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Messages - mtlhddoc2

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Is that Isaac from Love Boat? :)

Books / Re: Authors undeserving of their fame.....possibly
« on: October 02, 2009, 10:11:59 PM »
Peter: I am surprised there is a list like that!

I am not surprised that alot of them are athiests/agnostics, since, like you said, most religions think it is blasphemy when an author gets into magic and the like, and also, it makes sense that there would be more Mormons if they are more accepting of those types of books.

I was not using statistics for my find, more like: 5th author in a row thatI have read that was Mormon. I just thought that was odd. Especially sinces Mormons are a small percentage of the population, that we would find such a large percentage in the SF/fantasy writing field. Especially with more recent authors, not so much with older works.

Books / Re: Children's Books Recommendations
« on: October 02, 2009, 05:22:46 AM »
Thomas the Tank engine books are all great, as are the Dora and Diego books. Always good grammar and proper English (and Spanish! lol) and always always moralistic and educational, yet fun.

Books / Re: Authors undeserving of their fame.....possibly
« on: October 02, 2009, 05:20:44 AM »
I picked Rowling from the list. Frankly, I started reading the first Potter novel and couldnt get through teh first chapter. Thats bad.

I dont think Card is bad, or over-rated. Matter of fact, I just started the Ender series for the first time about 2 weeks ago and just finished book 6. the "science" in it is rather shaky, but teh historical and militaristic bits are spot on.

A question though: why is it that nearly every sci-fi or fantasy author that "makes it" is either Mormon or British? Are the publishing houses owned primarily by mormons or Brits?

Movies and TV / Re: Coolest movie scenes of all time
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:54:00 AM »
3:10 to Yuma: the end scene where Russel Crow kills his posse. Absolutely awesome and shocking.... But like Private Ryan, you can add almost the entire movie to this "greatest scene" thread.

Hasbro optioned almost all of their Board Game properties into movies. It is a good idea for them, and as long as the budget is workable, who cares? not every movie has to be a major blockbuster costing a billion dollars.
After all, some of the best movies ever were done on shoestring budgets with re-hashed ideas. District 19 is about the most recent (Alien Nation-escue), and going back some: 28 Days Later, Land of the Dead, Halloween to name a few (granted, they were all sci-fi or horror).

Everything Else / Re: A Love Letter . . .
« on: September 15, 2009, 12:51:36 PM »
that "note" is an excerpt of of a script from "That 70's show"

Everything Else / Re: Is there a market for an all Sci-Fi bookstore?
« on: September 15, 2009, 12:49:41 PM »
from my own store ownership experience (not books) I can positively say that it is very difficult for new, niche market businesses to start up, and especially, to survive. a Brick and Mortar store is no longer a good situation for niche materials, regardless of the medium. Online and ebay are clearly the way to go unless you are dealing with items so expensive, you can pay all your overhead from just one sale.

Everything Else / Re: With reverence we remember. . .
« on: September 12, 2009, 10:25:56 PM »
you now know another operson who lost someone in the attacks and nearly lost his wife as well. My wife had ticket in hand for the first plane, she decided not to go. I freaked out for 10 minutes until I got in touch with her. and then when she found out, she crumbled. My uncle watched the planes smash into the buildings from the Staten Island ferry. He was late, he should have been on an earlier ferry and been in his office on the 80-somethingth floor in tower 2 when the planes hit.

We should recognize and remember this terrible day each year as a reminder to be vigilant against forces which would destroy us and remember the bravery of the 300+ firefighters who ran into these gigantic buildings knowing full well they could collapse at any moment. To remember this day is to thank them for their bravery and sacrifice in the face of sheer hopelessness. Without them, hundreds more would have perished. To remember this day is to remind ourselves of the inherent evil and danger that is coupled with fanaticism (of any kind) and that we should be wary of those types of people and nations. To not remember this day, as well as Pearl Harbor, is to dishonor the sacrifices of our servicemen, our firefighters and police officers, and of the civilians who were slaughtered going about their daily lives, and the brave ones in the skies of Pennsylvania who willing sacrificed themselves to save others by trying to retake the plane. There were reports of people of that plane who called home and told their husbands, wives and children that they loved them, and said goodbye. You just cannot get any braver than that.

To "forget" this day (or to change it's meaning) is the greatest disrespect you could give them.

Rants and Stuff / Re: OH #@!! NO! NO! Not Disney!!!!!!
« on: September 12, 2009, 10:05:48 PM »
Marvel licensed the Transformers from Hasbro to create the comics. Each and every issue had to be approved by Hasbro before it could be printed. Marvel also produced the half hour cartoon for Hasbro. But all of the distribution of the cartoon was handled by Hasbro. Same, again, with the GI Joe comics and cartoons. Hasbro created them both and then licenced them out for other media.

this thread gave me a two-part idea on how to improve the US legal system:

1. Draft all the lawyers
2. Send them to Afganistan


Just teasing, my father is a lawyer and I spent 5 years as his paralegal.

Rants and Stuff / Re: OH #@!! NO! NO! Not Disney!!!!!!
« on: September 01, 2009, 08:38:58 PM »
I think the biggest changes you'll see is that your kids will soon be able to hug Wolverine and the Hulk at Disneyland, and Spiderman, X-Men, and Hulk will now be played on the Disney channel.

If anything, we might actually get some cooler cartoons in the theaters now. I'd rather see Transformers made by Disney/Pixar then the horrible crap they put out earlier this year . . .

First: You can already watch Spiderman, The Hulk and Iron Man on DisneyXD.

Second: Marvel does not own Transformers, never owned Transformer and did not make the Transformers movie. The Transformers is a wholly owned Hasbro property which current is in movie licensing with Paramount Picture.  Paramount ALSO has a deal with Marvel. But the two properties do not collide.

I don't want to see disney even THINK about touching Transformers.  It might have sucked, but it's better then it would have been as a disney show.

I think that disney at first will let Marvel do their thing, but after a few years they won't be able to resist sticking their fingers in the honey pot and will screw everything up.

But then again, who knows.  Buena Vista is a disney sub, and they put out R movies that you would never associate with Disney.  Touchstone used to be disney too, and look at some of their movies.

Disney will not be touching Transformers (or GI Joe) unless they buy Hasbro, which would never happen, since Hasbro, although a public corporation, is still majority owned by the Hassenfeld family.

Buena Vista is Disney's DVD distribution arm. Touchstone is a wholly owned subsidiary of Disney which produces and distributes movies independently. Buena Vista also distributes DVDs for Touchstone.

Everything Else / Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« on: August 25, 2009, 04:59:28 PM »
the real kicker on this whole thing is that when this suit was filed, the blog had been inactive for over 6 months.

Defamation has to actually harm a person, which is why unknown people dont sue each other for it. You have to actually have a modicum of fame before you can be defamed.

there have been LOTS of defamtio suits over blogs,. See the wiki:

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 14, 2009, 06:33:32 PM »
I should probably note that at the time, I had gas heat and gas stove and was really only running the fridge and the TV in the evening, and it was in the fall. I probably only used about 50-60 gallons of gas at around $2 per gallon, and yes, i had packed the freezer tight and turned it off when I was not using it.

My electric bill was only $80 during bare minimu use, I was typically in the $150-$175 range.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: July 14, 2009, 01:52:23 PM »
no, it is too noisy, but I have before when we lost power for a while.

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