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Messages - mtlhddoc2

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Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 09, 2009, 12:55:23 AM »
It was a while ago, and I read alot. but I also qualified with "as it stands now" which means that just how it could be at the moment. For all I know, ten minutes ago, some guy came up with a perfectly safe way to do it. But regardless, fission is a "shovel ready project" unlike stimulus bill projects and unlike hydrogen.

And actually, our sun is TOO BIG to go supernova at the moment, but it could certainly go nova. A supernova happens after a star becomes incredibly dense. It is a rare event, but cataclysmic. And from what i understand, it is entire possible for that to happen to a planet. If all the molecules in a planet happened to attract to each other with emmense force, the planet will shrink and become incredibly dense, which in turn could cause it to "supernova" which, in turn is a cataclysmic event and could certainly cause the planets Venus and Mars to be destroyed. Hydrogen "burning" is in effect, mini-fusion reactions. And I suppose could potentially cause a chain reaction within the atmopsphere, densifying the planet.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 08, 2009, 11:34:03 PM »
explain the system of "works" - for example, would Bill Gates get a better place in heaven because he gave more? Or would a poor widower working two jobs to support his 4 children get more for leaving a bigger than normal tip for a waitress? How do you quantify your "works"?

Don't know and don't care.  My own works are all I really need to concern myself with.  Are they things God would have me to do?  Then they are good and will accrue for eternity.  I need a close relationship with Him to be able to discern this, though.

It's quite the deal, when you think about it.  God gives the strength and power to do His work on earth and we get the reward.  It's a win-win.

If you are going to offer up a system where some get a better seat at the table than others, you must have some sort of guiddeline you go by, or else it is all just a bunch of people trying to feel better about themselves. If the rich go to heaven and have a better seat at the table just because they were better off than someone the poorer people and could do more, that kind of sets up a system where you can be a cold-hearted slumlord in order to make your money, and then cash out ans  do
"great things" with your millions you bilked from the less fortunate and get a better seat. So either explain it, or just say "I am talking out my your know what" or ignore me, like you did about the whole cities issue which you boasted about, yet had zero proof.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 08, 2009, 11:28:21 PM »
Renoard: how close are they to producing a hydrogen reactor?
I can answer for you: not very.

Whereas we have fission reactors now which are safe, incredibly efficient and effective and produce little to no pollutants. We currently have hundreds of naval ships operating with nuclear reactors and since they have gone online 30 some years ago, there has not been 1 instance of radiation poisoning.

And from what I have read up on concerning the hydrogen burning reactor studies...  a mishap with a hydrogen plant, as the technology stands now, would cause the same level of destruction as the sun going supernova. (again "as it stands now"). I cannot put my faith in unproven technologies when we have perfect capable and clean tech now to produce all the energy we need for a small fraction of the cost of the daily importing of oil and the release of tons of harmful gasses into our amosphere daily.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 08, 2009, 07:02:41 PM »
explain the system of "works" - for example, would Bill Gates get a better place in heaven because he gave more? Or would a poor widower working two jobs to support his 4 children get more for leaving a bigger than normal tip for a waitress? How do you quantify your "works"?

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 08, 2009, 04:14:16 AM »
Several sites which mention cities you refuse to mention that are in the bible but people dont think they exist...   like Beruit, Damascus, Tripoli? Seriously. You offer vague references to what you perceive as slights from WEBSITES which you also dont mention. The more vagueness you offer, the less credibility you have.

I am not debating your faith, whatever it may be. That is not the point though. you directly insult people with different points of view and then trumpet as proof accomplishments which you wont mention. And seriously, you call yourself a Christian? Honesty is one of the basic tenets of the Bible. Thanks for playing, come again.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 08, 2009, 02:06:09 AM »
As for the archaelogical stuff. That site is about as non-partisan as Nancy Pelosi. I read it, and had a good laugh. The article is filled with half-truths and misnomers. give me just ONE biblical site which is not widely believed to exist, (and a statement from someone who has said "that does not exist!" and have his statement widely accepted).

Seriously, the bible itself contains many references to THINGS noone has found, but not places. Everyone knows where Babylon is, where Canaan is etc. I have studied Roman and Greek history extensively and have yet to find a city in the bible which "does not exist".

Seriously. Haing religious discussion is all fine and such, but blatant grandstanding and attibuting "doubt" where it does not exist is ridiculous. I can even point out that most of the happenings in the bible did in fact happen. the difference between you and I in this respect is that I think the parts where the charachters speak to "god" are pure fantasy and you do not. Lets stick to things like that. Quantifiable fact is just that and cannot be challenged by either of us. Jerusalem existed, rome existed, Atlantis, as portrayed in legend, did not. We know these things and we do not challenge them. And I have not heard anyone challenge the existence of cities in my middling lifetime.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 08, 2009, 01:58:45 AM »
  All religions do not teach equality of women in the afterlife, faith-based salvation (most of them require works of various kinds to achieve Nirvana, etc . . . ) or substitutionary sacrifice for sin.  Lumping all religions into a neat box that you can then reject out of hand is probably satisfying, but not very scholarly.  Not to mention dangerous if one of them turns out to be true!

Actually, no religion "teaches" equality. The bible specifically states that women are lesser beings than men in a variety of places. every major religion, outside of Hindi, is a derivative of ancient Judaism, since even the Muslims count the Torah and the New Testament as part of their religious texts. They do also share a trait with Mormons in the fact that they both believe there was a new prophet after Jesus. The main difference is that they believe that Jesus was a prophet, and that him being the "son of God" was an analogy towards his prophet status, much as Moses was called a "son of God" as well in some of the old testament, as well as Abraham and Noah. (have to start a new post, as this one is acting funky)

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 07, 2009, 09:56:35 PM »
I dont think there would be much protection needed in an accident either, again, if any. Normal construction would provide most if not all of the shielding needed. This wouldnt be a piece up plutonium just sitting on the hood of a car. It would need water for cooling anyway, since the real threat is not the radiation, but the temperatures it might have to achieve. A "quick cooling" system would need to be in place....  as you say, an engineering challenge, but one quite surmountable, if the proper resources were invested.

I worked for a foundry, we used the americanium for testing metals, specifically to make sure it was the proper alloy. And the reality was, we were exposed to more radiation from the heat and melted metals than from the americanium isotopes. Although I was not as exposed as some of the employees. I was in quality assurance (a tester, basically) and was typically not working directly with the smelters. Although, occassionally, I would have to take an in production sample. (think: wearing a space suit to go into a furnace)

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 07, 2009, 07:25:50 PM »
Quick point...  what ancient cities have they dug up that were not mentioned in other texts besides the bible? Did they dig up Atlantis while I was sleeping?

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 06, 2009, 05:08:19 AM »
I worked with low shielded Americanium for a time. We all wore rad badges. I was accidentally exposed once, the rad badge barely blipped. Now, mind you, it wasnt plutonium, but prolonged exposure would have been bad. It has been over 15 years and I show no outward signs. I didnt say it wouldnt have to be shielded, but it wouldnt require 50 pounds of lead. Really, you wouldnt need much at all, maybe a gallon or two of water should be sufficient for such a small piece, and a dimes worth is probably more than needed. I was just using it as an example.

There is a reactor here in Rhode Island at the University of RI's Maritime campus in Narragansett. It has been running for over 30 years. It powers the entire URI campus. On one 10lb bar. they change the bar out and reprocess it on site. In 30 years, they have used 3 bars. And that is probably because it is a 30 year old reactor and is more of a "training" model, than an updated high tech facility. If they went with the latest and greatest, I bet they could make that one bar last 30 years and power much more than just the Kingston/Narragasett campuses.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 06, 2009, 03:07:07 AM »
Ookla: all the major religions have the same basic beliefs - believing and accepting is fine and dandy, but if you dont actually try and follow the path, and regret and attempt to repent your mistakes, you go see the other guy.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 06, 2009, 12:20:10 AM »
mtbike: the waterfall scenario is a good analogy, except for one problem. there are those who do not believe there is a waterfall and their pleasant river cruise will go on just fine, after all we scouted ahead to make sure. And we can assure you, there is no waterfall.

And lets just say, for instance, that there is an invisible waterfall. Well, I for one, when I die, would like to be remembered as a caring invididual, someone who was respectful of others, donated his time, and money when he had it to helping the less fortunate, someone who loved others and was loved in return. And lets just say this waterfal of yours does exist. When i reach the bottom of it, i would like to think the pond at the bottom would be welcoming of a good person, regardless of whether I believed in the waterfall or not. And I would sincerely hope that the pond would NOT be welcoming of a person who was rude, disrespectful, uncaring of others feelings, even if they acted as they did in the pond's name.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 05, 2009, 03:01:27 PM »
the radiation from about a dime's worth of plutonium, would be about the same as the radiation from a cellphone. You wouldnt need very much shielding, if any. There would not be enough fissle material for a "meltdown".

Keep in mind, 90% of our naval fleet is powered by nuclear reactors. If the military stepped it up in R&D, this could certainly be a reality in just a few years.

and I agree with miyabi: I would love to say "I drive a nuclear powered car"

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 04, 2009, 12:13:27 PM »
for a nuke powered car... you would only need a piece of uranium/plutonium about the size of a dime and it would never run out of fuel.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 04, 2009, 04:22:05 AM »
ryos: with the far-left Dems firmly in control of the governemnt, you are right. If the people take back the government, then we stand a chance of getting real energy solutions. Not the far-left and far-right extremist versions.

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