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Messages - mtlhddoc2

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Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 13, 2009, 09:37:31 PM »
then i suggest you try it yourself.

Buy a generator and shut your electricity off for a month. See how much you save.

The stats quite often leave off all those "extra" charges the utilities throw on there. Electricity rates are typically pegged directly on oil and coal prices. Since oil rates directly affect gasoline rates, why should they be so far apart?

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 13, 2009, 08:36:02 PM »
The electric bill is broken down into 3 or 4 different "per kwh" charges, PLUS a charge just for having the service.
A kwh still is more for power than gasoline. I could actually use a generator and pay less per month than I do from the electric company. I know people that have done it. the biggest problem is that generators are LOUD.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 13, 2009, 11:22:52 AM »
quick one before I head to work.

I pay $2.30 for gas. And I get about 30 mpg in my very old Volvo. Most new cars average out well over 20 mpg, with many being in the 30 range. 30 isnt "excellent" any more, it is average. And yes, you cannt just look at straight$$/kwh costs. you have to look at the total bill, which included the kwh costs, the delivery charge, the line maintenance fees etc etc. I have never had an electric bill under $80 here, no matter how little electricity I used.

And yes, the Roadster is available, with the cheapest model being over $100,000 and no deliveries until 2010. I do not cosider that to be "available now". Or even "available soon". They wont have this car ready for mass markets until 2012.

The hybrid is STILL the way to go since it gets such good mileage. It actually used less oil (whether in gas or electricity) than anything available, or soon to be available. Skip the so called "green" electric car and stick with the really green Prius or Ford Fusion hybrid. The rest is just bluster.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 13, 2009, 03:58:32 AM »
you leave out alot of numbers in your posts and your math. My electric bill is sky high for very little due to all the extra charges involved. Even if I were to use NO electricity in a given month, it would still cost me $60.

I spend about $75 a month for  my 50 mile per day commute in my 1995 Volvo. Most newer cars get better mileage than I do. So thats about 75 cents a mile. the electric company charges me about 50 cents per kilowatt. so the roadster would cost me about $25 to fill up and only take me 160 miles, whereas my Volvo can take me nearly 500 miles on a $35 fill. Although Tesla is claiming up to 300 miles per charge now, with 45 minute fill ups. With the upgrades, of course, which pushes it well into viability if they can reduce cost and improve efficiency.

you are also forgetting the sheer cost of those new supercars of yours. the Telsa is slated to start at around $50,000. well out of the average persons range. With the 230 and 300 mile versions, you have to get expensive upgrades. pusing it well out of even the average upper middle class range.

And lastly, the first Teslas will not even be delivered until 2012, which, by that time, they will already be obsolete, or, they will have failed, because all they have now are test cars under controlled conditions. i live in the northeast, cold kills batteries. So they more than likely will not even be viable in cold weather, as the Volt is not.

The Chevy volt at only 40 mile range, does not even come close to meeting the average two-way commute for most people. The natioanl average is 26 minutes, or approximately 25 miles each way. So you would have to charge your car while at work. The average American drives 87 minutes per day, or close to 90 miles. You would have to charge your car TWICE during teh day to do all of your driving. Plus, mileage drops considerably when in cold weather. The Volt is a waste of time. Noone will buy it and it will be mothballed within two years.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 12, 2009, 01:35:29 PM »
100+ miles on an electric motor? No, not a one. the new Volvo Clean Diesel Hybrid PlugIn has a 40-45 miles range on the electric motor, and then the gas kicks in. the Chevy volt has a 50 mile max.

Yes, if they generated electricity at night it would be wasted. they only generate what the grid demands. If the grid demands more, they produce more. We would fry the grid almost immediately after giving everyone and electric car. Plus, electricty would cost more per mile for the end-user than gasoline at $2.50 a gallon, and would break even at about $4 per gallon. So it is not economically viable either. The "plu in" electric car, no matter what the government shoves down our throats, is a dated concept as long as we still rely on fossil fuels for electricity production. Now, stick solar panels on the roof of your house and then charge your car, free fuel, but not when drawing from the grid.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 12, 2009, 02:24:22 AM »
Actually forget this post.  It's just not worth beating a dead horse.

The horse died around page three.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 12, 2009, 02:14:17 AM »
if we all switched to electric engines NOW. Our oil imports would increase from about 30% to nearly 50% immediately, causing us to further be indebted to the oil producing nations. We need to switch to nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal and tidal engery sources first, then we can all drive electric cars. Although, with the current electric engine model, we would have to stop and charge the car every forty miles. And a full charge takes about 8 hours. I wouldnt even be able to get to work and back. And can you imagine the strain on the grid this would produce? Many parts of the country have rolling brown outs and black outs as it is because the grid cannot supply enough power to everyone all at once. Now, lets all plug in our cars! Sounds ridiculous, doesnt it?

The only "electric" car i would currently drive are the recycle hybrids, not the plug in models. They Prius gets 50 mpg or better without ever using the electrical grid or any other power source but itself. And there is no reason not to continue to use this type of extra energy in cars, except for the fact hat it is inefficient, at best. But it STILL saves tons of gasoline. If everyone drove a Prius, we could reduce our imported oil from 30% to about 10%.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 10, 2009, 03:50:40 PM »
and i am not agnostic because i do not accept the possibility of atheism as it lacks substance

Agnosticism and atheism have nothing to do with each other. You do not have to accept the possibility of a lack of superior being to be an agnostic.  But an atheist holds fast to a belief that there is no higher power. Period. But most rational atheists belive that the possibility exists, but there is no definitive proof.

I certainly believe in the possibility, although i find it highly unlikely. I view time travel in the same manner.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 09, 2009, 09:34:51 PM »
Epist: that is called "blind faith". And the bible instructs, nay, commands, that your faith be constantly questioned. If you have already reached the pinnacle of faith, the rest of your life is essentially empty.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 09, 2009, 08:24:13 PM »
Reaves, recommending a book, what a novel idea. But the fact is, she is still vague and points to a single source of reference in book form. Other than one particular book, there is NOTHING out there to substantiate her "facts". The fact is, the bible is, if nothing else, an historical document. No archaeologist or scientist would discount the historical aspects of it just becaus ethey were not Christian. thats as ridiculous as disregarding Homer's categorizations of the world just because it was a work of fiction. fiction or fact does not matter here. There are plenty of geographic references in both the bible and the works of homer to know that they both categorized the current geographic world of thier time.

Above your pay grade? Obama used that line when talking about abortion too. without at least attempting to quantify it, you are leaving alot of moral grey areas, which in turn confuses the very people you are trying to "help". By using the term "above my pay grade" you lose the will to challenge your own faith, which weakens it. My faith is challenged daily, which strengthens it, and I never back down from the challenge.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 09, 2009, 06:51:29 PM »
that is true for plug in electric hybrids ren, but not for say, the Prius which uses friction and static electicity to charge the electric motor.

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 09, 2009, 04:48:02 AM »
sort: ok, that is a fair explanation as quoted from scripture. I will not question it further, except to point out that if you do not attempt to have, you can have nothing to give away. so the whole thing is one big catch-22. It is also very rare indeed to see anyone who keeps only what they need. Does any of us "need" the internet? Or a television?

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 09, 2009, 04:42:28 AM »
maybe i am being too basic, but you are right, hydrogen, as it stands now, is a dead end. That could change, tomorrow, or 20 years from now, or never. But we do need to press forward with all available "clean" energy sources, when efficient. nuclear fission is the most efficient of them at this time, even if it is not as "clean" as wind or solar (although both wind and solar do have climate effects, and habitat effects, which should not be discounted.)

Fire does combine oxygen with otehr molecules, but it also breaks down the molecules of the source material. In essense, if you forgive the basics again, fission and fusion at the same time. Fire also has radiant qualities as well, due to teh fact that in many cases, some of each molecule can be lost and its nucleus can change based on the heat of the reaction. This is why a cigarette will set off a geiger counter.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 09, 2009, 03:11:36 AM »
Renoard: you can get similar results from tap water, cell phones, microwave ovens, convection ovens or several dozen other sources which we react with in our every day life. Uranium/plutonium, because of teh safety protocols which are enacted when they enter the fray, is safer than a microwave and produces less magnetic pollution than a cell phone and less heat pollution than an ordinary convection oven. The amount of "pollutants"
pol·lut·ant  (pə-lōōt'nt)   
n.  Something that pollutes, especially a waste material that contaminates air, soil, or water.

is neglidgible since the waste rod are normally stored inside the reactor. And even when removed, are stored in highly secure locations. the average family produces more "pollutants" in a week than all the reactors in the country produce in a year, since they never expel the waste material.

the total waste from all the reactors in the country since the first one went online about 35 years ago is less than the average town uses in a week.

Hydrogen burning? No hydro burning tech has been approved for use as of yet. Current hydrogen models split the h2 off of water and then recombine it with oxygen, essentially, fission, and then fusion:

Rants and Stuff / Re: General Religious discussion
« on: July 09, 2009, 01:01:45 AM »
sort: ok, thats a start. But again, how do you quantify it? they have spoken of different levels of heaven, yet no formula for acheiving them. Is a poor man who takes care of his children well considered the same as a rich man who does more than that? Is someone who does not give because they need to pay their rent considered less than someone who can afford their rent and gives whatever is left over?

See, to me, that just sets up a system of inequality from the get go. It almost says that if you are well off or not, you wont, or will, get in or have a better spot based solely on your birthrights.

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