would only work for those series of mild length, say trilogy at the max.  I can only shudder at how long such a page might be for 12 of the Wheel of Time.  Wow.

I didn't picture the story-so-far approach being used to help someone who has not read the previous books, but instead only as a reminder of where exactly the characters ended up in the last book for someone who has forgotten the fine details.

Books / Re: College prep comic books
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:53:33 PM »
Yes, he does that a lot.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: EUOL: Writing question based upon MB2 annotation
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:50:52 PM »
So you can either stuff the first couple of chapters of your books with little reminders about the back-story, which forces the avid reader to wade through them but are nice to have for the casual reader, or you can put those details in a "the story so far" section in the front of the book, making it available for the casual reader but not forcing the avid reader to wade through them.  Heck, you could use the space and effort you save by not working those little reminders into the story to move the story along faster and provide new details that make the world richer.

Whether I am reading a series avidly or just picking up the next one after a year or two, I would prefer the "story so far" approach. If I don't need it, I can skip it. 

Books / Re: College prep comic books
« on: September 25, 2007, 07:22:34 PM »
Good heavens.  Who is "pushing" him as "good"? 

I said some people here might get a kick out of it.

And I'm slightly mystified by the violent reaction to his "bashing on comics" when he didn't really bash on comics.  As Gemm pointed out he was really bashing on Kaplan and the education system.  The closest he came to bashing on comics was when he claimed his daughter doesn't read "dimwit comics"  I presumed that this was as opposed to the OTHER kind of comics, presumably the NON-DIMWIT comics.

And, frankly, I'm totally ok with him tearing away at the idea that spoon-feeding basic vocabulary to high-school students through graphic novels is fine and normal and NOT a telling indicator of the state of our educational system.

If I inadvertently offended anyone by posting that link (I'm looking at you SE) I sincerely apologize.  Giving anyone a bad day was the furthest thing from my mind.

Books / Re: College prep comic books
« on: September 25, 2007, 06:59:43 PM »
I enjoyed that article on a stylistic level more than anything else.   

He didn't push any of my particular buttons, but then, I haven't read many comics since high-school.

He makes his living writing sarcastic, intensely negative columns about everything.  It's a niche market.  And even I can only take a bit of him at a time.

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