Timewaster's Guide Archive

General => Rants and Stuff => Topic started by: GorgonlaVacaTremendo on January 29, 2004, 09:31:49 PM

Title: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: GorgonlaVacaTremendo on January 29, 2004, 09:31:49 PM
     A) You must check out the above website.  Period.
     B) If you enjoy my "rant" please E-mail me at... [email protected]  Also E-mail me if you don't enjoy it.  I have no qualms towards this, or any other act of indisgretion (other than virusing, if you do you will pay.  Put "Bush Rant" as your subject so I do not delete your E-Mail.  Enjoy.
      I hate Bush.  Neigh, I, personally, despise Bush Jr.  The world hates Bush.  There is no reason to like Bush.  Seriously.  Think about it.  What could make you like Bush?  Everyone HATES Bush for many a reason, being ranged from his " Leave no billionaire behind" type attitude to his war in Iraq, especially to the fact that he took the largest surplus in american history and made it the largest deficit in american history.  He has achieved nothing positive for the common american in his presidency.  He has a disgraceful attitude towards AMerica and the american way of life.  Nothing is safe, not your money, not your morals, not you allies in the United Nations.  Not even your civil liberties given to us by our forefathers!  When will america had better learn fast, Bush needs to go.

     What do I despise most about Bush?  I have no hate which is greater than another.  His disregard for my family, my community and my country is disgraceful and offensive.  He cares so little he took more vacations than any other president in american history.  He cares so little about the common man he is not only willing to pass an act that takes away our liberties, rights such as trial, knowlage of your prosecution, and legal defense, but he has the audacity to name it the patriot act.  The men and women who fight for this country, fought for this country and founded this country, the true patriots of our heritage, the soldiers who gave their lives for service to save future generations, do not deserve to be disparaged by having a law named after them that takes away everything they fought for.

     Bush can't even make up his mind about his own actions.  He pulled money from his own educational program to pay for the war in Iraq in addition to other things that much of this glorious nation dislikes.  He is pulling money out of children's pockets to pay for his deficit and to help the billionaires along.  Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the rich.  Good for them, they got up in this dog-eat-dog world, overcame the social darwinism and got their money.  But if you have enough money to last your lifetime and the lives of your children's children, you don't need to scam Children out of their future money.  In addition, if you are a president for billionaires, don't pull the future hard-earned paychecks out of the defenseless.  Just because we can't vote does not mean we can be pushed over.  The country knows of your mental corruption Bush, and the little people are who matter here.  

     I need to go do homework...I will add on to my lecture by the second of feburary this glorious election year for anyone who is interested.  

Weapons of mass destruction my butt
UN and our two remaining friends
Unkept Promises
and more...
Gorgon the Wonder Cow
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Mr_Pleasington on January 30, 2004, 02:02:38 AM
I'm neutral on Bush.  I think he's doing adequate.

That said, he's certainly better than any of the Democratic candidates.   Way, way better.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on January 30, 2004, 07:54:38 AM
I still haven't decided he's better.

I too, hate Bush.

However, I didn't like this rant. Possibly because that's all it was,... ranting. It seemed more hate mail than it was reasoned rejection.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Entsuropi on January 30, 2004, 08:05:50 AM
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Spriggan on January 30, 2004, 08:19:30 AM
Eh I've seen this rant on other sites, not sure if it's word for word the same, but it's basicaly the same with the e-mail address and link to that same site.  I'm pretty sure this is just a post for someone to get trafic to thier site, and we'll never see the poster again.

here's something I dont realy understand, which is why do people loath Bush so much?  I mean I didn't care for Clinton and Gore but I don't hate them.  I can understand why someone whould hate his policies, but you listen to some many people and it seams like Bush is the spawn of Satin with no possible redeaming values at all.  The only thing I can understand is that, love them or hate them, he takes strong stances on positions and isn't like Clinton who would change his stance when ever the polls showed it wasn't that popular.  I don't think the war is the casue of most of it since people hated Bush as much 2 years ago as they do now.

Its not going to kill me if Bush dosen't win a second election nor is am I going to scream with jeubilation if he does.  I like some things he does (like the war on terror, and pissing off the Europeans which is allwayse a plus) and others not as much.  As for the democrats, I like Joe Leiberman (except for his views on censorship) and Kerry.  I should like Clark since he's a republican, but he's a fraud just like Dean.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Entsuropi on January 30, 2004, 08:25:11 AM
One thing i have noticed is that people online seem to think that if you mention you agree with bush that means you are automatically open for attack. It's strange, like anyone who likes his policies should be violently suppressed.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Spriggan on January 30, 2004, 08:28:27 AM
ya and these are the same people that scream for free speach on the net, equality and tollerence for all ideas, as long as you agree with them that is.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on January 30, 2004, 08:56:15 AM
Bush is pretty cool. I think he's doing good. I don't think he should serve a second term though.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on January 30, 2004, 09:29:31 AM
I'll just clarify (or, as my catchphrase says, "Just to be clear") when I say "I hate Bush" I mean "I hate what he's doing in office. I don't know him personally. For all I know, he could be great for a game of Risk or soemthing. Heck, it'd probably be fun to play Warhammer with him because he'd spend the whole time looking for that one all powerful miniature you've got hidden and have other people making all his moves.

Just like when I say I hate N*Suck. Sure, I loathe their taste in music if they really like the stuff they sing (which is even somthing I don't know), but really all I hate is the stuff they sing. I don't know any of them personally. If I had a chance to get super rich off singing something, even if I didn't like it, I'd probably do it. I've already admitted to myself that I'd whore myself out to write Star Wars novels if the compensation were sufficient. The exception is Lars Ulrich. Him, I hate personally. Which is weird because I like Metallica.

Anyway, "hate Bush" in the reasonable person's usage, means "hate his presidency." Not him personally.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on January 30, 2004, 11:15:16 AM
I'm with you on that, Eric.

I'm personally hoping Kerry continues to do well in the primaries.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Brenna on January 30, 2004, 11:20:54 AM
My biggest problem with most of the candidates right now is that their platforms are mostly "We hate Bush, elect me instead" rather than "Here's what I think, here's what I want to do as president."

Yes, I know you hate Bush.  It seems like most everyone does.  Now, what do *you* plan on doing if you win the presidency, Mr. Candidate?
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: House of Mustard on January 30, 2004, 02:19:05 PM
It's nice to see a political thread that doesn't turn into a flame war, offending the easily offended, and finally getting locked.

Frankly, I'm bothered by people who don't understand politics, but who have such strong positions on it.

For example, the Patriot Act.  The Wonder Cow blames it on Bush, neglecting the fact that it was voted for by dozens and dozens of democrats as well.  To become an act, something has to get through both the house and the senate before Bush ever gives it the stamp of approval. (I don't want to discuss the Patriot Act, by the way, so I won't.  I'm just saying, don't blame something on one man--or one administration for that matter--if they are not wholly responsible.)

As far as The Wonder Cow's other claims, I think their exxagerated for the sake of being exxagerated.  He says that nothing was done to help the common Americans:  I personally was on the recieving end of at least two significant tax cuts.  It wasn't a ton of money, granted, but it was money (more money than I would have gotten under the previous administration)(and no--I'm not extremely wealthy--'poor' would be a much more accurate term).

Anyway, it bothers me.  Don't complain about politics unless you know something about politics (and I mean actually KNOW something -- not glean something from political web pages and pamphlets--or, heaven forbid, talk radio).

Finally, I offer a great big 'here here' for Brenna.  Watching the State of the Union told it all.  Bush got up and blathered on and on with his standard mildly inspirational rhetoric, and then, when the Democrats had their chance to counter, they simply said that everything he proposed wouldn't work--they never disclosed THEIR plans and said why they were better.  
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Spriggan on January 30, 2004, 04:31:41 PM
Amen Brenna.

Thats why I think Dean fell at then end, he was allwayse I hate bush, too much of a one trick poney.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on January 30, 2004, 04:40:08 PM
I think Dean started to fall because he was throwing the election on purpose. Too much stupid stuff all together to be other wise.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: GorgonlaVacaTremendo on January 30, 2004, 05:04:24 PM
     I return to my post to find it heap of flaming discussion, which is nice.  alright, to respond to each of you personally, would take forever, so I will talk to you as a whole.  You will know if I am directing my statement at you or not, or you should be a ble to figure it out.  First off, I now have, nor ever will, any economical, social, physical, or publishing connecting with Bushin30seconds.com.  I just think the website is brilliant and everyone, Bush supporter or not, should see.  Also, if you go back to whatever website you saw a rant like this on, I assure you it will not have been me nor anyone connected to me, in my knowlage.  This is the first time I have posted anything anti-Bush on the internet.
     I respect everyone's right to post and their right to an opinion, just like I have, so anyone who thinks I posted this jsut to have my way, well you are incorrect.
     Thirdly, I completely agree with the fact that I do not, and probably never will, know Bush personally.  I do not mean I hate Bush as a person by my post.  I mean I passionately dislike the man's political policies.  
      Now to resolve the something I find to be somewhat of an issue.  I do understand how the american system of government works.  I alsoo understand that it wasn't just Bush that goofed with the patriot act.  However, Bush didn't have the sense of mind to vetoe the bill and, to the best of my knowlage, supported it all the way through (correct me if I am wrong...).  In addition, the tax breaks which you speak of did not come without a cost.  Not only did they help lead to the huge deficit we see before us, and ahead of us, but they are part of the reason the younger generations, like mine, will be paying later.  So while it may have helped you now, it hurts in the long run, and I don't count that as a positive policy, personally.  
   I do not mean to say that the other candidates wouldn't have screwed up, or that his new competition wont.  But the fact is they weren't elected so they aren't the issue anymore, Bush is.  Think about, what gives you the right to complain about how Gore or whoever else would have done to try and offset what Bush did do?  In reality nobody knows what other candidates would have done, or will do in that matter.  What seems to matter now is the hole Bush has dug, not the hole Gore, or whoever else, would have.  You and/or your countrymen ellected Bush, so don't try to slide away with a,"so-in-so would've done worse..." because you don't know that.
    In a closing statement, I don't know what I would do as president, senior sarcastic, that's why I didn't tun.  Well that and the age requirement.
Thanks for the replies, keep 'em comin',
Gorgon the Wonder Cow
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: House of Mustard on January 30, 2004, 06:32:36 PM
Gorgon, you make me tired.

Once again, if you don't like the current policies, suggest a few of your own.  Intelligent debate is far more interesting than mindless trolling.

But, just to set the record straight, the Patriot act was voted for 99-1 in the senate, with only Feingold dissenting.  At the time, it was a democrat controlled Senate which means (are you ready for the kicker) more Democrats voted for it than Republicans!  (The vote was 367 to 66 in the House, by the way).  Yes, it was supported by Bush, but I don't see how you can blame the act on one man, or one administration (or even one party, for that matter).

And tell me what Bush's tax cuts hurt?  A specific answer is preferred rather than just 'it added to the deficit.'  I'm not disputing that, as you say, "younger generations will be paying later," but every elected official promises tax cuts--what about these cuts specifically is worse than any other tax cut?  Or are you proposing that there should be NO cuts?
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on January 30, 2004, 06:38:01 PM
this is HARDLY a "heap of flaming discussion" except as you are trying to make it.

Your arguments are not grounded in fact, but instead opinion and their probability of angering people. I'm sorry that HoM is taking the bait.

Not an angry reaction. Just an observation.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: House of Mustard on January 30, 2004, 06:56:30 PM
It's true that I'm taking the bait, and for that I apologize.  I'm easily rankled.

But my point, though I made it in an argumentative way, is that same as yours SE: that a real discussion would be infinitely more enjoyable than mud-slinging for the sake of it.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on January 30, 2004, 07:00:03 PM
Mustard: you're right, but he's just a kid.  I don't really expect governmental policies from him.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Onion of Death on January 30, 2004, 07:03:57 PM
I dislike Bush for the fact that he doesn't seem to be very intelligent. I believe to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world, you should be at laeast reasonably smart. That's the reason I would have voted for Gore (if I could vote that is). He seemed to be a very smart man, and debated much better than Bush.

Now, I know 15 year olds aren't known for being the most brilliant political minds, but I'm going to create a serious debate thread in a minute.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: House of Mustard on January 30, 2004, 07:05:12 PM
I agree, fuzzy.  As my old sparring partner Spriggan could tell you, I'm quick to jump at an argument.

Consider this my last post to this thread, unless a rational (not illrational, as Gorgon would say) debate begins.
Title: Whats the road looking like?
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on January 30, 2004, 07:08:25 PM
Ok, since I'd like to vote this year I'd like to know who's running and what I can look for. Since I'm not much for watching debates that the canidates are doing, for some reason I can't really do that (what with the falling asleep and/or doing something else). So, who's got what to say about who?
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on January 30, 2004, 07:18:11 PM
Well since Bush is really guaranteed as the Republican candidate, your choices are between him and whomever gets chosen for Democratic candidate, and any independants who get on the ballot.

The 4 main democratic candidates are:

John Edwards   http://www.johnedwards2004.com/
John Kerry         http://www.johnkerry.com/
Howard Dean    http://www.deanforamerica.com
Joseph Lieberman  http://www.joe2004.com/site/PageServer

Oh - Kerry's won both the Iowa and NH primaries so far, but apparently Dean still looks like a good bet to some people.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: GorgonlaVacaTremendo on January 30, 2004, 07:19:13 PM
     Thanks for your imput, i guess.  Oh and as for the parties and what not, I currently hold no party in favor, so whether democrats, republicans, or blue-toothed faeries voted for the patriot bill I could really care less.   What I do see going on is Bush signing the bill, and I'm not trying to say he is any more responsible than anyone else, but he is the president, and as the Onion of Death aptly explained, I do not find him to seem inteligent.  I, as you all seemed to thoroughly agree, have no facts other than what I have already spewed.  And as for any and all comments about," Why don't you give some ideas..." I would if I was running for president, but I'm not so I don't see how that is required...Sorry for ranting I'll keep it in mind in my next posts...
Significantly sorry,
Gorgon the Wonder Cow
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Entsuropi on January 30, 2004, 07:19:19 PM
Gorgon, you DARE to call our comments "flaming discussion"? Y'know, i have to congratulate you. Normally it takes 5 - 10 posts before someone really starts pissing me off. You managed it from the get-go.

Onion, uh. So yeah, we all know that planning election campaigns, getting degrees, being fighter pilots and winning wars are all activities undertaking with ease by the stupid. Oh yeah, real easy things to do those.

Basically, lets be blunt here. I enjoy debating with SE and HoM - they beat me, but they do it with style and mental skillz. You just chew out leftie retoric like the good little brainwashed tards you are.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Onion of Death on January 30, 2004, 07:27:41 PM
I'm not saying that Bush is stupid. He is smart enoguh to surround himself with a couple of really intelligent people. Colin Powell is a great person for him to have around. If I were the next President, he would be the one guy I would keep.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: GorgonlaVacaTremendo on January 30, 2004, 07:38:50 PM
    Oh, by the way, if you weren;t looking for a rant, why did you come to this post entitled "Anti-Bush RANT"?  I wonder.  
  Anyway, I do not know Bush personally but the way he has run the government does not strike me as a intelligent.  You all may disagree, or like what he has done in office, and you have a right to do so.  But getting into a war without the United Nations approval, killing all our friendships in the United Nations except two and losing money in the process is not an intelligent move in my books, just as an example.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on January 30, 2004, 08:26:28 PM
well, what was REALLY wrong is that for nettiquette's sake, you usually read or observe a community before jumping in. It gives you a feel for it. In that case, you would have seen that Bush and esp. issues stemming from Iraq cause VERY strong feelings in this community, and you might have broached the subject with more tact.

And then you DID ask for responses to it.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: GorgonlaVacaTremendo on January 30, 2004, 08:39:34 PM
   You are right.  I did ask for responses.  And now I'm, ungracefully, eating my words.  I do appreciate your responses, not your attacks.  Anyway, just because you responded does not mean I can't defend my position.  Anyway, as for entering a community slowly and steadily, I normally go for the stealthy approach (ask Onion over there) but the way I see it, this is the time wasters guide and I needed to waste some time.  I think I got a feel for it now, though, so I think my next posts will fit in better.

Gorgon the Wonder Cow
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Brenna on January 31, 2004, 12:40:17 AM
In a closing statement, I don't know what I would do as president, senior sarcastic, that's why I didn't tun.  Well that and the age requirement.

Umm...I was talking about the *real* candidates, not you, just so you know.  I wasn't being sarcastic.  You're entitled to your opinion, just like everyone else.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: stacer on January 31, 2004, 01:08:19 AM
By the way, Brenna, I like your current title, given that we hear from you so sporadically.  ;)

Fuzzy, thanks for those links. I've been meaning to look further into the candidates and haven't taken the time yet. I also need to get around to registering to vote out here. I've always been a faithful voter, but for some reason I can't bear to change my voting status to that of a Massachussetts resident.  :P And since no one I know still lives in my old apartment in Chicago, no chance of an absentee. Blah.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Brenna on January 31, 2004, 01:34:55 AM
I feel like a hermit!  It's probably due to the fact that I just started a third job as well as the problem of needing to write the last three chapters of my Masters thesis this week...plus I'm a slacker.  Which, come to think of it, is more likely the reason I post so infrequently. :)
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on January 31, 2004, 09:10:38 AM
incidentally, Brenna, what is your Master's about?
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Brenna on January 31, 2004, 03:34:49 PM
Well, the title of my thesis is "Shaping Family Identity: Personal Narratives as Vernacular Family Traditon" (It's an English Masters thesis, obviously...).

Basically, I interviewed my grandfather and my great-uncle about their lives, transcribed and edited the interviews, and now I'm talking about the values and perceptions of "self" found in the stories. I'm also talking about the fact that we learn about our families through stories and these stories shape our family identity.  

It's actually really interesting (to me, at least, which is good since I have to write it).  It helps that my grandfather and great-uncle are both *excellent* story tellers. I just hope I can write the rest of it before it's due (this Friday...).
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on January 31, 2004, 05:18:40 PM
which explains why you've been showing up more often lately. Heh. get to work

*cracks the whip*

and send it around when you're done.
Title: Re: Anti-Bush rant
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on January 31, 2004, 09:03:38 PM
/me pats himself on the back for not getting involved