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Messages - Skar

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Man, Koloss are fun to paint!

I feel like I'm learning a ton about using color, photoshop, and the tablet...
Another Koloss for your consideration...

InkThinker, you've got to stop posting such cool art.  I've got other stuff I should be doing and you keep driving me, feverish with inspiration, back to the drawing board.

Proportions: I deliberately made him chunkier and with longer thicker arms than a human would have.  Are you saying he doesn't look human or that his proportions aren't internally consistent?

Texturing: Yeah.  Any suggestions?  Not even sure how to start working on that one...

I was so inspired by InkThinker's pieces that I wanted to add something to this thread myself.  I've been drawing in pencil for years but I've never made the jump to color before.  I recently lucked into a rather large Wacom Tablet and I ended up wanting to try that out too.  So here's a Koloss painted in Photoshop with my new tablet. Please feel free to critique as much as you like.  I don't draw or paint for a living but I've been taking feedback on creative works for years. 

would Alcatraz be interesting to a more mature audience?
I think so.  I'm reading it out loud to my kids for the second time and I'm enjoying it as much as they are.

Books / Re: Ska[a]r
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:26:07 PM »
Wow.  I'm nearly speechless.

That's just cool.

Am I going to have to start buying a comic book series again? Perhaps so...

Thanks SE.

Movies and TV / Re: review: WANTED
« on: June 28, 2008, 11:54:51 PM »
I totally missed Freeman mugging the camera. (I may have been scrabbling for the last of the popcorn at that very moment, I don't know.)

It was Freeman's last shot in the movie.

Oh, yeah.  I see what you're talking about.  I gave that one a pass though because by that point in the film they were into what I can only call a stylized epilogue where pretty  much everyone was talking to the camera.  You're right though, it's all about what you bring into the theatre.

Movies and TV / Re: review: WANTED
« on: June 28, 2008, 11:53:10 PM »
Stars or clocks?
Clocks, of course.

Movies and TV / Re: review: WANTED
« on: June 27, 2008, 09:56:08 PM »
First I've got to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the review as well.

However, I enjoyed the film a ton more than Patrick.  Everything he said about unbelievability and so forth is dead on, it just didn't bother me near as much as it did him.  As for the acting, well, I didn't think it sucked THAT bad and I totally missed Freeman mugging the camera. (I may have been scrabbling for the last of the popcorn at that very moment, I don't know.)

Personally, I'd have given it a 3, maybe a 3.5.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Lightsong (Blog Post Reference)
« on: June 13, 2008, 10:36:46 PM »
I hated lightsong.  That little speech he made to the townspeople while standing on the master buffalo?  Horrible.  And the whole, 'I am so conflicted over my abusive father whose love I am stilly trying to earn' thing?  How cliche.

Video Games / Re: Age of Conan: Hyborean Adventures
« on: June 13, 2008, 04:47:07 PM »
Ok, played a few more quests last night with my, now level 22, character, still no nudity found in the world.  I am in Cimmeria, the cold northern mountains, so perhaps I'm in the wrong place. I'm bringing up a currently level 6 Stygian character and perhaps when he hits 20 and travels to the warmer climes we'll see something.

I did experiment some though.  The settings do include an "Enable Mature Content" toggle.  It was defaulted to "On" though, so I've been playing with it on to date, with the experience I've described.  No nudity so far.  Tomorrow I'm going to turn it off and see what difference it makes.

Also, I created a female character, an Aquilonian Ranger.  Yes, if you take her top off, she's nekkid, with anatomically correct features.  It's hard to wrap my head around the glee this feature of the game has engendered but we all remember TombRaider so I guess it was predictable. Removing her pants revealed, essentially, a barbie bottom.  I put her bikini back on her and beat a few people to death with a broken galley oar before logging off for the night.

Video Games / Re: Age of Conan: Hyborean Adventures
« on: June 12, 2008, 09:18:18 PM »
No criticism inferred.  It may very well be over the top for some.  Hasn't been for me so far.  But I am honestly perplexed by the volume and fervor with which the 'in game nudity' is extolled out there on teh tubes.  I really haven't seen it in the game.

Video Games / Re: Age of Conan: Hyborean Adventures
« on: June 12, 2008, 06:24:35 PM »
Meh, perhaps I shall be inundated with nudity now that I'm out in the wider world of the game. I don't deny the possibility. We shall see.

Video Games / Re: Age of Conan: Hyborean Adventures
« on: June 12, 2008, 05:57:31 PM »
There is nudity Skar, it's one of the top selling points of the game and all the game blogs talk about.  The box also lists nudity as part of the reason for the M rating.  I was going to try it but the nudity issue turned me off and I've outgrown liking excessive gore  so that's really not a reason to play."
Like I said, I haven't seen any nudity and I've been playing it for a couple of weeks now. This says nothing about whether you could find it if you wanted to, it's never occurred to me to try. If it's a toggle, the default setting is apparently 'clothed', which is fine with me.  I suspect that the size of the brouhaha over what nudity there is (which I haven't seen yet) may simply be the same thing that always happens when gamers and girls intersect.

There was talk of a nudity toggle, it was turned on for the beta but the developers were saying it might not make it into retail, so maybe that's turned on for you.  Also until level 20 you actually don't get into the online part of the game and so you won't be seeing people running around topless which is where you'll see the majority of naked women.
Don't get into the online part of the game until level 20?  Spriggan, that's ridiculous.  There have been other live players all around me since level 1. Perhaps you're thinking of the single player content which tops out at around 20.  That exists side-by-side with the online world in the same space.  It's like two different dimensions.  The single player content takes place 'at night' in the city of tortage, while the MMO content takes place 'during the day' in the city of tortage. You actually start in the day MMO world, but Players can move from one to the other at will.  I'm not saying those players can't run around topless, I just haven't seen anyone doing that.  Perhaps it has something to do with the armor considerations.

I have the soundtrack tough and absolutly love that, one of the best soundtracks I've heard in a long time.
It is quite a good soundtrack.

Tonight I shall go searching for a nudity toggle.  If there are really naked women in this game, and it sounds like there are, I'll see how long it takes me to find them and report.

Video Games / Re: Age of Conan: Hyborean Adventures
« on: June 11, 2008, 04:24:03 PM »
Haven't seen any nudity.  Lots of scantily clad women, no nudity. (There's more skin at any given public swimming pool.) But certainly lots of blood.  Is the recommender you mention in high-school perchance?

What I'm enjoying the most is the combat system.  It's not what I imagined from the pre-game talk but neither is it the diabloesque, clicking on goobers, clicking on goobers, clicking on goobers, ... that is WoW.  And the blood and finishing moves are integrated well with the combat system.  In WoW, there are such things as critical hits, the results of which are, truly exciting, higher damage numbers floating up from your enemy's head.  In AoC, a critical hit, and it's higher damage numbers, are accompanied by your character cutting the guys head off, or ramming your sword through his chest and using your foot to get him off your blade.

Also, the skill point system, which is there in addition to a feat tree (much like the talent tree in WoW).  I'll admit I don't have a handle on the skill point system yet, not having played enough to see how the different skills work very far down the road, but it adds a lot of complexity and intriguing possibilities for different builds.

Then you have the quests.  They simply capture my imagination more powerfully than the quests in WoW did, or in any game for that matter.  The slave who begs you to find out what happened to the friend he was traveling with when he was captured simply holds more emotional weight for me than the farmer pining for his lost watch.  This is obviously personal taste, but it certainly works for me.

Am I really the only one on this forum playing this game?

Video Games / Re: Age of Conan: Hyborean Adventures
« on: June 10, 2008, 11:32:07 PM »
<spell="thread resurrection">

Hey.  Anybody else out there playing this?  I am.  I LOVE IT!  But I'm a total fanboy, having grown up with Conan as a role-model and Howard as a favorite author, so my opinion is suspect.

Anybody else like it?

Anybody else on the bardisattva server?

Wanna form a guild, or know of a good one to join?

</ spell>

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