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Messages - Chimera

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 119
Books / Re: review: Good Omens
« on: December 19, 2006, 04:38:34 AM »
I was lucky enough to read that book, and I liked it a lot too. So I'll cross my fingers, my toes, my arms, my legs, and my eyes. (But then, when I hurt myself running into things and falling down stairs, you'll be sorry.)  ;)

I thought Good Omens was very entertaining. I could at times tell that there were different writers, but I wasn't familiar enough with either author's style to make the distinction. I do remember that I liked the parts with Adam and the Them and the bikers of the Apocalypse (one of my all-time favorite quotes comes from them), and I got bored to the point of putting it down when we were dealing with the witchfinding agency.

Ah, here's the quote from the bikers! It was part of my TWG tag for awhile:

"Can I be Rubbish?" asked Skuzz. "Or Embarrassing Personal Problems?"

 ;D Tee hee. I love that quote.

Awards Board / Re: Christmas Name 2006 - Active
« on: December 19, 2006, 04:29:45 AM »
*Merry Chimeras blushes*

Gorgon, I didn't know you cared.  ;)

Video Games / Re: Wii November 19th
« on: December 19, 2006, 12:21:07 AM »
Can I have my own theme music, too?  ;)

Video Games / Re: Wii November 19th
« on: December 18, 2006, 08:37:27 PM »
Supposedly Wii is fun for the whole family.

This article makes me want to try it out, even more so than I already did.

Movies and TV / Re: Déjà Vu
« on: December 18, 2006, 06:15:43 PM »
I want to see this. I've heard from several people that it is good. And I like Denzel Washington.

We'll see if I get a chance.

Movies and TV / Re: Eragon
« on: December 18, 2006, 06:13:17 PM »
It makes me spectacularly happy to see this movie doing this badly.

I have to say, this line from a rotten review made me laugh:
In a time of darkness, under the evil reign of John Malkovich... a hero shall rise. But lo, there will be little rejoicing, for this dragon rider (newcomer Edward Speleers) is but a nancy boy.
Luke Y. Thompson
L.A. Weekly

I might risk watching this on DVD. With such bad reviews, it's very unlikely I'll pay $8 to see it in the theaters.

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2006
« on: December 18, 2006, 06:04:21 PM »
If that doesn't exist, maybe we should start it up.  ;)

I am happy that I've been able to incorporate more writing time into my schedule. Of course, my schedule right now is decidedly lax (doctor's orders). The trick will be when I'm back in school or working or both to still be able to write 1,000 words a day. I may need to cut that down. But I think I'd like to try to devote at least 2 hours to writing everyday, no matter what is going on in my life. Then I can definitely keep this up.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Second Printing
« on: December 16, 2006, 07:53:36 PM »
Congratulations! A second printing, of whatever size, is good news.  ;D

I was searching DeviantArt for Fanart (I was cerious what was out there) and found this  that I think better fits Vin as well as the feel of the book... the background's dark, yet she's bright, kind of like hope.  It also still has that flight feel.  I would love to see them go in this direction a bit more... (sorry, that's my thoughts...)
I'll try to make that link work. Like this. Something is funny with the code, and it's including more than I wanted in the link text, but hey it works, and that's all that matters.

That is a pretty cool picture. What I think is even cooler about it is that someone likes EUOL's book enough to commission an artist to do a drawing of it.

As to the 2nd hardbook cover, it is much better than the PB of the 1st. I don't know why they are going for such a different style with the PB cover.

Site News / Re: TWG New Years Party 2006!
« on: December 16, 2006, 06:16:10 PM »
That's not a threat, it's a promise!

I'm totally okay with that.

Site News / Re: TWG New Years Party 2006!
« on: December 16, 2006, 01:51:17 AM »
Well, if we go to hell, at least MsFish and I will be there together.  ;)

I know, I totally wish the box set of Avatar Season II was coming out sooner, but I'm willing to wait  for it to come out rather than buy the individual DVDs, especially since I've already seen all of Season II on TV. Thanks for the offer of the loan, Sprig, though I'm not sure if it was of Avatar or MST3K. I'm getting Avatar Season I box set for Christmas, so I'm really excited, and I want Fish to see it because she hasn't and it is sooooo awesome.  ;D

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff Found on the Internet, again
« on: December 15, 2006, 05:48:49 PM »
What do you do if your dolphin swallows plastic? Call on the world's tallest man to help you out!

Site News / Re: TWG New Years Party 2006!
« on: December 15, 2006, 09:00:17 AM »
Well, I just decided to come to town, and Fish and I are going to do something awesome for New Years. After all, if my singles ward could have game nights on Sunday evenings, then we can certainly do something cool like have an Avatar Season I marathon (which is my vote) on New Years Eve. Or maybe we'll borrow an MSTK from you guys, because I haven't seen any of the new ones. And I'd like a rematch with Tage in Fluxx, or whatever that crazy game was, because I totally should have won.

Books / Re: The Prestige
« on: December 14, 2006, 06:28:48 PM »
A thread about the movie, but not the book.

I didn't even know there was a book. Haven't read it, so I can't comment on it. But I bet it's pretty good, because it was a good movie.

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2006
« on: December 13, 2006, 08:27:26 PM »
My goal for next month is to write another 20,000 words. Taking everything into account, including my health and temperment, I think that is a challenging yet attainable goal. Plus, I did it once, so I know I can do it again.

I just hit the 20,000 word mark today. Woo hoo! Go me!!!  ;D

That goal certainly turned out to be attainable. Perhaps not challenging enough. I'm going to have to up it. But, I have to factor in that Christmas is coming up, and that the holidays will allow less time for writing. I don't want to sacrifice family time for writing time, especially since I already achieved my goal.

So now I have 40,000 words on the novel I started with NaNoWriMo. Yay! I'm at least half done, and very excited.  :D

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