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Messages - nerolabs

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So... I just finished Hero of Ages, and I have to say... this tops the tops of my all time favorite fantasy lists.  I love Jordan, Goodkind, Martin, and Scott Card but at this point Sanderson moves to the top of the list.  I KNOW I will buy ever single book he ever writes, if just to honor how much I loved the Mistborn series, and the honor he has for finishing the WOT.

The one thing that I found more spectacular and eerie was the HUMAN embodiments for Ruin and Preservation... how after they died they fell from the sky in HUMAN form.  Even Sazed speculates on how the division of the two powers had happend in the past (reminding me a bit of the Dark Crystal, and the eventual joining of the powers of the evil/good embodiments that happened when the Dark Crystal shattered).

No other mystery in the book - not the missing two metals, not contents of Sazed's "bible" he leaves to Spook) - nothing - is as mysterious to me and interesting that the HUMAN bodies that died when the opposing gods died.

I haven't heard much from Brandon (I read every post of his in this thread) other that RAFO, but if he was so inclined to give any sort of public hint on this I would be very appreciative.  Not the full answers, but some response to these theories... :)

All that I can think is that Ruin and Preservation (the physical embodiments that we saw when they died) where powerful Hemalurgist / Allomatic / Feruchemists in the past that were terrible rivals and split the powers of the natural universe in competition with each other and were dearly depressed / shocked when they realized they were equals in power and that their battle wasn't over.  What followed was a eons length battle (Way, way, way before Rashek's time, hundreds of thousand or millions of years) in which these two former humans battled in near stalemate until Preservation (whatever his original human name was) came up with a plan to eventually defeat Ruin.  

This first theory is discredited some because Preservation is told to have desired to create humans, and Ruin agreed in their bargain, but why are they both human when they die?

Given these thoughts, the other possibility is that Ruin and Preservation have been through this battle many times before - where there was no Hero of Ages to take the power of both and combine them as Sazed eventually did - and have embodied themselves in at least one, and perhaps many human hosts as Vin did so briefly.

Initially, Ruin and Preservation WERE natural entities and through their battles, one or more humans took over their conscience minds as they became weak (as Preservation did in these books, and as Ruin presumably had in the past) and took the power for themselves.  Therefore the black haired and red hair guys that died might have been spectacular humans in the past that took over the power of Ruin and Preservation through highs and lows of the battles of these two powers had in the past.

That is until Sazed finally was able to become the Hero of the Ages and fuse both powers back together.

All in all... I am sure I will be told to RAFO... but I would like to see if Brandon would be willing to describe at least a little of why these two forces (Ruin and Preservation) who were told to have created humans.. also have human form themselves.


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