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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Y.A.S.P... (Also known as Scribbler)
« on: June 07, 2007, 12:02:06 AM »
yeah from the first chapter ive really hoped he finds a way to do it because it would really be a waste of his talent and a major let down, at least for me, if he couldnt bring his drawings to life. But i think he'll almost definitely become a rithmatist because brandon really set it up so it seems like he deserves it--the only thing is that it might happen just at the very end of the book. That would be fine but it would be a bit too much like Elantris, and almost the same thing happened with the God King in Warbreaker too.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Y.A.S.P... (Also known as Scribbler)
« on: June 05, 2007, 04:54:24 AM »
one other thing i noticed was that sometimes it sounds like its really simple and you either are a rithmatist or you're not, but other times they talk about its "eight years too late for that" and it sounds like he had a chance to become a rithmatist but he missed it

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Y.A.S.P... (Also known as Scribbler)
« on: May 25, 2007, 11:26:59 PM »
is there a civil war going on? i only got to read the first two chapters, cuz thats all he put on his site, so i have no idea.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Y.A.S.P... (Also known as Scribbler)
« on: May 25, 2007, 02:24:24 AM »
if its going to be like sort of modern like you said, i would say to put something more than just the way they talk. Just like having somebody use a sink could help--although depending on how modern you want it to be, that particular way of doing it might be less helpful and more just confusing. I dont know if you did in anything like that in the later chapters , but other than their speech everything seemed pretty medieval to me. It might just be because that's when most of the books that i've read and had magic in them were set, though.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Y.A.S.P... (Also known as Scribbler)
« on: May 24, 2007, 03:31:18 AM »
he put another chapter out too at the warbreaker page. Its pretty cool but the way the people talk sounds a bit too much like today sometimes. He should put something like how the warbreaker people always swear saying colors so that it sounds more different. Hope he keeps putting some more chapters up though or the book comes out so i can buy it

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Y.A.S.P... (Also known as Scribbler)
« on: May 08, 2007, 02:24:21 AM »
hey i just read the first chapter in the free chapters for warbreaker and i thot it was the most interesting beginning compared to warbreaker, elantris, and mistborn. is there a way i can read some more of it?

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