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Messages - Fireborn

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: [Spoilers] Just finished Mistborn... confused
« on: August 11, 2010, 09:48:59 PM »
I'm reading as:

Preservation replaced Cadmium with Atium... not just in the Allomancy table but throughout the world, meaning Cadmium isn't actually a metal in the first 3 books, but will be in future. The effect is similar, Atium shows you the future and Cadmium lets them slow down time, so it almost fits. Anyone who was an Atium misting became a Cadmium misting when Sazed remade the world, I guess...

That is a major restructuring of his power. It would involve replacing a basic metal with a God Metal, and removing any power at all from Cadmium or it's alloy. I don't think that's what happened.

No, it seems people are saying that Preservation just ignored Cadmium-mistings when he sent the mistsickness (though I'm not sure what he did with Cerrobend-mistings), and Snapped the atium-mistings instead.

Fireborn even said:
This didn't alter the structure of allomancy at all, just the perception of it.

I just don't understand how Atium-mistings exist at all. And we know they existed before the mistsickness returned, because the Lord Ruler was testing certain Obligators for a long time before the end of his reign.

I thought Mistborn would've been better but if you think about it, 16 metals + a chance of Mistborn would give 17 and that doesn't fit properly. I suppose potential Mistborn can't be Snapped/affected by mistsickness.

No, that's 16 different types of mistings, plus a much smaller group who have access to the 16 basic metals. It doesn't break the 16-rule to me, since you can just as easily consider Mistborn to be mistings, just all 16 types of mistings in one.
Bolded line by me.
I like how you say that as if I'm some kind of authority on the subject.  Which I'm really not.

I actually brought up the atium burning issue in another topic.  I have the same problem with it you do.

Well, didn't some of the soldiers die from the mistsickness?  I'm assuming that those might have been the mistborn.  A shame they died, but it's not like Preservation could fine tune the mists for them.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: [Spoilers] Just finished Mistborn... confused
« on: August 10, 2010, 11:53:12 PM »
Leeching is a superior ability, but hand to hand combat between Allomancers is rather rare when Thugs aren't involved, especially between Mistborn.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: [Spoilers] Just finished Mistborn... confused
« on: August 10, 2010, 07:31:38 AM »
When it comes to the logic behind the mistfallen, atium replaces cadmium for the purposes of the mistsickness.

I'm not sure I follow.  Elaborate.
Preservation operates by using the number 16 to show what is his influence.  So when the mists started snapping people in HoA, an equal portion of those people became a misting of each metal.  This left Preservation with a problem, he needed there to be atium mistings, but adding that into the mix would make 17 types of mistings instead of his preferred number of 16 to let Elend know what was going on.  So he, for the purposes of the mistsickness, replaced cadmium with atium because nobody knew about cadmium.  That let there be 1/16th of those taken by the mistsickness be atium mistings, or the mistfallen, so that Elend would clue into the pattern and have his super awesome army at the end.  This didn't alter the structure of allomancy at all, just the perception of it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: [Spoilers] Just finished Mistborn... confused
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:55:59 AM »
When it comes to the logic behind the mistfallen, atium replaces cadmium for the purposes of the mistsickness.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did the Lord Ruler survive a beheading?
« on: August 08, 2010, 07:55:08 AM »
Though it wouldn't look so much like it cut his head off as the blade went right through him.  So the rumor would've probably been different if this was the case.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: July 22, 2010, 10:38:00 PM »
One thing that perplexes me is that Atium is the wild card, it can steal any other power or attribute stolen by Hemalurgy.  So what do the Atium alloys steal?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Paolini Takedown Challenge
« on: July 19, 2010, 09:38:28 PM »
And to my good friend Phaz...Hoooow the hell do you have that many copies of these books?!

Mostly to give away or lend out.  At any given time I probably have ~30ish copies on my bookshelf.  That includes what I consider to be my own copies, those that are signed/numbered/ARCs/etc.  Some of those have been read, many haven't.  Then I have a stockpile of at least 1-2 of each of his books (in hardcover and paperback) that are just normal copies I can lend out.  I tend to have a lot of dinner parties and things where people are over and we start talking about books.  It's pretty common for someone to leave with one.  Ideally I have a couple free copies of everything but have been getting short on some (like MB1).   I don't keep any kind of list (other than mentally) of who has what book or exactly how many copies are out there, but that doesn't bother me.  I just tell people to keep them if they want or better yet pass them on to a friend, then I pick up more as needed. 

For instance about a year before TGS came out (but everyone knew Brandon was finishing the series) I was traveling and picked up a copy of MB1 for my trip (was doing another reread).  I read most it on my trip, and after I got back I was going up the escalator after the tram (At DIA) and a guy noticed my book and said he heard Sanderson was going to finish WoT and was asking how good he was.  I told him I loved Sanderson and MB was a great place to start.  I ended up just giving him that copy because of how interested he was and knowing I have more at home.

Too me the cost of a book is often much much less than the amount of enjoyment I get from it (especially compared to movies and other forms of entertainment).  I'll often just be in a book store and pick up a copy of a book I already have just to have one.

Like for Way of Kings my plan is to preorder one from Sam Wellers (to be sure I get a signed/numbered copy) and make the trip out to Utah for the BYU release (should be possible but there's always a chance I can't make it, hence the other copy).  Then I'll probably grab 3 copies off amazon, one to read plus two to lend out, if those two go quick I'll grab one or two more.

A good portion of those books are also from something I did on the site Reddit.  I love the community there and wanted to do something nice so I did this.   From my calculations based on the books I sent out, the people of those that said they had a friend/family member/etc who would read them and the people from the threads or who sent me a message saying they were picking up one of the books because of that, I converted over 100 people to Brandon, and that's just the ones I know about.  I got lots of messages from people after they read the books who I'm sure will pass the joy on to their friends.  That alone was over 60 copies of his books.

Brandon once compared me to being a drug pusher for his books.  I'd say that's pretty accurate.  When I find something I love, I share it with as many people as I can (both those I know and those I don't).  Books are a big part of that but certainly not the only thing.

I plan on doing a similar thing for WoK when it comes out, and then another for The Name of the Wind a couple months before the sequel for that comes out.
And thus we see that Phaz has a buttload of expendable income.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 19, 2010, 08:41:05 PM »
I think genetics are one of several aspects that shape how a magic system forms.  One is what sort of Shard it comes from, another is the world itself, and third is the genetics of the people.  There are probably other factors as well, but these are the ones that I've observed.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:28:51 AM »
My take is that the Shards output a constant, passive flow of magical energy that influences everything in its vicinity, specifically its world.  This ambient energy changes humans, in the case of Allomancy, and certain aspects of the world, in the case of Hemalurgy.  When multiple shards show up in the same world, their different energies produce additional effects, like Feruchemy.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 17, 2010, 06:18:05 AM »
I personally don't think Hoid is a Shard.  He does clearly have epic powers, though.
Hi, I'm Fireborn, and I approve this message.
The number of magic systems may also make a difference whether or not you count passive magic like enhanced tools as more than one "system".

For instance, are Shardblades and Shardplate two separate "magic systems", or one, or do they not count because they are tools rather than skills or abilities?


That may be what Brandon was referring to as "it depends on how you count it".

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Eastern Slang
« on: July 16, 2010, 07:22:38 AM »
When we speak eastern slang, can we put the meaning in parentheses underneath?  Looking at my previous post, I can barely understand it and I wrote it!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 16, 2010, 06:59:31 AM »
Actually, now that you say that... I somewhat recall reading that at one point or another.  Has Brandon said whether Shards "cross" worlds?  I'm guessing no, since there hasn't been any crossing of magic systems in the books, but would it be possible that a Shard created 2 different magic systems?
I'd say so, I think of Feruchemy as the direct result of the powers of Preservation and Ruin mixing together, or at least their influences.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Paolini Takedown Challenge
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:31:30 AM »
The problem is that I don't know anyone that reads fantasy.  I have one friend that reads history books, other then that I they don't read at all.  I got my wife to read a book, but it was twilight.  I tried to get her to read Harry Potter to get her started on Fantasy but she never finished the first book.
You're life is depressing.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Eastern Slang
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:26:17 AM »
Wasing the wanting of the mixing less.  Minding of the black kettle burns.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Paolini Takedown Challenge
« on: July 14, 2010, 06:55:23 AM »
I like Eldest better than the other two.  Roran's side story is great.  It's one thing I've never really seen done in any other book.

To ye naysayers, I say...Is there any harm in trying?
Maybe, instead of simply pushing Brandon's work in general, your challenge should be to get people you know you've read Eragon to read Brandon!

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