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Messages - Bastille

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yeah I know. I can wait though! waiting............

Some lucky kid at the HoA release won a copy of the manuscript.  I wanted so hard to win!  xD  So did Mi'chelle and the other people we were hangin out with.

I know!!! That person is SO lucky. I wish he/she would sell it on ebay.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Book Plates
« on: May 07, 2009, 08:44:06 PM »
I hope so, since he will probably never do a sign in Montana.

I know how you feel. He's probally never ocming to RI.  :-\

Everything Else / Re: Where in the world are you???
« on: May 07, 2009, 08:42:04 PM »
I from Portsmouth, Rhode Island many miles form where most of you guys live. 

Everyone thinks Bastille should become and Oculator. We just don't know how yet.

Ookla, I wish your dream was a reality. I want that book!!!

thanks for the info Bastille :D

no problem!  :D

A mushroom?  :o Okay.....wasn't expecting that. Must be a REALLY big mushroom. So Crystallia is in the City of Nalhalla?  ???

  :( how come no ones replying, or do you just not have time to reply

Um, combosia. Most of these guy have jobs and family that they have to take care of and also some people may live in different time zones so they might not post right away. Some post go off for a month then come back later. You jut have to be patient.  ;D ;) :D :) I sure most peple will try to post when tey can.  ;)

The city is named Nalhalla, not Crystallia, by the way. (The cover copy is wrong unless they fix it.)

Wait a minute, the city is Nalhalla? I thought that was the countrys name and then the city's name was Crystallia or am I just really confused?   ???

Ohhhhh. I think I get it. The inside cover was wrong calling Nalhalla a city. Right? Or am I just confused again.

I think it was.  :-\ I don' t know.

I don't understand ANYTHING about the lizard thing. I wan't to see the back cover now because I want to see th rest of it's body as it (should) curl around the other side.

I never thought of Bastille's head pasted on but now I can see that.

But the last Alcatraz covers seemed pretty much on the dot with what happened in the first couple chapters. In the first book they had a picture of him the library with a dinosaur in a tweed jacket and one the second they had a picture of him on the Dragonaut. Oh sear, I sound like a crying child in those last sentences.  :D

True, but Bastille had a sword. That has to count for something?

That is a good idea. I still want to find out what that green thing is.

The 1 thing I LOVE about the cover is it tells you that Bastille DOES get her knight back and that makes me very happy.  :D

Books / Re: Favorite author
« on: May 03, 2009, 03:08:24 PM »
I can't settle for one author. If I HAD to pick it would be Brandon or Rowling (I feel like I spelled that wrong).

Rants and Stuff / Re: This day just gets better and better
« on: May 03, 2009, 12:13:33 AM »
Keep your chin up miyabi. Good luck could be just down the road.  ;) Sorry for your bad luck though. Things can't stay bad forever.

I thought it was a Gak too!  :D I agree it is kinda out of place. It's like ohh knights fight,......LIZARD!? I think we'll just have to wait and see what happends with the Talents. BUT I think I agree with Zas678 about how all Talents seem negitive at first. With that point made I don't think fixxing could be an option.  ???

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