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Messages - Legion

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Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: August 17, 2005, 09:45:53 AM »
Been 6 days since anyone had some happy news, so I will start it back up.....I am happy because on Monday I have a job interview.......GO TEAM ME    ;D

Endless Stars / Re: Combat
« on: August 16, 2005, 05:27:36 PM »
What if you design the combat system like this?

Leader: Sergeant Jarhead
Abilities: 5/6
Fleet Capacity: 8/10
Attack Power (AP): 10
Defense Power (DP): 8
First Strike (FS): 75/100
Formation: Defense Formation +2 DP (not added in)
Special Training:
1.      Mined Swiping (nullifies any bonuses that the enemy gains from use of mines)
2.      Tactics increases base AP (already added in)
3.      Improved Combat Communication (increase Capacity by 1 [already added in])
4.      First Strike (allows the unit to be able to have first chance to attack)
5.      Disarm (decreases enemies First Strike attack)
Technology Bonuses:
1.      Improved Armor (adds 1 to DP per 5 units [already added in])

You would not be able to have the entire tech listed, each fleet of troops would only be able to have certain ones, but I thought this would be a good idea on how to setup a fleet.  Ability would be how much training the leader could have.  The leader of the fleet passes all his training down to his troops so that they have the same training only while under his command.  To gain more slots you go up in rank.  Rank is determined by wins verses losses, and morale of your race.

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: August 16, 2005, 03:10:32 PM »
The Sun?

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: August 16, 2005, 02:41:15 PM »
sure you would........good guess your up

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: August 16, 2005, 02:31:12 PM »
no....think hotter, bigger and hawaii......dead give away here

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: August 16, 2005, 01:36:58 PM »
closer.....but not it

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: August 16, 2005, 11:13:42 AM »
nope...did not thing this would be hard..meh

Rants and Stuff / Re: Birth Announcement
« on: August 16, 2005, 11:11:28 AM »
congra.......did you say "hooray for boobies!" ??? .  Crazy adults boobies are for kids

any way Congrats on the baby, may her life be good

Endless Stars / Re: Planets and Systems
« on: August 15, 2005, 05:07:59 PM »


Population - number of inhabitants in the system
Production - amount of industry in the system
Capacity - the amount of population a system can support
Lode - amount of raw resources in the system
Morale - the current morale of the system
Maximum Morale - the maximum morale allowed by the system
Base Morale - a percent that can be modified by certain conditions.  This is multiplied by maximum morale to determine current morale.

what is the the importance of lode?  Is production what the planet is producing and is lode its max amount?  Or is X amount of lode is equal to a max of Y amount of production.

Also is production points sololy used for the buying of buildings and units or is food going to figure in there too?

Endless Stars / Re: Technology
« on: August 15, 2005, 05:02:55 PM »
Those are some good ideas, Legion, but you're zooming in way too far.  This is how detailed a sample planet would look:

Pop: 6
Production: 4
Lode: 5
Capacity: 6
Morale: 8 (8) 100%

Industrial Complex: Level 2
Religious Sanctuary: Level 2
Supply Depot: Level 1
Orbital Shipyards

So, in the example of you tech ideas, it could be summed up in one asset, like this:

Underwater Habitation:  (Level 1 to Level 2) Capacity increases by 1 for each level.

Note, that this should be cheaper than Terraforming and could be attained earlier in the game.

I found this to give me a huge insight on how the planet system would be setup.  More examples I think would be great

Endless Stars / Re: Technology
« on: August 15, 2005, 01:04:30 PM »
ok then going off of that you can have the underwater tech just add to the basic states (increaseing the max)...If a planet had the capacity of 6 then this would increase that to by 1 for each lvl...and the mining would increase the production by 1 for each lvl.  However if you do the mining then you cannot do the fishing.....  Now guess what fishing does....good guess it would increase the food by 1 for each lvl.  As for the transportation, you cuold have that increase morale by 1% for each lvl

Endless Stars / Re: Technology
« on: August 15, 2005, 11:48:06 AM »
I talked about some techs in the planet and system part, I just want to expand on them here.

Underwater expansion

1.      Water Proof Shield
A)      Shield Level 1 -  Allows a city to be built between 1 and 500 feet under sea level
B)      Shield Level 2 -  Allows a city to be built between 501 and 1000 feet under seal level
C)      Shield Level 3 - Allows a city to be built between 1001 and 5000 feet under seal level
D)      Shield Level 4 -  Allows a city to be built anywhere under seal level

2.      Water Transportation
A)      Boats - Allows for slow movement on to surface of the water also able to gather surface level fish
B)      Submarines - Allows for slow movement on the surface and under the surface
C)      Improved Submarines - Allows for quicker movement and the ability to gather deep water fish
D)      Underwater Roadway - Allows for fast movement through the water (road type technology)

3.      Breathing Improvement (Required Water Proof Shield level 1)
A)      Water to polluted Air - Converts water to a type of polluted air, still breathable, but lowers the morale of the people breathing it by 10%
B)      Water to breathable Air - Converts water to air that is not as polluted, and will only cause morale to drop 5%
C)      Water to Air - Converts water to normal breathable air.  This will not decrease morale in any way
D)      Water to Clean Air - Now air is even cleaner then the surface air which increase morale by 2%

4.      Underwater Mining (requires Water Proof Shield level 3)
A)      Mineral Gathering - allows an under water city to gather materials from the ocean floor.  Materials are of the lowest quality
B)      Refining Mined Materials - Increases the value of the materials gathered from underwater mining facilities
C)      Improved Mining - Increases that amount mined by an underwater mining facility
5.      Underwater Gathering (required Water Proof Shield level 1, and Boats)
A)      Surface level fishing - Allows the gathering of small fish at the sea level
B)      Improved Fishing - Improves the fish that are gathered at sea level
C)      Underwater fishing -  Allows deep water fish to be gathered (required Improved Submarine)

Endless Stars / Re: Planets and Systems
« on: August 15, 2005, 10:36:11 AM »
I do not know how you are handling residential areas.  If there are only 3-4 zones does one of them have to be residential?  I was thinking, why not have residential mixed within the other areas, that way you do not need a zone just for them.  Also instead of only 3-4 zones make it like 6-7 that way you can get a lot more diversity.  In addition you should be able to setup under water cities, through the use of technology.  These would be great sources of food, or mining.  This would have to depend on the depth of the water.  So say a planet only has 3 or 4 land zones in it.  After researching Technology to start living underwater you gain 2 or 4 more zones depending on the land - water ratio.  Now if you want to have disasters you could through in an earthquake that floods an underwater city.  This would have to be a really small chance, like 1 in a 100, when you have to roll for a disaster.

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: August 15, 2005, 10:05:31 AM »

An exploding microwave.  ;D

sorry for not posting all weekend, was, but close

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: August 12, 2005, 05:58:44 PM »
My thunder comes before the lightning
My lightning comes before the clouds
My rain dries all the land it touches
What am I?

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